Chapter 2: Sober

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Rick's Tavern

The red wolf at the bar was cleaning a glass, he looked up at the German shepherd and put the glass on the bar and filled it with water.

"Kiiaoro, i'm not having you start a bar fight tonight." The bartender warned.

"Chill Rick, I'm not going to, well not tonight at least." Kiiaoro said as he drank the water Rick gave him.

Kiiaoro sat down at his usual seat in the back corner of the bar. Yiettve and a red fox walked in the door, Yiettve saw him.

"Hey Kiiaoro! Bryce wanted to come here for some drinks! Such a surprise man!" Yiettve said.

Kiiaoro noticed he was clearly already drunk.

Kiiaoro looked over at the fox.

"Damn it Bryce. What are you up to now?" Kiiaoro said. Kiiaoro was annoyed already that Yiettve was going to gamble with his life again but adding Bryce to the equation is just a disaster waiting to happen. Kiiaoro finished his water and moved over so Yiettve and Bryce could sit next to him.

"So Bryce, what brings you here other than drinks?" Kiiaoro asked slightly annoyed.

"What do you mean?" Bryce asked sarcastically. Kiiaoro stared him in the eyes.

"Bryce, you've been kinda a bad influence on Yietteve. Yietteve is already drunk off his ass!" Kiiaoro exclaimed. Yietteve stood up. Yietteve looked angry.

"Kiiaoro I'm done with you saying Bryce controls me! He doesn't! If you think he does then fight me!" Yietteve yelled.

Kiiaoro stood up. He towered over the short orange tabby.

"Fucking come at me bitch!" Yietteve yelled again. Rick stood up over at the bar. Rick looked at Kiiaoro. Kiiaoro gave him a death glare.

"Kiiaoro don't do this! He's drunk! Relax I'll kick him out! Just sit down!" Rick yelled.

The other guests were watching at this point. Kiiaoro was red eyed with rage. He growled as his paws turned red with rage magic. Yietteve's claws turned gold. He dropped his dice. His gold chains glowed in his paws with his rage magic. Yietteve ran at Kiiaoro and threw a gold chain rope at him. Kiiaoro caught it just as it would've hit his neck. Kiiaoro pulled the gold chain as it burned his paws and brought Yietteve in a choke hold.

"Yietteve listen to me. I'm only going to say this once. Bryce you listen too." Kiiaoro said still enraged but calm now. Kiiaoro let Yietteve go. He noticed Yietteve had calmed down and went to Bryce.

"You two need help. Bryce stop trying to control Yietteve. He doesn't need you trying to get him to gamble. He gambles with his life enough. Yietteve, please, stop trying to hurt yourself, you gamble with your life man, your life!" Kiiaoro explained.

He calmed down and stopped his magic. His eyes returned to normal brown. Yietteve's clothes were sweaty for their fight.

"Fine. You win Kiiaoro..." Yietteve picked up his dice and walked out the door. Bryce followed him.

"Kiiaoro, I told you no bar fights tonight." Rick walked over to him.

"I know. I just hope i did the right thing." Kiiaoro gave Rick a 20$ and left the bar. He drove home... sober.

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