You Think I'm Nuts, You Think I'm Mad (Chapter Twenty-One)

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NOTE: More pictures that were deleted in Polyvore's downfall... Sorry :l


When the doors slammed open, everyone stopped to stare, the only noise being made was the sound of the slam echoing through the room. The figure in the doorway had bright red hair with a giant top hat sitting on top. "I'M LOOKING FOR CHLOÉ BOURGEOIS!" The male said, his voice booming through the room.

The first thing to be heard after that was panicked screams as everyone ran away to find shelter. I saw Alya be knocked over by Chloé, but Adrien and Mari were nowhere to be seen. 

Who cares? We have to go be Prowler! Right! We can find them as her. I ran to the bathroom, spotting Ladybug just as I disappeared. As soon as I shut and locked the door, Winni came out of her hiding.

"Mad Hatter? How could that have happened?" I asked her. She shrugged. 

"Well... He's after Chlo-" 


"Sorry, sorry! Winni, frost bite!" I said, and she flew into my necklace. I wore the same outfit as before, cursing myself out that I hadn't asked Winni if I could change it.

I got out through a window (so everyone would think I was hiding in the bathroom) and entered again through the door, rolling and standing in a fight stance. Chat landed next to me on my right, Ladybug on my left.

"Game plan?" Chat asked, looking to us. 

"Well, his akuma's obviously in his hat." Ladybug nodded. 

"But how do we get to it?" I thought. 

"I dunno. Aren't you supposed to have all the ideas?" She gave me a glare. 

"I wasn't asking you. Chat! Anything?" Chat had a very confused look on his face. 

"M'lady, no offence but-" 

"No time! We gotta go." I thought some more. 

"I have an idea!" I exclaimed, but Ladybug decided to ignore me. I groaned. 

"Alright then..."

I ran to grab Chlo. When I reached her, she was hiding behind a desk in her dress while the Mad Hatter ran around turning people into hats trying to find her. I ducked behind the desk, "Ugh! Took someone long enough to save me!" I giggled slightly. 

"Yeah, I suppose it did, didn't it? We wouldn't want the Mayor's daughter getting hurt now do we? Nice dress." I told her, peeking over the desk to watch the Mad Hatter while she rambled on about how much her dress cost. 

"That's interesting. But would you care to assist me?" She considered it before finally agreeing to help me, but only if she gotta wear her Ladybug costume. I groaned, taking her up to her room, waiting for her to change.

Once she finished changing, I helped her back downstairs. 

"Now, cause a distraction!" She looked at me in horror. 

"A what?!?" I sighed. 

"Look, he's after you, so while you distract him I can get his hat and Ladybug can purify the akuma. The sooner you comply the better." She nodded, beaming widely, running out to the center of the room. 

"HEY POTHEAD!" She yelled, causing me to facepalm.

I sighed, running around to the back of him and up the stairs. I heard 'Lucky Charm!!' off in the distance and my eyes widened, looking in the direction of Ladybug, who was holding a paper and pen. I didn't have time to ponder what she'd do with that because I was too focused on trapping the akuma.

I jumped off the balcony, flipping and grabbing his hat, landing... Well... Not so perfectly on my side. But at this point, Chlo had him so busy he didn't notice that his hat was gone. I smiled, running up to Ladybug. She stared at me in awe, along with Chat Noir... And well.... Everyone.

"Ladybug!" I said, snapping her back to real life. She snatched the hat out of my hand and tore it apart, and a little black butterfly emerged from it. The akuma tried flying off, but Ladybug caught it and purified it before it could escape.

 "Bye bye, little butterfly." She said, freeing the white booberfly from her yo-yo. She looked at the pen and paper.

"Why didn't we need this?" Chat grabbed the paper and wrote something on it before handing it back to Ladybug. She sighed, flipping it around so I could see. On the paper, Chat had written 'Sorry for not trusting you :)' I giggled and Ladybug threw it into the air, practically screaming 'MIRACULOUS LADYBUGGGGG' and it cleansed everything and everyone to their previous state.

"Thanks..." Ladybug said reluctantly. I shrugged. 

"Yeah, but it wasn't just me. Chlo helped a LOT" Chlo came over and clapped her hands. 

"Ladybug did you see that?!?" Ladybug nodded. 

"Yup. Yup I did."

A beeping sound came from her earrings. 

"Oops. Gotta go. Bug out!" She yelled, yo-yoing away. I waved bye bye to her as a crowd formed around me. In the front was Alya, who had her camera out and ready. I got bombarded by questions, and didn't know if I could answer any of them. I could barely hear one and that was 'What do we call you?!' It was Alya. Chat stepped. 

