Chapter 7: Energy

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Leah's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the park minding my own business watching my little brother Leo and my older brother Landon play with their protector animals. Leo's protector animal is a lion cub named Krani. Landon's protector animal is a bald eagle named Liberty. "Hey Leah watch what Krani can do," Leo said. "I'm watching Leo," I said. "Okay Krani like we practiced," Leo said to Krani. Krani jumped into the air and spun around 3 times. "Nice job Krani," I said clapping. "Leo you really know how to train your lion cub," Landon said Liberty on his arm. "I wish Leah had a protector animal to train," Leo said turning Krani into the brooch Krani decided she would be. "It's okay Leo i'm fine," I said. "Okay," Leo said sitting next to me.

time skip

I was walking through the park with Leo,and Landon and I saw 2 boys from my school Wild Marcus and Troy Kraman. 'They're friends now I thought they would never have friends because they don't have protector animals like me' I thought.

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