Chapter 1

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"What do you mean, they're gone?"

Gasps and murmurs filled the large room that held the emergency meeting. The remaining nations around the table began to exchange nervous glances, whispering, whimpering. It was very predictable, for the eight greatest nations in the world are missing, as it seems. It was quite frightening to think that they would disappear into thin air, just like that, without a trace, and they may or may not be in grave danger. They could do nothing but helplessly hope that someone would do something.

Finland lay a shivering hand on Sweden's, squeezing tight. Even those usually emotionless eyes seem to have, ever so slightly, been tinged with worry. The Swede turned to look at him, and his expression hardened. They were both speechless, not one of them knew what to do in a situation like. Beside them, they could see Denmark petting a certain Prussian's back as mumbles about 'West' came out from his mouth.

"Now." A shaken Scotland, who had evidently fought from showing a hint of concern to keep what pride he had left, cleared his throat. "We," he gestured to Wales, Ireland, and Northern Ireland, "have done a thorough check. The G8 have not been seen since the last meeting."

No one noticed Greece, who was pretending to be sleeping, twitch slightly.

"And," Scotland continued, "We need some volunteers to help us search for them." Almost immediately, every single nations' hands shot up in sync. They were all ready to do anything to bring back the missing nations, no matter how bad their relationships were. The strongest forces that they knew can't just disappear like that without anyone wondering if the same would happen to them.

Scotland held up a hand to keep the silence even before someone opened their mouth. To Finland's annoyance, the British nation took his sweet time to pull his cigarette out of his mouth and blew a puff of smoke. Those who sat next to Scotland let out a cough as the horrible smell entered their noses. Finland spotted Norway crossing his arms and rolling his eyes at the British nation.

"However. We cannot let everyone help."

"And why is that?" A very pissed Prussia stood up abruptly, his chair toppling down behind him. Finland winced when his sensitive ears picked up the sound that came from the table as Prussia banged a fist on it.

Scotland shot Prussia a glare that told him to sit down, but the albino wasn't affected by it, and instead, rolled his blood red eyes.

"Because we still don't know what happened to them, only a few should try to find them. We still don't know if whatever they went through would affect is too. We can't put everyone in danger. We'll only need a few brave volunteers" Scotland sighed.

"And if something happens to the ones who aren't helping?" A certain axe-wielding blond spoke up. "What if – even now we're all in danger, and we don't know it? What will sitting around help with anything?"

"I was about to talk about that, Denmark." Scotland frowned. "As I was saying, I would advise those who aren't going to volunteer keep your eyes and ears open. And please, try keeping low, and lock all the windows and doors in your house. God knows what is lurking in the shadows."

"Okay. Let me get this straight." Romano grumbled, massaging his temple. "We don't know what happened to them, and you're telling us that only a few of us can do something about it, of all nations, care about our safety?"

"Well, as much as I hate all of you, I don't think I'd be able to live without allies and trading, so yes, that's what I'm saying." Scotland huffed. "Anyways...who wants to help?"

There was a brief moment of silence as all the countries in the room thought about what Scotland just said. And one by one, a few hands were raised. The first two were Prussia, who missed his dear brother, followed by Denmark. Finland wanted the Nordics to stick together, so he, too, volunteered, which led to Sweden's hand shooting up as well. Norway thought of England, one of his dear friends,  and he decided that if he was going to tag along with the rest of the Nordics then his precious brother Iceland might as well come with them.

Iceland shrugged. He was fine with it. After all, Russia had been helping him with his financial problems lately, so...

Romano took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. He can't do nothing when his brother is possibly in danger. As much as Romano wanted to be considered as 'Italy' and as important as his brother, he can't let the Northern part perish. He raised his hand just a bit, while Spain smiled and waved his arms in the air wildly.

Scotland glanced around the room to see if there were any more people. Some looked uncertain, and some were about to lift up their hands when Scotland announced, "This is all. I will not put any more lives in danger. All of you except the ones that volunteered and the other British nations may leave."

Ireland raised a hand to protest.

"Everyone who did not volunteer, are not British, and is not Ireland, may leave." Scotland rolled his eyes.

There was a long twenty seconds of earrape as everyone stood up and moved their chairs at the same time. Sweden cringed at the sound of squeaky metal legs combined with the rough wood of antique furniture rubbing against the tile floor. After this problem was resolved, he should really help Scotland get some new chairs...

"Alright." Scotland sat back down on his seat, and the nations that were still in the room moved closer to him. Scotland eyed the last nation - Greece - as he closed the door behind him. Scotland cleared his throat once more, and gestured to Wales, who blinked and hurriedly pulled out some papers from a leather bag. Some of them seemed to be official documents while others were bits and pieces of newspapers. Scotland thanked Wales under his breath and lay the papers around the table as the nations gathered closer to see them properly.

"Okay. Let's see...where do I start?" Scotland scratched his head and pointed to a signed document. "Some days ago, England had an agreement with a wizard-"

"Wait, what?" Denmark interrupted. Not long after that he felt Norway's hand smacking his head. The Dane pouted, rubbing his head, but kept his mouth shut.

