Catching Up

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It has already been two weeks. Every night, the girl still goes to the basement and leaves the window open ajar. Still, every morning, there is no trace of anyone coming in.

"Macy, you're late for the bus," her dad calls her. She tells him that she would be up soon and closes the door. She checks her phone for the time. She only had five minutes until the bus came so she rushed to get to the stop early. Lately, the sun had been producing beautiful sunrises. With splashes of red, orange, and even purple. But today's sky was different. Instead of the bright colours of the sun, the sky was covered with gloomy, grey clouds.

The day could not have been more boring. High school really is boring. It is a constant cycle of getting up, writing until your hands fall off, eating lunch, getting bored in class, getting into the loud bus, and then sleeping. Constant cycle that would never end for another year.

"Macy! Where's your little friend? I haven't seen him in a little while. Tell him to come here more." The same statement has been said to her many times now. She does not understand what is so interesting about Luke. He just seems like a regular guy who just walked into her life randomly. That is when she realizes that she really has no clue who this guy, who crashes in her basement, is. She has told almost everything to him but all she knows about him is that he works in a delivering company. She swears to ask him more questions the next time he visits.

While writing in her journal, a person creeps up behind her. "Whatcha writing there?" The person grabs her journal and raises it way above her five feet three inches height. "Life has been boring..." He starts reading out loud. "I miss him..." Macy tries to jump up and grab the book but the person was very good. He was a football player after all.

"Harry, give it back to her." A voice calls out. The girl turns around and there he was. The boy that makes her tense up. Kyle. The thief hands her the book as Kyle takes him away. He does not forget to turn around and give her a wink. This all happened and the whole class witnessed it. Her face reddened. She does not like the attention and the stares she received.

The whole day was the same. But, she could not keep herself from smiling. She could not help it. However, when she got home, she started bawling her eyes out. A turn of emotions was normal for this girl. She does not mention it to anyone. She would not want to give burden to somebody else. So, she locks herself in the basement and cries her eyes out. Some people might call her weak for crying all because she had some pressure put on her. To her, she is weak. She knows that she will never be as good as what her parents wish her to become. She will never be the perfect girl. She will never succeed in anything because one person told her she was a fail. She will never be able to achieve her dreams because someone said it was impossible. She will never speak out for herself because nobody is going to listen. She will never be the person she pretends to be. The Macy that comes out of the room wearing only a mask. The real Macy is screaming for help, but no one hears her.

After half an hour, she has calmed down. She wipes off the tears and takes deep breaths. When she was done, she came out with a smile. The never ending cycle is boring. She goes out with a mask. She cries. She goes out again. If only he was there. At least he listens.


Another night leaves Macy to wander back to the window in the basement. Rubbing her eyes, she sits on the couch and waits for him.

Many hours have passed. Click. The window opens and a familiar shadow comes through. The person sees the girl laying on the couch, snoring softly. It was dark but the person could tell that she has not changed since he disappeared. He tucks her in with the throw blanket on the couch. For a few more hours, he watches her sleeping face until he fell asleep.

The bright light from the open window blinded Macy. She gets up to find someone holding her hand. She looked down to find Luke. A relieved smile appeared on her face. She was happy to see him safe and sound but she still wished he had called. She did call him exactly 2057 times. As soon as she let go of his hand, he woke up. "Macy! Um. Surprise..!" Macy grinned. "Eh! That's the smile I've been missing all this time."

Suddenly, her smile dropped. "How dare you..," she muttered. Luke asked her to repeat what she said. She refused so he starts to tickle her. The girl demanded him to stop. Instead, he kept going. "I said will you stop!" She screamed. Her eyes widened once she realized what she just did.

"Macy, is everything alright?" She hears her mom come downstairs.

"I'm fine mom," she answered as she pushes Luke into her room. When her mother arrived to the basement, she started to lecture her about not screaming in the house. She stayed in her position and kept quiet, as she nods. Once the lecture was done, she ran into her room and finds Luke looking through her bookshelf.

