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"Ryujin?" Wooyoung says entering the room holding tae's hand

"Noona!" He lets go of wooyoung's hand and runs and hugs his sister.

"I'm s-sorry"

she sighs while looking at wooyoung who was telling her that it's okay and she should hug back. After she hugged back she felt her shirt getting wet so she cupped taehyung's face looking in his now wet eyes. "It's okay I'm here! No need to cry" she wipes his tears with her thumb. "Alright I'll let you too have a moment! See ya" he closes the door with a happy smile

"So how did it go?" Jungkook gives him his bunny smile while standing up

"It was good they are gonna talk now so I left them too alone"

"Mhmm" it was silent for a couple minutes when suddenly wooyoung hugs jungkook "thank you hyung"

"I told you it'll be alright!" Pats his back "now let's go to the others they are probably worried" "okay"

Back with ryujin and taehyung

"W-will you f-forgive me p-please?" "I d-didn't mean it l-like that...I w-was just making sure you're s-safe" he says with twinkling eyes full of hope,passion,regret,and most importantly guilt.

" *sighs* will you explain why you did what you did?"

"I was scared..."

"Of what?"

"Of you getting heartbroken. After I experienced it with Felix it was painful to watch...seeing him in that status made me feel the pain he was in. I can't risk it....I know yoongi hyung is a good hyung and great boyfriend material but..it was too early. What if he doesn't feel the same towards you? What if,if you confess he rejects? What if you become heartbroken? It was the best option there was. If you two got close it would hurt even more somehow. I was just scared of seeing you in that position. I didn't wanna loose you. I did what I did to protect you... I hated what I did and I regret it but I couldn't take the risk of hyung actually liking you back. He does act like it but he can be flirty some times...even with me. I did it for your own good"

"R-really?" Her vision gets blurry again.

"Of course I did,I just didn't know how you'd feel about it..and now I feel like a horrible person..."

"Thank you" she hugs him tightly.

"You're welcome" rests his chin on her shoulder.

"Let's go back now! And I forgive you. I didn't know that's why you did it..."

"Mhmm and to make you happy...you can sit beside him now! But pls be careful"

"Dont worry" *ruffles his hair*

They went back to the living room together. Taehyung nodded and went away from them and squished himself beside jungkook. She smiled and mouthed a 'thank you' before going back to her original seat. Yoongi looked confusingly at the two when wooyoung whispered in his ear "don't worry about it. Now enjoy it while it lasts" he smirks. yoongi gasps at his sudden behavior and hits him playfully on his chest as Everyone giggles.

End of third person's pov

Taehyung's pov

We were all laughing. We were all remembering how chaotic we were and what we used to do with Felix. They teased me about all the times I cried when he cried. When I'd get overprotective over literally anything. How I once got kicked out of school cz i had punched 10 people.

The bullies. They were following him around,making fun of him,punching him,kicking him,using him as a mop on the ground. We only get to see each other during recess. when I came out of the classroom I saw them beating him up. I felt my anger build up and my blood boiling. I used to go to self defence class and so I did everything I learned on them. I did get a few punches here and there but I managed to take them all out. The principal wasn't happy about it and called our parents.

Flashback two years ago

It was around 11am my math class has just begun and I could feel myself falling asleep already. Gosh the teacher is so boring...I looked over at namjoon hyung...HOW DOES HE HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY? Answering,excitedly raising his hand,and pouting when he isn't chosen to answer. If there was just a way to suck someone's energy to yourself I wouldn't even hesitate to do so. I was sitting at the back of the classroom looking outside the window secretly listening to music. Then the teacher called me

"Kim taehyung?" He came closer to me tapping my shoulder
"Ahh yes sir?"
"You are listening to music in my class again?"

"N-no I wasn't.."
"Then what are these?" He took one of my airpods.
"T-that is-"
"Enough excuses go solve that equation and explain it to the class"

"Okay" I sighed then looked at the rest of the class as I passed through the desks
I hadn't been paying attention if we are being honest...I have no idea what I'm gonna do. And math has never been my strength....but I began feeling more at ease after I looked at the equation it was 2x + 3 = 5
I became more confident and solved it easily

"Sir,the answer is x=1 !"
" *arches his eyebrow* that is......correct!"
'Yessss' I mumbled underneath my breath. I looked at namjoon and jin hyung who gave me a proud smile.
"So you were paying attention?"
"Y-yes...it totally wasn't just luck" i lowered my head to the ground.
"You said something?"
"What? No no nothing thank you sir" I bowed and went back to my spot more relaxed.

