Chapter 2: You're My Protector Animal?

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Wild's P.O.V.

Me and Jenny got to our school Symyia City Academy. "See you after school sis," I said to Jenny as I walked away. "Okay see you Wild," Jenny said running to her class. I walked into the building and was immediatly interrupted by Chad Bullrock and his band of bullies. Chad's protector animal is a bullfrog and can turn into a nose ring. He pinned me to the wall and said "Morning normie,". "Chad leave me alone I know the routine. I get here,you meet me here,and you beat me up because I don't have a protector animal," I said. Chad looked at me with evil stare and punched me in the gut.

time skip

The bell rang and I was covered in bruises and my nose was bloody. I took out a rag and wiped my face. "See ya normie," Chad said turning his bullfrog into his nose ring. "Whatever," I said walking to my class.

time skip 'cause I have no idea what to write

I exited school relieved that the day was finally over and again got interrupted by bullies. "Look normie you don't have a protector animal so. You. Are. Nothing," Chad said. When he said that a white wolf with blue eyes jumped out of the bushes and knocked Chad down on his back. "What the heck. Don't hurt me," Chad said scared. "What. Wait you're the wolf from my dream last night," I said. The wolf got off of Chad and it walked over to me and cuddled between my legs. "Let's get out of here," Chad said running away. "Who are you?" I asked kneeling to the wolf's level. The wolf's eyes glowed and I heard a voice in my head told me that he's my protector animal. "You're my protector animal?" I asked it "What's your name?". The wolf's eyes glow and the voice said that his name is Soul. "Well hi Soul nice to meet you," I said. "Will you turn into a piece of jewelry please?" I asked Soul. Soul bowed his head and disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared as a dog tag pendant.

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