I Will Be Waiting

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Macy was simply studying in her room.


The sound shocked her but she ignored it.


And there it was again. It was a rock.


When the third rock had hit, she could not take it anymore. So, she walked over to see who it was. "Luke!" Her eyes widened. She lowered her voice as she said, "What the heck are you doing here?" The boy explained that he had a free day today and wanted to finish their date from last night. She smiled. "I'm sorry. I can't today. Grounded." Turns out, someone recognized her at the community park and reported back to her parents. She's grounded for a week for sneaking out and she even had her phone taken away.

That was not going to stop Luke though. He winked at her as he headed to the front door. The girl looked scared, of course. She does not know what he could do. Macy heard the doorbell ring, then her mom opened the door. "Hi, I'm Luke, Macy's friend. We were supposed to meet at the library to finish a project but she did not come. Is it okay if I take her with me?" The mom was shocked but let him into the house anyways. She said to wait in the living as she goes to get her daughter.

"Oh Macy, someone's here to pick you up." Macy was surprised that her mother let a stranger inside their house, and a boy at that. "He's a handsome man but you know how we feel about dating at this time of your life." The girl rolled her eyes. This was typical of her mother to jump to conclusions. She explained that it was only a project that they were doing. Luckily, it did not take much for her mother let her out.

"So, how was my acting." He grinned as they walked out of the house. "Shouldn't I receive a Grammy for my performance?" 

"Don't you mean an Oscar? Grammy's are for musicians, stupid." She tried to stop herself from laughing.

"Oh, I can sing too. Wanna hear?" He teased. Macy refused, intensely. She covered her ears to prevent from hearing him. She does not know that she has heard him sing, or rather hum, before. 

When they reached the end of the block. Luke lead her to a silver motorcycle scooter. "You're just full of surprises today aren't you?" Macy exclaime. The boy said that it was all he could afford, for now. She thought about just heading home but he pulled her to take a seat. He handed her a helmet but she was having trouble so he put it on her. She started blushing and his heart started pounding once again. Now, off they went downtown. 

While on the highway, the frigid wind blew her like long hair back. She was laughing. She's been laughing more this week than she's ever had her whole life. He said to let go of his waist and to raise her arms. Slowly, she did just that and her laughs and screams got louder. He went faster with excitement. 

"Wow! That... Was amazing!" Macy felt exhilarated from the joyride. "So where are we going?" 

"We already went to a park, played in the 'rain', watched the sunset..." He counted off on his fingers. "Now, I have to take you out to eat." 

The girl was confused. Why was he listing out these gestures. "What are you doing right now?"

All he responded to it was, "Homework."

He took her to a small, retro restaurant just behind a barber shop. They ordered the same burger and milkshakes. It was quite delicious for a twenty dollar meal. While there, they talked about more things. The more they talked, the more interested they got about each other. They never asked questions about their past, just their hopes and dreams. Luke wishes to become a photographer some day. Someone who travels around the world and captures the beauty it brings. Macy hopes to become a journalist despite her parent's hopes of her to become a doctor. She wanted to bring justice and truth to world while not being in a boring courthouse all day. 

When they finished, she suggested they go to the library. She noticed that he was having trouble reading the menu so she decided to help him with that. She showed him to her favourite section of the library. The mystery section. She enjoyed reading the stories in those books and tries to solve the problems alongside the main characters. She picked out a few books from the shelves and settled down on the comfy sofa chairs nearby. She waited as he picked out some of the books he thought were interesting. They spent about 3 hours just reading together. She checked the clock. 4:30. It was time to go. She took out a card out of her pocket and hovered it under a machine. Luke watched her as she scanned each book they chose. 

As they neared her house, Luke notices a man lurking by the house in front of Macy's. He sped up and quickly shoved the books into her arms. He told her to head inside. They quickly said their goodbyes. Before he left on his scooter, he said, "I'm still waiting on that call." He winked, and just like that he disappeared into the night.

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