🎉You and I🎉

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Daniel ☮

I was going with Michael Jackson's place that he called, 'Neverland' to have me stay there for sometime until they find my big sister Julian. I never knew her as quite well that dad does when he 'accidentally'  sperm her out into the world and be the most infamous serial killer. No one knows what she looks like because she wears something over her face to keep her identity in low-profile. I'm only 9 years old and I can think about things that does consider about Julian to me as if I know who she really was in the past from growing up by her mom and my dad. 

"Daniel, I can show you what room you'll be sleeping in." Michael said as I followed him to one of his guest rooms.

"Woah." I 'awed' as Michael chuckled.

"Yes, this is the room you'll be staying and my room is down the hall to the left. This is a big house and i'm sure you'll get use to living here soon." He said as I set my bag to the bedside and sat on the bed.

"Michael?" I asked.


"Do you know or even met my sister?" I asked.

He went silent and sighed then took a seat next to my bed saying,"Yes. I've met her and know her." 

"What was she like?" I asked.

"She was...not a monster like she would say. Only when if it is necessary to meet her because she told me it was in her blood to do it."Michael explained as I nodded.

"Okay. I won't tell no one you met her because it will scare my parents and get you arrested maybe for hiding it all those years." 

"That's true but guess what? We have a baby." My eyes bulge as he went to go to another room leaving me alone until he came back holding a baby.

"This July our baby daughter who is your niece." Michael smiled.

"Wow. You've kept the mother secret too."

"Yeah. I did actually loved her until she left 2 months ago without a trace and I am worried." He said as July babbled and I sat there in silence.

"I want to see her." I whispered.

"Maybe you will and i'm sure she won't at all to see her father or seeing she has a little brother." He said with a smile and I nodded.

"Lunch will be prepared until you and I get to know more about each other." 

"Okay. Is it alright if I can explore?"

"Sure. Just stay inside only because I don't know if there any paparazzi's out and about that did to me a few years back." Michael said leaving as I followed out behind him to explore around this big mansion.

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