"Anyways. The wizard's name is Dumbledore. He recently asked England to help him look after this kid named Harry Potter. You see, there have been rumors that an evil wizard is rising, and England needed to keep Potter safe, for the boy is the future of the country." Before Denmark can interrupt again and ask why, Scotland added "I'll explain why later."

"The chosen one who is needed to be protected by a powerful person in order to fulfill the prophecy cliche, Denmark. Don't think much of the supposedly 'plot' of this story." Prussia interjected. He was given weird looks, but was otherwise ignored.

"As of now, the place that this kid is staying is a magic school called 'Hogwarts.' And since England isn't here, I will have some of you attend that school in England's place." Scotland held up a finger before Denmark can say anything again. "Of course, if you fail, then England will be doomed. He probably already is...but we don't want him to be in more danger than he already is. But that is not the only reason why I'm sending you to school, don't worry." But Prussia wrinkled his nose at the thought of going to school anyway.

"I would also like you guys to find a way to somehow locate the nations."

"Oh, I think I can manage that." Norway blinked. He was so worried at first, but a simple locating spell is easy.

"Oh, Romania and I have already tried that. Didn't work." Scotland sighed, reading his mind. Norway narrowed his eyes.

"I will do some further research with Romania and some other magic countries. But for now, Norway, I don't think a locating spell can help. But England has the most magic out of all of us, and this school is the best in England. I have no doubt that if you spend some time in the library, you may find something. We're going in blind here. Even I don't know Let's just hope that luck comes in the form of a book." Scotland explained. Norway frowned. These guys really had no idea what they were doing.

"No, they don't have any idea of what they're doing." Prussia butted in with his awesome mind reading powers. "It's just a convenient plot device, nothing special."

"After this meeting is done, I think I can help carry Prussia to a doctor." Iceland offered. Mr. Puffin, perched on his shoulder, began laughing maniacally and attempted (and failed) to high-five Iceland. Prussia's ears turned bright red, and the fallen nation started sputtering some nonsense about the author torturing the Awesome him and making Iceland too savage while falling behind everyone into the emo corner where he sulked.

Ireland frowned at this drama, and complained that England was a 'distasteful man not worth my time'. Ireland was suddenly attacked by an army of very, very pissed fangirls. Ireland's screams echoed through the halls as the nation was dragged out the room by a mob of angry things that one can't consider human anymore. Anyone who sold their soul to Hetalia aren't really considered humans.

Before anything could escalate further than it already has, Scotland silenced everyone by starting to talk really, really loudly."Norway. Since you already know magic, I'll be sending you in there as a teacher. There's no point in making you a student anyways." Hearing that, Norway let out a sound that resembled a sigh, except it was very short and barely audible. He still had the same expression he always has, but if one squinted they could see the tiny, tiny hint of complete and utter relief in his eyes.

The other nations stared at him. Norway sat perfectly still and rigid on his chair with his arms crossed. After a few seconds (though it felt like eternity) of awkward silence, Denmark suddenly bursts out laughing like a maniac, clutching his stomach and rolling on the floor.


Scotland sighed as he shuffled his papers and files as Norway strangled a certain Dane.

"The rest of you will have to go as students." Scotland continued, ignoring the dying noises coming from Denmark. Said person made a gagging sound and Prussia just smirked.

"The Awesome Me looks like a full-grown man, Scotland. There's no way-"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I forgot to mention that de-aging exists now." It was Scotland's turn to smirk as Prussia's face began to twitch in horror at the realization.

"NUUUUUUUUUH!" Prussia fell to his knees and shouted to the heavens. "WHY, YOU DUMB AUTHOR? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME? AND THIS STORY IS SHIT, IT'S SO CLICHÉ!" He stopped for a moment and took a moment to consider what this so-called "author" just made him say. "Well, at least you're self-aware."

"Potato Bastard. Who the fuck are you even talking to? I think you've been hanging out with Veneziano too much." Romano rolled his eyes, keeping his arms crossed.

"You're right! The Awesome Me TOTALLY supports PruIta-" He was cut off when a certain Scot shoved what seemed to be England's petrified couch stuffing into his mouth to shut him up. The second the foul taste entered the albino's mouth, he let out a girly scream and slammed into the wall. A terrifyingly loud crash followed, and all that was left behind was a mountain of dust and rubble. He didn't stop there, and as the dust cleared he was seen running towards the direction of the bathroom.

After everyone was done dying from coughing, Scotland went right back to business. After briefly explaining the deal with Voldemort and stuff, he gave them their 'assignments'.

"Dumbledore and England have been friends for a long time but the old bloke still doesn't know about us personified nations. And I would like to keep it that way. So you guys will have to learn a magic spell strong enough to track the G8 without being noticed. Now, Dumbledore is a very smart wizard, so I would assume that will be hard."

"Challenge accepted." Denmark grinned.

"Fine. Then Denmark, Norway, and Iceland will go while the others-"

"W-wait, Mr. Scotland? Us Nordics want to stick together."Finland exclaimed. "Right, guys?" He received nods and a quiet 'yes' from the rest of the Nordic family.