Luke turns around and finds Macy staring at him. He shakes off the fuzzy feeling and asks, "So when did your dad finally decide to start the basement?" Macy smiled. She explained that the whole family started to renovate the basement just a few days after he left. It was part of her punishment for going out at midnight.

"What about you? Haven't heard from you in a while," Macy wondered. "You better start from the beginning or I'll have to kick you out." And so he explained, sort of. Technically, he was not lying that he spent a few days in a ship and a few more days out of the country and ship some products. But that is all he had to say- should say. Macy knew that he was not telling the whole truth but she accepted it anyways.

"Now that we have caught up, wanna go on our third date?"


"WOOHOO!" Macy screams, as she spreads her arms. Luke speeds up even more. They were driving so fast that even the police got involved. When they pulled over, the policeman asked Luke many questions.

While the boy was trying to bribe the police, he did not notice a van that parked right in front of his bike. The police did not notice either. They sneak up to Macy and smuggles her into the van. He turns around for help but she was not there. Without talking to the police, he runs to his motorcycle and races out.

As the sun was already setting, the boy decides to rest by a convenient store. Breathless, he stands up and continuous to ask people if they have seen the girl.


He hears the phone ring and hurries to pick it up. "Luke! How have you been?" It's the boss. "Turns out we need you again today but you haven't picked up the phone all day. We figured you'd pick it up when we take your friend." Luke tightens his grip. "Here, the boy wants you." The boss hands the phone to Macy. Macy was sitting on the concrete floor with her hands tied back with thick ropes. "You better not say anything that can hurt you."

She shivers with fear as the large man, wearing a top hat, approaches her. "Luke, don't worry, I'm fine." He asks where she was. "I, I don't know but I'm fine. I promise."

"Listen here Macy. Don't tell them anything. Just wait for me. I'll be there. Wait for me."

After only a minute, the door slams open. Macy turns her head and finds Luke. She watches as he punches and kicks the men blocking the entrance. He runs towards the girl with an emotion she had never seen from him, fear.

"Luke!" He turns around and another man tries to punch him. Luke blocks the punch and jabs him on the stomach. He turned back to her and asked if she was fine. "Luke... Who are you?" Luke ignores the question and continuous to untie her. He helps her up and carries her outside. Where was the boss?

As soon as they got outside, they wasted no time to get on the bike and drive off. They decided to stop for a rest by a community recreational park. Luke told the girl to wait for him so he can buy some snacks for them.

When Luke walked back to spot, he noticed that his "co-workers" were surrounding Macy. He sprinted towards them, grabbed Macy's wrist and dragged her all the way to the next block. The men were still following them so he turned to Macy and asked, "do you trust me?" Macy responded by saying of course and so they jumped over the bridge railing.

"They what!" The boss exclaimed. "How could you let them get away? You better look for them or I will kill you." Because of frustration, he threw his phone to the wall. It crumbled to pieces.

The boss desperately wants his men to bring Luke back alive. He remembered when they have just met. Michael had talked about a boy he took care of at the orphanage. He talked so proudly of him that the boss demanded they bring Luke to him. At first, he made out Luke to be a weak and sensitive link for his business because of his scrawny body and his innocent face. So, he challenged him. When he is strong enough and proves to the boss that he is worth it, he will adopt him. For only a mere two weeks, Michael helped train him to beat up their strongest man. Luke wanted to escape the orphanage badly. The determination he had amazed the Boss.

When the day had come, Luke was beaten badly. His lip was split, his nose was broken, his face swollen, and his stomach was bruised all over, by the end of the match. The boss knew he would lose, he only wanted to see if Luke was good for his purpose. At the end of the day, he looked for Luke. He finds him crying on the curb just outside their building. He talked to him and explained why he wanted to see him fight. "You know that when I take you in, you will be in great danger." Luke said he understand. He did not. But he wanted to get out of the prison people called an orphanage. So, he was ecstatic when Boss had said that he would adopt him.

They were definitely close. For four years, he treated him like a son. He even bought some textbooks so Luke would be able to finish his studies. So, when he heard that Luke skipped his missions for a girl then jumps from the bridge with the same girl, he was wretched.

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