Prologue: Flashback and Fight

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I remember my old home like I was there yesterday. The cows grazing peacefully, the rooster waking us early to start the day, how my dad would always call me his little Stallion.

My old home also reminded me of how I found out about my abilities, my powers. It was just another normal day at the Silver Stallion Ranch. We were very famous for our fast and majestic horses. I remember dad going out to the river to let Clay, Winter, and Blue get a drink. Moon (My horse) and I were practicing some tricks when I heard my dad yell. Since Moon was tired from the tricks, I saddled up Sunny and dashed through the forest to the river. I halted Sunny and tied her to a tree branch. I ran to the river and saw a massive bull about to charge at dad. (Surprisingly the horses were still there.) Without really thinking I yelled out with my hand outstretched,

"No! Stop!" 

I remember a flaming barrier appeared around my dad and two flowers grew into vines which entangled themselves in with the bull's hooves, tripping the beast. I remember the wall of flames disappeared whenever I called out for my dad. I remember the look in his eyes, that were terrified. Scared. Scared of me.

-end of flashback-

I shook my head, remembering where I was. I needed to focus. I was cornered near a subway (it's always the alley so I changed it up a bit) by 5 boys, who wanted my money. Well they weren't gonna have it. I was on the ground trying to look weak so I could catch them by surprise.  

"Come on loser! All you have ta do is give us the money and we'll leave you alone." One of the boys smirked. I looked at each of the boys separately.  

Go for the biggest one first. 

I thought. I pulled out my knife that I always carried with me and lunged at the boy who I guessed was the leader. I went to punch him but he grabbed my wrist and was going to head-but me but I dodged  it and scraped my knife across the side of his stomach, making sure not to go too deep. He yelled out in pain and cursed at me. 

"Get her!" 

And so the fun begins...

I grinned as two guys went at me. I called up my powers. One of my eyes turned light green and the other turned fiery orange. A balls of fire appeared in my hands and the gang of boys gasped, fear in their eyes. 

"Leave and I will have mercy on your souls..."

The boys ran out and into the streets scared. Like my father. I sighed and returned to my normal self. I picked up my backpack and collected my belongings which were scattered around the place. Once I had everything I walked home, deep in thought. I have been thinking about this for a while and I think it was time to tell my mom. She knew about my powers and that I wanted to use them for good. Well, as crazy as it sounds... I want to join the Avengers. 

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