Chapter 11 - Feelings for Each Other

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Arhaan's POV

How? How can I confess my feelings to Arishfa? Whenever she talks to me it feels like heaven. But unfortunately, she thinks only for me as a best friend, that she can tell anything. The same case is with Maahi, she loves Riyaz but scared to confess to him. She told me yesterday.

Flashback (Yesterday in College)

Contiuned Arhaan's POV

I was going to Moonlight when my eye catched Maahi sitting alone in the garden, but why? strange. I went to her, she immediately hid something and quickly wiped her tears. What is she hiding?

Arhaan: Maahi are you okay? What are you hiding show me?

Maahi:, I fe.e.ling well

Arhaan: Listen Maahi I am not forcing you, but if you want you can tell me. You are just like my sister.

Maahi just stared at me then and suddenly hugged me. I hugged her, making her assure that I am here for. She started crying again, making my shirt.

Arhaan: It's ok Maahi, cry if you want to.

Maahi: do I te..tell him?

Arhaan: Tell who Maahi I don't understand.

I broke the hug and looked at her. What is she hiding? She has never behaved this way. She is the light of our group, the most joyful girl in Moonlight, but don't know what happened. I was in my own thoughts when I heard Maahi's voice.

Maahi: If I tell you something will you tell anyone

Arhaan: Maahi you are like a sister to me tell me. You can tell me anything you like. Go for it

Maahi: I lov.v.e

Arhaan: WHAT! (He screamed).

Maahi: Shhh calm down.

Arhaan: Ok sorry sorry at least tell me the name

Maahi: Riyaz Ali (she said closing eyes)

Arhaan: Are you serious?

I stood up, by saying that Maahi also stood up. I was shocked. Yeah I know Riyaz is a part of Moonlight, but the whole college and even Moonlight knows that he is a big flirt. He flirts with every single girl (not seriously). How will he understand her feelings?

Maahi: Arhaan where did you got lost? Tell me. How do I confess my feelings to him?

Arhaan: I am hella nervous of telling my feelings to Arishfa, how do I help you? (he mumbled under his breath but Maahi heard it)

Maahi: What? Did I hear that you love Arishfa Malhotra?

Oh nooo? What did I do? Now Maahi knows. I don't know what she will do. I was standing there eye widened looking at her and jaw dropped.

Maahi: Arhaan Khan I am asking you a question, do you love Arishfa (slightly loud)

Arhaan: Yesido (closed his eyes)

Maahi: I can't believe it. Meaning we both love someone but they don't love us. Arhaan do something? I want Riyaz also to love me back. What.. (I cut her off)

Arhaan: Wait. I have a plan, if you are with me

Maahi was thinking? How the hell is she thinking? If she wants her love there is nothing to think about.

Arhaan: Maahi you are still thinking? Don't you want your love to love you back?

Maahi: Yes I want him to love me back but....

Arhaan: No buts or ifs, just tell me are you with me?

Maahi: Yes I am with you, but what are your intentions?

Arhaan: You just wait and watch (smirks)

Maahi: O...ok (still confused)

Flashback ends

You just wait and watch Maahi, how will we claim the love our lives.


Maahi's POV (While reading a book at night)

I don't understand what is Arhaan's intentions? What is he planning to do? But whatever is he trying to do, hopefully I will claim my love and confess my feelings, but don't know when that day will come, when one day in his life he will be serious. My chain of thoughts were broken when someone knocked on the door

Maahi: Come in

Maahi's Dad: What happened princess? Why haven't you slept yet? Is everything alright?

Maahi: Yeah baba everything is fine, I am just not feeling sleepy

Maahi's Dad: Ohh ok, beta if you don't mind  can I ask you a question?

Maahi: Baba you don't need to ask me, you can ask me whatever you like

Maahi's Dad: Beta are you hiding something from me

My breath hitched. How can I tell my parents I am in love? No right now is not the right moment. When I get my love I will tell my parents when it is the right time. I closed my book and placed it on the couch and went to my Baba who was standing at the door. I quickly hugged him tight, assuring him that everything is fine

Maahi: Baba everything is fine, it's just that I am taking stress about my college that's it and also I am not sleepy.

Maahi's Dad: Oh I got scared for a moment thank god?

Suddenly he cupped my face and started speaking again.

Maahi's Dad: Maahi remember one thing, me and your mamma are always with you. Never hide anything. We know the decisions you are taking for your life will be good for you and your future. We will always support you my child. We love you alot Maahi! Never break our trust

Maahi: I promise Baba that I will never break your's and mamma's trust and I know you guys will support me and I love you too thisss much! (I said strecthing my arms,the both laughed). He placed a kiss on my forehead

Maahi's Dad: Good night princess

Maahi: Good night Baba

And with that I closed the door. I sigh of relief. Don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. But I swear, I will never break my parents trust and I will claim my love any single way (proudly). With the dreams of  my love, I drifted off sleep.

What is Arhaan's intentions?

Will Maahi get her love?

Go have a read of the next chapter for Arhaan's plan

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