Just a Little Comfort (Chapter Sixteen)

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Alaya's P.O.V.

I popped popcorn and had found quite a bit of candies that Alya had, putting them in bowls and bringing them upstairs. 

"You should be a waitress." Nino pointed out when I walked upstairs with about ten bowls balanced on my arms. I gave a half-hearted chuckle before setting everything on Alya's dresser. 

"Let's make a fort!" I said, my inner child obviously showing. Everyone agreed, and so we did so.

Once we were mostly completed with our blanket fort, Alya ran down to the basement and grabbed some rope lights and extra blankets for us to huddle in. We set everything up and got under the fort. Nino went in first, followed by Alya, then me, then Adrien, and last but not least, Marinette. The fort stretched from one side of Alya's room to the other, and was totally wicked. (Anyone else remember that one kid from the Incredibles who would always blow bubbles with his gum and be there at the best of times? Lol meh childhood)

I leaned forward and started the movie. Alya had put The Babadook, which I hadn't seen yet. (I dunno any French horror films sorry.) To me, the movie wasn't all too scary, but some people just weren't as brave as me. Alya was perfectly fine; she sat completely unfazed by everything, just like me. Nino was curled up against Alya, scared af. Marinette didn't look too fazed, but she still looked scared, and at one point looked as though she was going to grab Adrien's arm for support. As for Adrien himself... I'm pretty sure he was the most scared out of all of us. He looked as though he could literally shit his pants. He had grabbed onto my arm, and wouldn't let go no matter how hard I tried. He looked like a frightened child, and, anyone would admit it was adorable.

Soon, the movie ended. I glanced over to Marinette, who was glaring at me. I looked at the blond boy who was MUCH taller than me (I'm really short), but who was clutching onto my arm as though his life depended on it. I looked back to Marinette and nervously smiled (Imagine the smile Mulan gives Shang when Mushu puts the tomato thingy on her arrow in "I'll Make a Man out of You" ok? And if you haven't seen that.... Look it up 'cause your life is sad). I then looked back at Adrien, who looked up at me. 

"Scaredy cat." I giggled out, removing him from my arm. He looked kind of sad, so I pushed him toward Marinette to appease both of them, mainly because I just figured that he just wanted to have comfort, and I was one hundred percent sure Marinette could provide the comfort he needed.

Marinette's face turned bright red when the blond male had landed in her lap and I smirked. I watched the two soulmates (at least that's what I thought) as they blushed at each other, Adrien's head placed in Marinette's lap (for better clarification). I snorted, trying to not laugh, but ultimately failing. I giggled and fell back. 

"You two are totally soulmates" I said, giggling. They both blushed and tried denying it, but I just kept laughing. Adrien sat up, blushing like mad. I just kept laughing. Alya soon joined me, followed by Nino, who was instead trying to suppress his laughs, probably trying not to make his friend upset. 

"N-no, we're not..." Adrien said, but I just continued laughing. 

"You were made for each other!" Nino couldn't help himself, and was laughing now, with me and Alya. Adrien glared in his direction, but honestly, Nino didn't seem to care.

Alya, Nino, and I continued laughing for a while before the laughter finally died down, and I thought of an idea, nudging Nino, who was still red from laughing, and gestured toward the red faced and extremely embarrassed Adrien, to which Nino smirked and nodded. I grabbed out my phone, quickly taking a picture of Adrien, expecting it to be a 'bad photo', since Nino had been trying to get one since forever, as he told me (Lol that one comic), but instead of getting the most embarrassing photo of Adrien's life, I got an amazing photo, red face and everything. My eyes widened and I fell into a slight daze, staring at the magnificence of the photo. It was better than anything I could do in my whole career, his beautiful blond hair and emerald green eyes... I snapped out of my trance when Nino yelled in my ear.

"What?!?" He practically screamed, and I looked at him. 

"What?" Adrien asked, and I smiled to myself, only to mentally slap myself. He's Marinette's! You know this! Stupid. I thought. 

"Nothing dude. You're just so..." I trialed off, trying to think of the proper word. Perfect is what I wanted to say, but I obviously didn't, "Photogenic." I finished, giggling. 

"It's-" I stopped myself before finishing that sentence. Perfect! I wanted to finish, but thankfully I had stopped myself. 

"It's... what?" He asked. Oh fuck. I thought, panicking and trying to come up with something to say. 

"Uhm... It's... It's m-much better than anything I could do." I said, mentally slapping myself but also mentally sighing with relief. He blushed again. 

"N-no." He stated, "You're really good at what you do." He said. I giggled nervously, noticing the glares Mari was giving me. Yandere much, Mari?

"I'm not a-as good at photo shoots as you are." I stated, and in my eyes, it was true.

He was... Perfect. But he's Marinette's. They're perfect together... I bet to him, I'm just another fangirl. I zoned back into real life, and he was talking. Oh shit! I wasn't paying attention... What do you do in situations like these?!? Oh, I'm such an idiot. I pretended I knew what he had said, shrugged, and yawned. 

"We should go to bed guys." I suggested, earning multiple agreements. The only person who didn't agree was Alya, who wanted to stay up later. 

"You do you." I said, laying down and stealing the blanket from Adrien, and becoming a professional burrito. 

"Fine." Alya said, laying down on her bed (which was huge btw). 

"So..." I started, earning everyone's attention. 

"How are we gonna sleep tonight?" I asked, looking around. 

"Well... The bed should be big enough for everyone to fit..." Alya pondered aloud, and I shrugged. 

"I'm not moving, that's for sure." I stated, getting more comfortable to prove my point. Alya nodded. 

"Me neither" She said. Nino smirked. 

"Well I'm sleeping here too." I giggled. 

"Then I'll be in the middle, Alya and Nino can sleep on one side of me, and Adrien and Marinette can sleep on the other side of me! Now someone go turn off the lights." I said, and Marinette got up and turned off the lights. Nino laid next to Alya, and Adrien laid next to me (a little too close to comfort). Marinette should be next to me. Then nothing stupid will happen, and knowing me it will. I scooted closer to Alya, and hoped he got the hint. He moved away a bit, and with the lights off, I never noticed the saddened look on his face.

A/N: Yup, this chapter sucked. Yup, this book sucks. Nope, I'm not giving up. See you in the next chapter my lovely Random Potatoes! Bye Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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