The Red World

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I finally woke up and I was soaking wet from the frozen ice which is now very warm water. On the ceiling of the vehicle it said 2533 AD in big red lights, which only means one thing... I was sleeping for 503 years! All of a sudden a window popped out of nowhere and right in front of me I saw what seemed to be Kepler 186f through the window and I was heading strait towards it!

I made sure I had my space suit and armor on and that I had everything I needed to survive on this red looking planet. A robot sounding voice started speaking and said "Kepler 186f is ahead! Kepler 186f is ahead! Evacuate space pod
once you reach it's atmosphere! Evacuate space pod once you reach it's atmosphere! Press the large green button on your chest to activate your parachute!  Press the large green button on your chest to activate your parachute!

After hearing all of that nonsense the spaceship that I was in was heating up quickly and I was falling into Kepler 186f so I did what the robot voice told me to do, I evacuated the pod and I was outside falling in mid air! I pressed the large green button on my chest to activate my parachute but nothing happened! I tried again but it didn't work and I was getting closer to the ground! I tried the button a third time and it worked! I was still falling down quite fast so I tried to find a clear spot where there was no trees or anything so I could fall down safely.

I hit the ground hard and I was hurt but it wasn't too bad, I was able to get up on my feet and start walking around this unknown planet. It seemed like I was in a jungle or forest and it was full of beautiful red trees and plants, I also saw these white colored birds with long tails flying together in the sky! It was as if I was in a dream! I completely forgot about Earth and what my purpose was for this planet, I was too distracted by the world and how it amazing it was. I also began to wonder if I should just take off my helmet! I slowly put both of my hands onto my helmet and unlocked it! I pulled it off and took a deep breath and it turns out this planet had oxygen! I took off my whole entire space suit and ran around this planet, the only thing I felt different about myself was my weight. I felt like I was 200 pounds or even more!

I soon remembered that there was supposed to be 22 other people here with me in this planet. I ran around and around to see if there was anyone here but I couldn't find anyone. I yelled out "IS ANYONE HERE? IM FROM EARTH PLEASE HELP ME! OUR PLANET IS DIEING AND THE HUMAN RACE IS DIEING!" I waited a while to here a response from anything but there was nothing. Are those 22 other astronauts on there way here? Did they make it? Am I the only human here?...

I then heard a noise behind me, I turned around quickly in return to see what it was but nothing was there. I walked closer to where I believe I heard the noise came from, then I heard something make a strange noise that I never heard before in my life and yet again I was out on conscience... Who was making that strange noise? Was it a human? Am I going to die? Well, all I know right now is that I am not alone on this planet and I am terrified...

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