Episode 10: recovery

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"I have one question for you, sir. Who exactly are you? And how did you know Kaworu?" Asked Yoshino.

"Well... It's a long story, but I met that kid back at the research tech lab" replied Kenichi.

"So your Kaworu's new friend at the research tech lab! I didn't even know you looked like until now" she said, upon realizing.

Kenichi explained to her and Tomori of how he saved Kaworu from a robot in the research tech lab, and how he and Kaworu learned that the elite member of O. R. O. C. H. I was one of those responsible for the apocalypse. He also told the duo of how he met his two siblings and learned that he and them were pieces of a deity who caused the apocalypse, from which he had refused to merge with his siblings to become whole.

"Oh my, what a tale!" Remarked Tomori.

"I'll say, I knew you were special. At first I wasn't sure about Kaworu meeting you, but the way you told us what happened has removed any doubts from my mind" said Yoshino.

"And that's why I became friends with him, and I want to enjoy the freedom of individuality" said Kenichi.


Kaworu opens his eyes, and found himself back in the red and black void. He looked at himself, only to find that he is now a manifestation of his mind since he's technically alive in the form of a puddle of pinkish red goo.

"At least now I know for certain that this form is a psychic manifestation" he thought to himself.

He floated through the red and black void, but no matter where he goes, there are countless of red colored humanoids that were psychic manifestations of humans that were turned into pinkish red goo lain dormant while floating aimlessly. None of them have facial features, but they retain the shape of their bodies from before the apocalypse. They range from adult sized to child sized, but other than that, not much else. Everything was almost silent, save for occasional groans and other noises.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?" He called.

No reply, but it did drawn attention from some red humanoids. Over thirty four red humanoids gathered around him, curious about him.

"Um, hello. My name is Kaworu, I was much like you guys when I first turned into a puddle of goo" he introduced himself

The red humanoids looked at each other, wondering what he was saying.

"If you all still have any semblance of consciousness, concentrate now! In order to regain your solid bodies, strengthen your minds and try to remember who you used to be!" He said, feeling passionate.

It took over a ten minute pause for the red humanoids to think and trying to remember who they are, until they changed from red to white. This symbolizes that they regained some memory and personality, enough for them to float upwards. Kaworu watched as they headed towards the light of the real world, so they can emerge from their puddles.

Back in the real world

Kenichi, Yoshino, and Tomori were standing outside of the gates staring at the horizon of the evening sky. Then they saw numerous bubbles at the sea of pinkish red goo near the shoreline, in which they believed that people are emerging. Arms, torsos, and heads have emerged from the goo. They watched as over thirty four people consisting of men, women, and children have completely emerged. All three blushed upon seeing that the people that have emerged from the sea of pinkish red goo are naked, so they try to avoid looking at them.

"Do you think they can live here in the warehouse area?" Asked Tomori.

"There are twelve warehouses here, so there's room for them to live here" Yoshino answered, wiping the blood from her nose from embarrassment.

"It looks like they're having trouble walking, should we help?" Asked Kenichi.

"Nah, their leg muscles will adjust when they continued walking. Also, we've got plenty of supplies here" she answered.

The people slowly walked towards the gate, feeling drowsy and sluggish. Kenichi and others greeted them after opening the gate, and explained each and every one of them on what happened to the world. The people were dumbfounded, before blushing upon realizing that they're naked. Yoshino had to escort them into different warehouses, so the people can find some clothes to wear. Tomori began cooking meals for each person to eat, because it was already dinner time. Kenichi watched as everyone that has emerged put some clothes on from the warehouse to the far left, but he was worried about Kaworu.

"If only Kaworu wasn't turned into pinkish red goo, he would've laughed and blushed upon seeing these naked bodies. I wondered what he's doing while as a puddle?" He wondered, while feeling morose.

"Is something wrong, kenichi?" Asked Yoshino.

"Nah, just talking to myself. Besides, these people would turn this warehouse area into a makeshift village for them to live in until their homes are no longer submerged" he replied.

"Well... be sure to talk to Kaworu telepathically, I'm sure he's feeling lonely as a puddle" she said, feeling worried.

"I will, I promise. We will wait until he emerges, good as new" he said, with a smile tugging the corners of his lips.

With that said, Kenichi went back to the warehouse laboratory to talk to Kaworu telepathically. Along the way, he grabbed himself a bowl of cooked rice and noodles with teriyaki sauce. When he entered the warehouse laboratory, he walked over to the puddle that was Kaworu, and sat down on the floor.

"Kaworu, can you here me?" He asked telepathically.

"Yeah, I can here you. I'm not sure how long until I emerged from my puddle" answered Kaworu telepathically.

Authors note: sorry if this chapter is shorter than the others, but I want to build the drama.

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