"Fine. Then the Nordics will go and Prussia, Spain, and Romano will-"

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT THE AWESOME ME WANTS TO GO TOO!" Prussia, miraculously healed, had burst into the room just in time to hear what Scotland has to say, and he did not want to be left behind on an awesome mission to a magic freaking school!

"One Denmark is already enough..." Iceland grumbled, with Norway nodding in agreement.

"And too many of you can't be in one place at once. We already established that we will not want to be responsible if you guys go missing too." Scotland shook his head.

Prussia crossed his arms and pouted like a little kid. "B-but I'm dead anyway! I doesn't matter!"

"Yes, but the others aren't dead, and you can get them in danger!"

There were a few moments of awkward silence as Prussia and Scotland had a staring (*cough* glaring *cough) contest. Scotland was the first to blink, and Prussia yelp triumphantly. Scotland just facepalmed, and swore under his breath. "Fine. You can go."

"YAAAAAAAAAY!" Prussia yelled into the heavens, and he did his victory dance, which looked very similar to Italy's Satanic dance. Prussia, being the fourth wall-breaking character, can see each of the Hetalia endings, and is probably copying the dancing. But he stopped.

"Wait...can I be the leader?"

"Go ahead." Scotland rolled his eyes. Prussia grinned and continued dancing. Sweden, being the responsible husband he is, made sure to cover Finland's eyes to prevent the smol cinnamon roll from seeing this disturbing sight of Prussia's dance.

"Anyways! I have told you what to do and who you'll go with, now leave, ya wankers. Meet me tomorrow, and we'll get you guys some supplies and shit. I need to talk to Spain and Romano about their mission." Scotland shooed Prussia and the Nordics out the door, but not before whispering in Norway's ear about who he wants the real  leader to be. Prussia just wasn't going to do.

"Oh, and Norway. We'll be paying Dumbledore a visit today to clear things out. 4pm, my time, don't miss it." Norway gave the Englishman a small nod, and closed the door behind him.

This...was very strange.

Dumbledore rested his chin on his hands. Two men sat across from him, one with fiery red hair and a muggle cigarette, and another with blond hair and a dull expression. The latter was what Dumbledore found quite...peculiar, to say the least. Besides that...odd strand of curled hair that seem to be floating near his head instead of on it, the man possessed a strange...aura, similar to Arthur and the other man who called himself Scott. However, Arthur and 'Scott' felt somehow normal. Yes, it was weird since it felt like he and this Scott person had already met, but 'Lukas' was strange beyond that. He As if he didn't belong here. And it probably wasn't the fact that he's not British.

Clearing his throat, Dumbledore sat up a bit straighter and gazed at Scott. "So Arthur is busy, you say?"


"And...Lukas...will be taking his position?"


"Hmm." Dumbledore let his eyes travel from the Brit to Lukas. His dark blue eyes were incredibly dull and empty, but Dumbledore wasn't a fool. A closer observation showed that those eyes held many secrets and emotions. And despite the young appearance of the man, who looked to be around twenty or so, his eyes showed an old person with many past experiences. But Dumbledore didn't question it any further.

"Alright. I will clear this with the Ministry. Are there any more questions?"

"Yes, actually." Lukas spoke up. "Is it OK if my younger brother and his friends entered the school as students?"

"I don't see why not. We do have some extra room. I would need their profiles, though."

At the sound of that, Scott quickly reached into his bag and retrieved a folder with the information. "Take this, sir."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. They brought the files as if they knew the kids will be accepted - they were ready for this, it seems. Dumbledore accepted the papers and shuffled them.

"Oh, by the way, before you leave. I'd like to ask one more question."


"If you don't mind, can you tell me what Arthur is busy with, and when he'll be available? I'd like to have a cup of tea with him sometimes. We haven't seen each other for a long time, you know. I wonder if he still looks the same. That man never seems to age."

Scott froze. Dumbledore noticed that his posture became more rigid, and his eyes hardened, but he faked a smile. Dumbledore didn't expect a reaction like this.

"Oh, well, you see, it's classified information, sir. And as for when he'll be free, we do not know yet."

"Ah, I see." Dumbledore decided not to press further, seeing that even Lukas had frowned slightly. Oh well. It wasn't his business anyway, and he will respect their boundaries.

A low grunt sounded from the hallway, and the door began shaking a little.

"Oh." Lukas turned to stare at it. "I think that was my troll poking the door. He can be a bit impatient, so I think it would be wise to leave now, before he gets angry."

"Ah, OK. Have a nice day. It was nice to meet you, Professor Bondevik."

"Just Lukas is fine." A very, very small hint of a smile formed on his lips, but it quickly disappeared when the door shook again, a bit more violently.

"I'm coming!" The man grumbled, and rushed over to calm the troll down., Scott shot Dumbledore an apologetic glance and muttered a thank you before leaving the room himself, the door closing behind him.

"Troll? Dumbledore, do you think it's OK to let these guys into the school?" A woman from one of the many paintings on his walls eyed the door skeptically.

"I believe so. After all, I trust Arthur." Dumbledore smiled. But the woman was right. A troll?


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