-How to throw a punch-

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April 30, 2018

Caleb will always be an asshole. There's nothing else to it. He was a horrible human, and always will be, no matter what. He wouldn't change.
Today at lunch I was going against Wills wishes, and smoking to my hearts content.
I was alone this time, and of course Caleb found me.
He had been avoiding me after Will showed ups few weeks ago, maybe afraid he would show up again. Tell on him. Maybe he thought I told him.
I guess I did.

He didn't like thinking that.
I was sitting at the patio of McDonalds, smoking, clutching my lighter which had become my new prized item. He stalked up to me, alone for once.
I watched him skeptically as he took the chair across from me and sat in it.

"So," he started, glaring.
I squinted at him, trying to figure out what his deal was. I had my black jacket along with my sunglasses on. I felt calm from the nicotine. I took another drag, and blew it out.

"So," I replied with an easy smile.
He glared at me.

"You think you're cool di Angelo?" He asked in a threatening manner. I shrugged nonchalantly. At the time, I had no cares. Will and I were good again. I was smoking again. Bianca was staying a good distance away from me.

"Nah not really. Why, do you think I'm cool?" I asked him. I almost winked, but then my brain reminded me who I was talking to.

"Fuck off," he barked, sitting back defensively,
"You look stupid out here, smoking."

"At least I'm not vaping like some people I know," I blew out another hit and looked at him with a smirk. He glowered at me.

"Ok cut the shit di Angelo, why are you hanging out with Will Solace, he was actually cool," his tiny brain was working hard. It was almost funny. He wasn't as high and mighty as I thought. He was just stupid.

"I don't know, maybe cause we're good friends? Why, are you jealous no one will pick you up in a snow storm?" I was liking this confrontation. Somehow I was doing well. I blame the nicotine.

"I'm not jealous!" He snapped,
"I was just wondering, even though he had a good reputation, there were some rumours about old Solace."

"And what's that Caleb?" I was starting to get annoyed. If he started talking shit about my boyfriend who very recently could have died, I was gonna loose it.

"I don't know, I didn't know him personally, but a lot of people thought he was a fag," I winced, which he saw and smirked,
"So I was just wondering, why would di Angelo be hanging out with a fag, even though they didn't talk befor-"

"Well he's not," I replied a little too quickly, getting ahead of myself. He saw my change of attitude and took it into play. He may have been dumb, but after years of torment, he knew me.

"Ohh, I think I see what's going on here," he smiled evilly. He looked insane.

"Will is straight dumb ass," I objected, getting defensive. I was sitting straighter in my seat.
"We're friends, now can you fuck off?"

"I don't know Nico, he comes and picks you up, you always seem to be texting someone in class, and if you aren't with your slut friend you are always on your phone," he glanced at my phone on the table. I snatched it off and shoved it and my lighter in my pocket quickly. I zipped it shut,
"Maybe I should see this phone of yours Nico, if there truly was nothing to hide."

He knew he already caught me. He could tell by how I tensed immediately, grabbed my phone. My body language changed instantly.

"I have nothing to hide but I'm not showing you my phone, you're a dick," I told him off, feigning confidence now. I had woken up normal today, why couldn't it last?

"Wow Nico, I always thought you were gay, but now evidence? This is news for me," now he was sitting back, and excited gleam in his eyes.

"I'm straight," I lied horribly through my teeth.

"You better not tell the blonde fag about what happens between us di Angelo, that will be the last mistake you ever make," he was glaring again. I couldn't tell if this was considered sophisticated for us, or if he was holding back because we were in a more public place.

"You think I'd do that? He'd kill you if I did," I replied angrily, remembering all the times he would get beyond upset at the sight of me being hurt.

"Oh yea? Well I better figure out how to make sure you'll keep your mouth shut, isn't that right? What about telling the school you're gay? Oh no they probably know that by now anyways," he sneered. I fumed.
"I mean honestly Nico, I thought I've already taught you a lesson, but if I need to, you know, write it out on- I mean for you again, I could arrange that." He was insane. No doubt about it.

