Shawn, you confuse the IQ of the whole country

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"Stop it! I swear I will disembody your face if you- gah! JAWN!"

John sipped his coffee, smiling at Gus as they chatted peacefully. As it turned out, Gus and John had a lot of similarities. Apparently Shawn Spencer was the main face of the two and according to Gus he was repeatedly "underappreciated." and acknowledged as the "Sidekick." They quickly became friends.

After being taken through Santa Barbra through the Blueberry-it really was just a quaint, small blue vehicle, Gus had driven them to where they were staying. The Psych office. John had to admit, it was like a cheery 221B. An independent set of two men, one a deduction genius, the other the realist-and obviously not the sidekick- of the group, they were a lot similar. John had thought his trip to Santa Barbra would be miserable, but it was actually nice. Or, it was for for poor Sherlock...

"Stay still! It's not like you've never done this before! All I want is one decent cup of orange juice!" Shawn screamed from the other room.

"You psychotic maniac!" Sherlock exclaimed from the other room, "your life is built upon a thrown of lies!"

Shawn laughed loudly, "Oh yeah? Well what about you always pushing away those closest to you so you can maintain your protective bubble?"

"Daddy issues!"

"Brother issues!"

"I apologize for my partner," Gus said, shutting the door to leave Shawn and Sherlock alone.

John laughed, "Sherlock isn't any better. They're both geniuses, but completely mental."

There was a sudden knock on the door, and a man's voice practically wailed, "Spencer! If you've scared them off, I swear I will redefine your definition of pain and suffering you-"

A tall, dark haired man waltzed into the room, but froze as he stared at John, open mouthed. John looked around awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head as the man's open mouth formed into a toothy grin.

"Lassie, I thought you said you were coming ton-" Gus started, but Lassie pushed past Gus and started shaking John's hand furiously.

"I'm not sure if you remember me," Lassie began rambling, his eyes wide and blinking in almost a feverish speed, "but I am a very big fan of your blog. You and-and Sherlock, I'm your number one fans. Is it true Sherlock faked his death by wearing an inflatable suit underneath his coat? Would you let me wear his coat? Where is he, could he sign my-"

"Lassie!" Gus interrupted as he tried to feel John's sweater, "What are you talking about?"

"You shut your mouth, Burton! Can't you see I'm having a very serious conversation with Mr. Watson here," He giggled, "I've always wanted to say that."

John tried his best to hide his horror, "You' my blog?"

"HAVE I? I was one of your first fans, and I am responsible for starting the cheekbones fan club, not that I like to brag about it..."

John wasn't sure what the cheekbones fan club was, but he just smiled and nodded, smile and nodded. Lassie went on for a while, and when he finally seemed out of breath, John took the opportunity to say, "Well, I'd better check on Sherlock..."

"Absolutely, we both know what happens when he gets bored!" Lassie followed John as he stood up, sharing confused glaces with Gus as he slowly opened the door where Shawn and Sherlock were.

The two had been quiet for a while, so John expected that they'd become civilized men and decided to have a decent conversation about the case.

He was wrong. So wrong...

Sherlock's scarf was wrapped around his arms like handcuffs, he was upside down against the wall and kicking his legs soundlessly with a handkerchief gagging his mouth. Sherlock's coat was tying Sherlock and Shawns waist's together, how they'd managed to tie each other together, John didn't know. Shawn was covered in splattered oranges, his eyes were open wide-muttering random words under his breath-and he was shaking, as if he was in some sort of sugar high.

"Well, there's a sight." John muttered, following Gus to aid the two men.

But Lassie got there first, he completely overlooked Shawn, and immediately went to Sherlock, "Mr. Holmes! Are you okay? I swear, this delusional man is nothing like the rest of us Americans, he's just a random idiot. Are you-your cheekbones..." He trailed off as he cupped Sherlock's face, as if considering going in for a kiss.

Sherlock didn't return the kindness, "I want you," He drawled to Lassie, so coldly even John was temporarily fixated on his face, "to untie me so I can personally murder everyone in this room. Starting with this pineapple enthusiast!"

Shawn giggled, looking up at Gus, presenting the remains of what once was an orange, "Guuuuuus, I did it. His cheeks do cut oranges."

"They do?" Both John and Lassie said in unison. They both shook their head out of the wonderment and went to help Sherlock and Shawn out of...whatever they'd done to themselves.

John had to pry Lassie away from Sherlock when he insisted on fixing his hair, and they'd all had to take a moment to restrain Shawn from jumping out of the window, who kept claiming he'd found a new industrial revolution in orange juice.

"Well, that just happened." Sherlock gasped, staring longingly at his coat as it was taken from Lassie to be "dry cleaned". After getting the two idiots out of the mess they'd made, John and Gus had both tended to their "partners". It really felt like tending to five year olds as Shawn and Sherlock had tried to outwit each other.

Shawn raised an eyebrow, "I don't know about you, but that was the most beautiful fifteen minutes of my life. I would gladly relive it."

"Yes, I as well would love to relive the feeling that I've just dived into a jar of acid with a flesh eating octopus's inside." Sherlock scoffed sarcastically, quiet enough so no one but John could hear.

"So..." John broke the silence after several awkward seconds, "Didn't you say we'd be able to see the crime scene?"

"Oh! Right!" Gus looked over to Lassie, who was sitting in the corner of the room, caressing Sherlock's coat, "Lassie! They want to see the crime scene!"

Lassie was by Sherlock in seconds, "Of course. OBVIOUSLY," he added, grinning at Sherlock. Who simply raised a not-very-polite-finger at him with raised eyebrows. Luckily Lassie didn't see. "We'll go immediately."

The ride to the crime scene was extremely strange. Shawn and Gus rocked out to a Queen song, Sherlock sat, hugging his knees and looking out of the window with his collar up as if he was a sulky teenager that had been told they couldn't go on a date. Lassie talked to Sherlock endlessly, and John had to answer, so Lassie wasn't hurt with the fact that Sherlock wasn't listening to a word he was saying.

When they finally pulled up to the crime scene, a murky alleyway next to a pub-or a bar, as John had heard Lassie say, and a drugs store.

He didn't know what he'd been expecting as he opened the door and walked past several officers, each whispering to one another as they caught glimpses of Sherlock. But he definitely wasn't expecting two bodies-a boy and a girl- clinging to each other. Their eyes were wide open, glazed over, blood pooled underneath their intertwined bodies. What was worse was how young the victims were. They had to be under sixteen. It was awful. John had seen horrible things, but nothing like this.

"Easter morning," Sherlock muttered, a wicked grin setting his lips as he knelt down close to the bodies, "I love a good murder."

Shawn and Gus on the other hand, screamed like banshees as they saw the corpses.

Heey! Sorry I haven't submitted a story for a while, one of my favorite book series came out with a new book and so I've been obsessing over it for a while...(@.@) anyway, thank's for reading this story! (Do you think Sherlock should meet Henry Spencer? Juliet? WOODY? Okay, I'm totally adding Woody into this story, but still...(:...) Later, my dudes.

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