Episode 12: park investigation

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It has been an hour since Kaworu repelled the two siblings attack on the warehouse area, he had to take Kenichi to the warehouse laboratory. Yoshino starts questioning him on who started the attack and why, but Kenichi answered to her that the two that were causing a ruckus was none other than his siblings. They are the ones that were using the attack on the warehouse area as a means to draw Kenichi out, so they can capture him and fuse with him to become a single entity again.

"I see... Well, I guess I'll get some few people to repair any damages. Kenichi, you can rest on the couch" said Yoshino.

"Hey! That's my couch!" Kaworu complained.

"Don't worry, it won't be long. After all, I've got a mission for you" she replied.

She helped Kenichi walk over to the couch, so he can rest there.

"Alright, here is your mission for today: there are some strange occurrences at the park. I need you to investigate the park to see if there's anyone that have emerged from their puddles, and if you see a person, bring them to the warehouse area" she briefed.

"On it, I won't let you down!" Said Kaworu.

He walked over to the hole in the roof, activates his rocket boots, and flew up into the sky. He soared through the sky, seeing some familiar buildings from his previous adventure at the research tech lab and the electronics store from where he first turned into a puddle of pinkish red goo. Other than that, there still is a sea of pinkish red goo that has taken half of the downtown area. Deep down, he misses his mother and little sister ever since the apocalypse have occurred. As he searches, he notices the city park near him. It looked overgrown since no one has taken care of it for sixty seven years, yet there are traces of a playground and a medium sized building used as a community center. He flew towards the park, and landed on the sidewalk.

"I missed going to the park, since mom took me and sister there to get ice cream and mochi there" he said to himself, reminiscing his childhood.

He walked through the park, seeing there's tall grass and bushes since no one had taken care of the place. Weeds and wild flowers have taken over, yet there are few trees to make a grove. To his left, he saw a small lake with river full of rushing water. However, he spotted a couple of puddles with footprints leading into the wilderness.

"I guess there's people here, how else can there be footprints?" He thought to himself.

He followed the footprints, leading him through the thick underbrush. Unfortunately, the footprints have faded with each step towards the point that he lost the lead. When he looked to the right, there was an old ice cream stand at the parking lot. Then he heard movement through the trees and bushes, sounding like something large.

"Who's there!?" He asked, feeling scared.

He used telepathy to read minds in case if there's anyone nearby, but he heard nothing. He walked towards the old ice cream stand, remembering when employees used to give him and his sister ice cream when they were children. Inside, there was a cooler where ice cream was kept, three puddles that were once employees, and a hornets nest. Before he opens the window, an arm wrapped around his neck. He sees that there's a makeshift knife made from flint and a piece of wood in hand, knowing that there's someone behind him.

"Make one wrong move, robot, and you'll be scrap metal for sure!" A voice threatened.

"I'm not a robot, Damn it!" He yelled.

Then the person let go of him, for him to turn around to get a better look. In front of him is a boy no older than nineteen armed with a makeshift knife, three girls, and one adult man no older than thirty seven. They all were wearing nothing but plants to cover themselves, with the males wearing only kilts made from leaves and grass held together by vines, while the girls are wearing bikinis made from vines and plants. He blushed for a moment, before ordering the robotic suit to open in order to prove himself that he's not a robot. Soon enough, he steps out of the robotic suit and he's wearing an upgraded undersuit that basically left him barefoot.

"Huh, so you're not a robot?" Asked the nineteen year old boy.

"That's right! What your seeing is just my robotic suit that I'm wearing for protection" he explained in annoyance.

"Our apologies, we thought you were one of those robots that were attacking anyone that has emerged from their puddles" one of the girls apologized.

"Anyways, who are you guys?" He asked.

"Heh, my name is Yukio. And this is my gang of survivors, we've been living off in the wilderness for three months. Sometimes, when a robot comes here, we attack and reduced it to scrap metal while getting capsules!" The nineteen year old boy introduced, while grinning.

"My name is Aki, the girl next to me is Yuriko, and the other girl is Nozomi" the girl with the dark red hair introduced.

"Aye, my name is Fujiwara" the adult man introduced.

"I take it that your clothes have been worn away by time or rotted by fungus, and you all had to make new clothes from plants" he said.

The three girls blushed, but Yukio placed his hand and slowly shook his head in embarrassment.

"Don't remind any of us" said Yukio.

"How about I take you all to the warehouse area? It's got people that have emerged, and using that place as a safe haven" asked Kaworu.

"We could, but first: you must beat me in combat. If you win, you can take us to the safe haven. But if I win, we stay and you join us!" Yukio grinned, while cracking his knuckles.

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