"Fuck off Caleb," I growled. I didn't want to stand up though, because he could easily jump up and meet me.

"And I guess discreet is going to be even more discreet in that disgusting relationship you're in. I'm sure Will will love the note on your leg, won't he?" He started laughing. I was disgusted. I threw my burnt out cigarette in the garbage that was beside us.

"Caleb, can we not do this today?" I asked him. I wouldn't beg. Not today.

"You scared?" He nagged.

"of course not, there have been way worse things in my life than you, you're like that itch that just won't go away," I replied smoothly. I was going to have to tell Will I got in a fight. There was no other way for this to turn out.

And I was ready for it. It was almost like I wanted to.

"Then step the fuck up di Angelo," he stood up and walked out of the patio area. I hated myself for it, but I followed. He knew I would.
I walked behind him, putting my phone and lighter, my two prized possessions, in my inside pocket.
I thought he was going to walk us all the way back to school, but then he turned down an alley of two buildings close to it.
It was going to be just him and me. I didn't feel like getting hurt. I wanted to win.

He spun on one foot so he was facing me. I slowly took off my sunglasses, and set them and my backpack on the ground near the entrance of the alley.
Then I walked right up to me.
He was taller than me by a lot, yes, and he was stronger than me too, but I was small, quick, I could pack a punch.
With Bianca and Hades no where to be seen, it would be easy.

"I can't believe you are a fag, after all this time I just thought you were," he sneered. I wouldn't let it get to me.

"I can't believe you are actually an asswipe, I always just thought you were," I leaned on one foot and tried to carry myself taller than my short height.
He growled, and just like I expected he would, threw a punch.
I ducked under it, making him fall forwards from the force he used.
I moved around him. He was fuming when he caught his balance and looked at me again.

"You're really asking for it today di Angelo," he roared, jumping at me again. I couldn't duck away this time. The punch hurt like hell and made my jaw click, but I returned it as soon as his arm went to throw another. Opened his mouth to move his jaw around but I didn't wait, I shoved him backwards and punched him again.

"I'm getting really fucking tired of you Caleb," I said under my breath. He was stumbling back. I went to punch him again but he grabbed my hand and twisted it, making me hiss in pain. I spun away from it but he grabbed my shoulders and shoved me back into the concrete building behind me. My head hit it, not as hard as it could've but enough to bring back a bit of trauma from the beginning of the school year when I got a minor concussion.

He was holding me there glaring, like he was trying to figure out what form of torture would be best for me.

"What are you gonna do?" I spit at his feet, spit mixed with blood because my cheek was bleeding,
"Kiss me?"

He looked thoroughly disgusted, which is how I felt thinking about kissing him, but I took it as a surprise factor and swiped his hands off me. I ducked away before he could grab me again. He turned giving me a good amount of momentum as I punched him in the mouth. He cursed loudly. As I shook out my hand, I watched as he put his hand in his mouth and it came away bloody, worse than mine.
I decided it would be a bad idea to stay there, with him so pissed off, so I grabbed my sunglasses, bag, and ran. He didn't run after me, but I wasn't far enough to hear him yell,

"The whole school will know by tomorrow di Angelo, news travels fast!"

I ran halfway to my house before slowing down. My jaw hurt as well as my head, which was now pounding with a headache. I needed water and tylonel, and my bed. I didn't want to talk to anyone.
I was breathing deeply trying to get my regular breaths to return. I stepped up my porch stairs and was hit with a wave of dizziness, and my vision went momentarily black. I clutched the door handle to steady myself. I stayed there until it cleared. Then I shoved open the door, kicking off my shoes, and immediately saw Carmen sitting at the kitchen table with her phone. She looked at me, then the clock, then probably the bruise forming on my face.

"What happened to you? Shouldn't you still be in school?" She asked suspiciously, outing her phone down. I rubbed my face, and walked into the kitchen to the cupboard with tylonel in it. I took two, dry swallowed, and then filled a glass of water and downed the whole thing.
I turned to her.

"I got in a fight," I stated simply. She nodded.