"Alright, Alright (it's a hell of a feeling tho! It's a hell of a feeling tho. Okie sorry) Everyone back off and we'll take questions one at a time. We'll start off with... Alya."

I heard a groan from the other end of the room and turned around to investigate. 

"What do we call you?! Uhm.... Miss?" I looked back quickly. 

"Call me Prowler." 

"Next... Uhm... Yas?" I didn't pay attention to the next question. 

"Excuse me." I said, waving the crowd off and finding the source of the noise- the akuma victim.

"Where am I?" He asked, looking at me. I smiled, kneeling down to help him up. 

"You're at Le Grand Paris." He looked so confused. 

"Why am I here? I was fired.." I thought about it for a second before it all made sense. The Mad Hatter. 

"Oh." I said, helping him up, "You got akumatized. Because you got fired, I'd assume." His face lit up. 

"You mean Ladybug and Chat saved me? How cool! But wait... Who are you then?" I nodded, giggling a bit. 

"I'm Prowler. And actually, I saved you. But you'll probably see what happened on TV. I know the girl over there..." I pointed to Alya, "...Recorded the whole thing." He nodded. 

"Her name's Alya. You'll see her a lot." 

"Yeah." I responded, "She's trying to get an interview and stuff right now." He nodded. 

"So I guess I'll get going and leave you to your fans." 

"Okay. Good-bye! Have a great day!" He smiled, walking away.

I returned to the crowd of people who started screaming my name. Chat smiled and started taking questions again. There were all pretty generic and stuff I couldn't answer, like "Who are you really? Like, behind the mask?" Of course I couldn't answer those. I saw Mari appear next Alya and she asked the million dollar question. 

"Can we trust you?" I nodded. 

"Of course you can! I'll be here to assist Ladybug and Chat whenever needed. We'll get the job done quickly." Everyone but Mari seemed pretty satisfied. Why isn't she trusting me?

I stood there answering the questions I could until I knew I had to go. 

"Uhm... Okay guys! I gotta go!" The crowd groaned but moved to have a path for me to get through. 

"Thanks guys. I'd love to stay but I really gotta go." I walked down the path, giving people high fives and fist bumps on my way down. I walked outside, waving to everyone as I walked around the hotel, smiling brightly until my eye caught a little girl who had dropped absolutely everything. She had a backpack on and an ice cream, but her ice cream dropped and her backpack was spilt. I looked from the window to where I was supposed to go to the little girl, who was now sobbing while her mom told her she didn't have enough money to buy another one. This really got me. I know I have some money somewhere in my purse... But that's... In the bathroom! I jumped through the window, grabbing a whole wad of money out of my purse (Hey when you have a rich mom you tend to have a shitload of money) and jumped back out the window (still as Prowler) I walked across the street, smiling. 

"Hello!" I said, "What's going on?" I asked, and the mother turned to me. 

"Today's been a bad day..." She replied, trying to collect all the pencils and papers that fell out of her daughter's bag. I helped her collect everything, putting it in the girls' bag and zipping it up. 

"There you go." I said, wiping tears off her cheek, "Now.. About that ice cream..." Her mother sighed. 

"I don't have nearly enough money to buy more. I can barely pay my bills!" I nodded. 

"Here. Take this." I said, handing her the money. Her eyes widened. 

"Miss, I couldn't possibl-" I shook my head, "Go on, take it. I don't need it. Buy her some more ice cream, and help pay your bills." The mother nodded. 

"Thank you! Thank you so much miss!" I nodded, smiling as they walked off. I jumped back through the window, transforming back to Alaya. I caught Winni in my hands, feeding her a croissant. 

"That was really kind of you, Aly!" I smiled, grabbing my purse and walking out of the bathroom. 

"Thanks, Winni." When I got out, I was attacked by Alya, who was too excited to show me her footage. 

"Girl! Look at this! You missed it all! Oh she's so great!! She didn't even need Ladybug's Lucky Charm to defeat the victim!!! Oh! I gotta go to the news studio and give them this footage! I recorded the whole thing!!" I smiled. 

"Sorry I came out late. I was watching her to see where she went." I lied. She nodded. 

"So come on! Let's go to the News Studio!!" I giggled, nodding. Chat had already gone, and I found Adrien talking to Nino. I grabbed them and Mari, walking out with Alya following close behind.

I had to update quickly because Wattpad's going through a thing with the editing, so sorry if this part sucks >.<

So anyways, same as always. I would love hearing your input so if you have anything just comment :3

And Dan, I'm sad you didn't get this. From a book and/or movie who was going to get beheaded for his singing. Mad Hatter. Duh.

So yeah. See you guys in the next chapter. Bye bye :)

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