We'll Meet Again Soon

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When one regular night of crime and running leads a boy to a quiet house, his life alters. The house doesn't turn out to be the quiet house it perceives from the outside. He sneaks into a house to try to hide from people only to find a girl trying to hide herself from the world. She sits on the top of the stairs crying her eyes out. Because she was not aware of him, he decided to sit there and try to comfort her. He starts to hum a song his mom used to sing to him. She starts humming along, but refuses to look up. Their first night together ends here. When morning came, he decides to come back tonight. 

The boy comes back later on at exactly 7:30. He sneaks in but he could not hear anymore crying or sniffling. He chose to sit on the couch and wait for her. When he heard the floorboards above creak, he hurries to hide. Down came someone humming the song he'd been humming last night. A girl, about his age, descends and walks towards the couch that he's been hiding behind. The girl turns on the TV and starts watching the show involving three men; One wears a trench coat, another drives an Impala, and the other with awfully long hair. The smile on the girl's face almost made her a different person from last night. The boy suddenly becomes interested in this new show. When the long-haired boy got shot by a blonde lady, the boy accidentally hits the wall with anger. The girl perks up and stood up to find where the noise came from. She found nothing. 

Freaked out, she calls for her parents but there was no answer. She starts to walk towards the stairs but was suddenly stopped by a hand covering her mouth. Her eyes widen with fear as she struggles to get out of the strong grasp. She turns around and staring back at her are large brown eyes. She pauses for a bit until she decides to knee him on the groin. He cripples down to the ground. The girl is taken aback but decides to stay and help him. She tries to approach him but he refuses it. He tries getting up and struggles. The girl tries to apologize and the boy says it is okay. Their first interaction could not have gotten any better than this. 

When everything has calmed down, she gets angry once again. The girl questions the boy about how he got in and what he was doing here. The boy refuses to answer but when she threatened to call the parents, he babbled out a random excuse. 

"You were hungry?"

That is the best the boy could come up with. The shakes her head and mutters about the boy as she heads upstairs. When she returned, she brought carrots with some type of thick sauce. The boy crinkles his nose with disgust. She insisted for him to try it once. He did, and was surprised and the secret sauce was surprisingly creamy with a hint of nuttiness and garlic. The girl called it hummus. She laughed at him for not recognizing it but it made her even more curious of the boy. Why did the girl let him stay there? Why did she not call the police when she had the chance? Those are the questions running around her head. Something about this boy interests her. 

They spent the rest of the night talking about the episode they just watched. She said that the show was called Supernatural. The Impala driver was called Dean and he is the older brother of the long haired man named Sam. The guy in the trench coat was called Castiel. He was confused as to why an angel was interacting with humans but the girl promised to explain the whole story the next time he comes back. They do not even know each others name and they already have a promise between them.

In the morning, the girl woke up by herself. He was gone just as fast as he had appeared.

He was only peacefully riding in a ship for 3 days until he got too hungry and went into the kitchen. "Hey! What are you doing here?" As fast as he could, he sprinted out on to the deck. "Backup. We need backup. Intruder alert!" The boy sighs with annoyance. This was supposed to be a quiet operation. He wasn't supposed to mess it up again or he would be dead. The boy ran faster as more people came out. As he reached the tail of the ship, he is approached by more men. Turning around, the men that were chasing him had come closer. He examines his surroundings as beads of sweat run down his face. He wipes them off and said, "I might as well." He takes a deep breath and charges towards the pole beside the group of men. Gripping on to the pole, he kicks his legs up and swings. When he opened his eyes, he could see the deep sea below him. Then, wham! Shoe makes contact with heads. Letting go of the pole, he settles on the floor and lets out the longest breath he'd been holding. 

As he brushes off some dust, the men start to get up sorely. He tries to run again but is stopped when he tripped on someone's leg. He is helped up and suddenly hand cuffed. They sent the boy to the shipping container ward.

When they finally arrived, the bright sun blinded him as he was let out. He was told to stay in one spot but of course he did not listen. When no one was watching, he ran into town. "Where is it," the boy muttered as he looks for the meeting place.

He wanders off somewhere along the street vendors until he was pulled in by harsh hands. "Why the heck are you handcuffed? The boss has been waiting for you for an hour." The man, he most definitely is familiar with, leads him to an abandoned building. They tried to get the cuffs off but could not.

"The man of the night has finally decided to show up!" A man in a suit with an overly large top hat appeared. He slaps the boy's shoulder hard. "Please, why don't you take a seat." The boy sits by the table with two chairs facing each other. "So, did my sweet boy deliver it safely?" The boy sheepishly shook his head. He looks up to find the Boss' eyes fired up with anger. The boy prepares for the worst. He can see the Boss grab a metal pipe. The boy closes his eyes and braces for the pain. The boss swings and hits the boy on the chest. He is knocked to the ground. "All you had to do was hide in the shipping container and bring it back safely." The pole swings again. This time it hits the boy's head. "If you can't even do this simple operation right, why should you even live?" And the boy is hit once again, this time on the shoulder. The boy did not get any help. He did not do anything. He just laid on the cement, bleeding. Blood was pouring out of the top of his forehead. He could not move his torso or his arm. "I'll let you go this time. But remember this: we'll meet again soon."

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