Time passed by. And the clock has just struck 11:50am,finally this hell is over. Everyone rushed out the hallways right when the bell rang. I could here screaming. I swear it sounds like Felix....I kept following the sound till my eyes landed on taemin and his bully friends hovered above Felix punching him in the stomach,on the jaw,kicking his limbs,holding him from his collar bone and cursing at him.

I dropped my backpack in shock bcz of the scene happening in front of me. Without even thinking twice I ran up and kicked the person holding Felix on his balls making him hold his private spot in pain then dropping on the ground. Taemin,who was punching Felix endlessly, looked at me with a shocked expression that represents how he felt at my sudden actions. I looked at him with a death glare asking him to leave Felix. And he did;he dropped him on the ground while his other teammates continue beating him up. He came close to me before punching me on my nose. My eyes started watering out of the sudden pain, as I stood up I recieved another punch on my head making my whole body collapse. My anger began rising I stood up again holding my head that is now in pain looked at him in the eyes smirking "so you wanna play huh?" I came close to punch his face but right when he came to stop me I kicked his side with my foot hard, Making his face go shocked. Yes I had just tricked him and it worked. He didn't expect it and so did i. I was kinda surprised by my own actions. I never expected I'd be punching the school's head bully. He stood up again but I punched his kidneys making him groan in pain while glaring at the others "what are you waiting for. get him!" they left Felix and surrounded me.

"Hyung" Felix said trying to stand up but as he was about to get kicked again I held that person's foot twisting it then pushing him on the ground. He held his foot in pain groaning not able to get up again.

"Felix go to the bathroom down the hall I'll see you later I got some business to finish" I smirked

"No buts go now I'll take care of them"
"You sure?"
"Yes I am. now go quick"
"Be careful hyung" he said standing up running to where I told him to clenching his jaw

"Why do you care about that nerd? Huh?" Said taemin coming to the front while the other surround me
"BCZ that nerd is my brother. And no-one messes with my brother and gets away with it" I knew they were trying to distract me with questions and then kick me once they get the opportunity to so I kept my guard up ready to attack from all directions.

"Ahh so that nerd is your brother? No wonder both of you suck" he raised his arm but I stopped it and kicked him again  (a/n I'm low key getting Jackie Chan vibes-)
Someone from behind hit me on my back which...hurts I stumbled but managed to find my balance again. I was getting tired...obviously this is a 10 against 1 situation. Even though I was outnumbered,I used my brain against them maybe I'm not stronger than them physically but I can use my brain to put them against each other. Using some of my acting skills I managed to make them believe I was down for good after a couple of punches that hurt just a bit they gathered around me.
"There never mess with us jerk" one of them said wiping the blood off of his lips.

After they started walking away I stood up again and took them out one by one without them noticing. Simple,I put my arm around their neck and slice-punching their shoulder. One after the other they were all down. I sat down to catch my breath but I heard footprints coming towards me. I glanced over and found Felix,yoongi,jimin and jungkook running towards me.

"Taehyung!" They yelled as they crouched down beside me.

"Omg what the fuck? Are u okay?" Yoongi said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Hyung....why?" He hugged me with tears streaming down his face.

"Bcuz as an older brother,Felix,it's my duty to protect you." I said patting his back.

"T-thank you hyung.."

"Tae...you could've easily passed out! And now look! *points at the kids on the ground* How will you explain that?"

"Jimin hyung is right...you'll get in trouble now!" Adds jungkook.

"I understand your concern guys but I don't care. As long as Felix is safe"

End of flashback

Author's pov:

The room suddenly fell into deep silence. The only thing that could be heard is,the small sobs that escape taehyung's mouth. And the occasional sighs from the rest. Without a warning,taehyung storms out of the room and into the bathroom,locking the door.

"No.no.no.no, did you move the razors woo?"

"I thought you moved them...."

"Oh no...." was the last thing said before they all ran to the bathroom,knocking on the door.

End of chapter 5

Hi :)

I'm alive! Anyway hope you enjoyed!! I don't think y'all even remember this book existed...but I had literally no motivation to continue writing. And I was gonna delete this at some point....but I didn't and I managed to continue writing this chapter. Thank you for reading💕

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