Chapter 8 - Bullies in the College

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Naina's POV

I wiped my tears and came out of the washroom. I was passing through the corridor when students started whispering and gossiping about me. All students were mostly laughing, others were gossiping. I tried not to cry, but all went useless. Tears were forming in my eyes, I couldn't stop them from coming out. I was looking down, when a group of 3 - 4 boys came and stood in front of me and encircled me. They were looking, or should I say staring at me with bad intentions. I just went through the shocking announcement and now these boys. That's why I hate boys. One boy stepped forward and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear. I jerked his hand and tried to walk forward, but sadly he didn't let me. All the boys started to touch me. I tried to jerk their hands away, but I was helpless. After a moment, a boy came and punched all them

Sm1: How dare u touch her idiots?

Boy1: sir

Sm1: Get lost!!

They ran away from there. I looked up at the person and he was a guy from the group Moonlight. He forwarded his hand to shake with mine.

Sm1: Hi nice to meet you my name is Aryan. Aryan Hooda (non other Aryan)

I was hesitating to shake his hand. Should I trust him or not?

Aryan: It's ok. Don't hesitate you can trust me. I am a member of Moonlight, but different from all of them. They call me a joker. What's your name.

I hesitated first and then calmed down and shaked hands with him.

Naina: Malik

Aryan: Oooo nice name. Anyways let me make you introduce to my group members. Would you like to meet them or not?

Naina: Um.m sure

Aryan: Let's go

I started following him wherever he was taking me. By looking at him I can tell that he was different from other members from his group. It looked like it was a classroom. When we entered I saw all the group members of their group including that guy.

Aryan: Arishfa why did you drag her in the middle of the canteen? I agree she is a newbie but it doesn't me that you don't identify someone properly.

Jheel: Why do you care about this girl so much huh?

Aryan: I can smell something burning can you guys as well. He asked everyone

Everyone nodded and chuckled. Then he made me sit down next to the girl called Jheel and started to introduce to me everyone.

Aryan: So Naina this is Jheel, Arishfa,Arhaan,Mahi, Riyaz and Sameer, our group leader.

I handshake with everyone and when it was that guy Sameer's turn, I got scared. He pushed a guy inform of me and I started to frighten, when suddenly he spoke.

Sameer's POV

She shakes her hands and when it was my turn she got scared. Am I monster she is getting scared of? She was taking her hand back when I spoke softly ever in whole life, just because of her.

Sameer: Don't be nervous, I will not bite you.

I forwarded my hand and she looked at me. Oh god! Her eyes are making me drown into them. The more she stares at me, the more I want her to be mine. We came back to our senses when my gang fake coughed ruining our beautiful moment.

Sameer: Sameer. Sameer Malhotra

She forwarded her hand and placed on mine. That amazing and weird feeling that I am having. Sparks going through my spine and boys, send information shivers

Naina: N.n.aina. Naina Malik

Sameer: Beautiful name. Just like you

I took her hand and kissed it. I lost in the moment and closed my eyes to feel her hand. She is gorgeous. I can resist her beauty. Her innocence is shown by her face. Her eyes, showing shyness or nervousness. I was disturbed from my thoughts when she jerked her hand away from me. And that's what I hate when someone jerks me away. All good I will take revenge for that as well (smirks mentally)

Aryan: Hey Sameer you know what happened this morning?

Sameer: What happened? ( Still looking at Naina)

Aryan: I was passing through the corridor and some boys started to tease Naina.

My attention went to Aryan. How the hell can someone do something to my girl? I have the right to tease or touch her. Whoever did this, THEY ARE DEAD.

Sameer: Then what happened?

Aryan: Then... 

He was about to continue when the whole gang heard someone crying. None other than Naina. I went close to her. She was looking at her lap and sobbing. I hate it. I hate it when she cries. I will kill that dumb idiot whoever messed with her. I gently went to her and used my index finger and thumb to make her look at me. She looked at me with her deep eyes. Those eyes!! Ughhh anyways.

Aryan: Then..

Sameer: No Aryan stop. I want to hear the rest of the story from Naina. Let her speak

Naina's POV

Sameer: No Aryan stop. I want to hear the rest of the story from Naina. Let her speak

I looked at him with eyes widened. How do I tell him. If I tell him the truth then he will do something worse. I hate violence and fights. My thoughts were broken when I felt a hand on my shoulder.  None other Jheel

Jheel: Don't hesitate tell us the truth.

I took a deep breath and looked at Sameer, who nodded assuring me to start.

Naina: I was passing through the corridor, when a group of 3 - 4 boys came and start to tease me and..

Sameer: Keep going

Naina: And start to my hair and my bo.d.dy. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't. At the right time Aryan came and saved me.

I was about to speak again when Sameer held my hand and pulled me and I collided with his chest, which made hand touch his hand. I felt sparks through my body and my heartbeat increased. He looks at my hand and then me. I quickly removed my hand from his chest and tried to push him, but he was strong and his grip was tight. I tried again when he came close to my ear and said in his cold husky voice which made my knees weak.

Sameer: Never. Never push me away from you.

He softly kissed my ear and then looked in my eyes.I didn't say anything and just stared at him back when he asked me

Sameer: Do you recognise the boys

I nodded when Aryan spoke.

Aryan: It was none other than your rival Sameer. He was close to Naina.

Sameer's POV

Aryan: It was none other than your rival Sameer. He was the boy who touched Naina.

That's when I lost control and dragged Naina with me. My grip on her was tight, not letting her go. How dare that dumbo idiot touched my girl. He is dead, I will kill him. I started going towards my and Naina's class. We both are in the same class, and also my enemy, my rival. I hate him to the moon and back. When I reached the classroom, I banged opened the door and went inside and there he was sitting with his bloody group, he smirked looking at me. At that time my whole gang came and stood behind me. 

Naina's POV

I could see Sameer was fuming in anger. His fists clenched tight and his jaw clenched as well, making him look handsome and hot. What, what am I thinking. My chain of thoughts were broken when....

Stay tuned for next chapter.

Who is Sameer's Rival?

Whoever guesses it right, I will give them a shoutout. Comment in the comment section.

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