Chapter 1 - My Dark Self

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Why? Why did this happen with me? People say it is not my fault but it was my fault. Everything happened because of me. I hate myself because if that incident. The incident that snatched the precious people away from my life.

Flashback (6 years ago)

I was feeling bored at home. I wanted to go out so I decided to talk to my parents

Sm1: Mamma Pops I am feeling bored at home can we go somewhere

Mamma: Honey where do you want to go?

Sm1: Ummm 🤔 let me think

Pops: Sam it is 1am at night where do you want to go

( Yes guys it is none other than Sameer Malhotra and his parents)

Sameer: Anywhere I don't want to stay at home please (making my cute puppy face)

Mamma: Ok let's go

Pops: Are u gone crazy wifey? It is late night anything can happen

Mamma: Oh come one nothing will happen let's go. Sameer bring Arishfa and Veer Bhaiyya as well

Sameer: Ok Mamma I will call them

Sameer quickly went upstairs and went to Veer's and Arishfa's room to call them.
Once he called them then all of them came downstairs.

Mamma: Ready to go

All 3 kids: Yay! Let's go

Pops: Children I am still telling you let's watch a movie instead of going out

But no one was agreeing. Then unfortunately Sameer's dad agreed as well and headed for the car. When they all day in the car, then they went for a long drive. Sameer was saying to his dad to increase the speed of the car but he didn't because of night and it was too dark

Sameer: Please dad increase the speed of the car, let's have some fun.

Pops: No Sam, another day but today it is late at night we shouldn't be increasing the speed

Sameer: Uhhh dad come on

Pops: Ok fine but just for a little while

Sameer's dad increased the speed of the car and he didn't notice a big truck coming from the side because of the darkness and......


The truck collided with the car and the went flying in the air and landed on the ground. Arishfa, Veer and Sameer had minor injuries, but they're parents had major injuries. Big cuts on their head, pieces of glass inserted in their body

Sameer screamed: Mamma!!! Pops!!!

No response. They were unconscious. After a while some people started to gather around them and then they took their whole family to the hospital. When they reached hospital there parents were in the ICU and the 3 of them were waiting outside. After a while a nurse came and band aid all of their injuries. Sameer had a major scar at his forehead, that was quite deep but he didn't care, he right now was only thinking about his parents.

After 2 hours staying in the ICU, the doctor came out. Veer asked

Veer: Doctor how are my parents? Are they alright? Please doctor say something? Hey nearly almost shouted, but he didn't care. The doctor didn't reply and then Sameer stood up and said

Sameer: Doctor please say something. Are my parents alright??

Doctor: I.. I ... I am really sorry but we couldn't your father and mother both

Sameer: NO!!! (he yelled)
(Flashback Ends)
Sameer: NO!!!

Present time (After 3 years)

He woke up with a jerk. He was heavily breathing, sweat visible from his forehead. Sameer was a fearless person, he didn't get scared of anything, but his biggest fear was this dream or should I say nightmare.

Sameer's POV

I had that dream again. I was heavily breathing , sweat coming from my forehead and I was feeling uncomfortable. Then suddenly there was a knock on the door and the person opened the door. It was none other than....


Hopefully you liked my first chapter. Please comment down if you did. I will soon introduce the villians. Any guesses? Comment in the comment box

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