"Ok tough guy, I can see that much, are you hurt anywhere else?" She asked pointing at her lower cheek indicating where my bruise was. Her hair was in messy bun, thrown up with a clip, and a huge sweater, leggings and huge socks.

"Just my head a bit, but I'm fine. Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked her, getting the topic off me and my face.

"I took the day off, I was feeling kinda shitty, I wanted a day for myself. I already cleaned my and Jenny's closet, and I was about to go shopping, I'm guessing you don't feel like coming?" She asked. I felt bad, but shook my head lightly, it was pounding.
"That's alright bud, and I won't text Jenny about your little fight, she can figure it out on her own," she smiled.

"Thanks Carmen, you're the best," I told her, rubbing my eyes.

"No problem Neeks, but you should probably put some ice on that bruise of yours, it looks painful," she winked and went upstairs.
I made myself hot chocolate and got ice like she said before going upstairs to my room. I went into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes and took a quick shower to get off any cigarette smell off. After I got out I weighed myself.
It wasn't good.
Even though Will was back and I was feeling ok at the moment, I wasn't hungry, food hurt my stomach, and the thought of food wasn't pleasant.
My weight was way to light for a guy my age, my height.

I got dressed into new clothes, and took out my phone, pack of cigarettes and lighter from my jacket. I threw it all in the wash with the rest of my laundry.
Carmen had left when I was in the shower so I was alone again.
I could've smoked more, but that probably wasn't good for me. Instead I decided to make myself pancakes.
I wasn't really sure how too but I knew we had mix in the cupboard. As I walked down the stairs my phone vibrated.
I looked and saw an incoming call from Will. I decided I should probably pick up.

"Hello?" I asked jumping off the last step.

"Hey Neeks," I heard him trip or something and laugh under his breath,
"I was wondering if I could come over, I have a venti specially made hot chocolate by a man call Will solace with your name on it, along with a coffee, are you busy?" He asked. He said good bye to someone, probably the people at Starbucks.

"Nope, I was just about to make pancakes, want some?"

"Of course I do!" He exclaimed, making me chuckle. I opened the pantry and grabbed the mix.

"Ok, I'll see you soon," I took my phone off my ear and hung up.

Will was already better. It's been a few days now. He gives me my space, and doesn't hover around me. He asks my opinion of things. But best of all he jokes again, he's more happy around me, not worried.
He still texts me at school to check up on me but will turn the conversation to something else as soon as I reply. It's endearing though, not annoying.

I'm glad I said something. Sometimes you just have to speak up.

I looked at the box for instructions and then grabbed a big bowl and poured in all the right ingredients. It wasn't that hard.

By the time Will knocked and came in with our drinks, I was pouring in the last pancake. I had made way too many.

"Hey Neeks, whats poppin'?" He asked. I turned and watched him set the huge Starbucks cups down. He came over to me and kissed me on the nose.

"Pancakes are popping, I made 12 without trying," I laughed. So did he. His arms snaked around my waist and he put his chin on my shoulder.

"I made so much coffee today, I think my hands will fall off. Also I haven't eaten since breakfast I'm starving!" He exclaimed. I flipped the pancake and unlatched his arms from my waist lightly. I couldn't get the happy grin off my cheeks as I grabbed two plates. I turned to him, he was leaning on the counter and watching me serve him three pancakes.

"Flop a fourth on there Neeks, I could literally eat a 8 course meal right now," he laughed so I flipped another one on. He grabbed the syrup and whip cream from the fridge.

I saved the last pancake from burning. Then I cleaned up. He was eating at the table, but slowly to wait for me.
I passed him my plate and walked around him to get to the seat, and then jumped up onto it.

I started cutting into my two pancakes.

"So I was thinking," I started, shoved a maple syrup covered piece into my mouth,
"We should go on a date, a nice date, that's not the cafe, cause we don't do it very often,"

"Sure Neeks, what do you wanna do?" He asked. He looked up at me, and now that we were up close saw my face. And the forming bruise. His eyes darkened and his carefree smile disappeared, he put his fork down. I sighed and dropped mine as well.

"I know I know there's a bruise," I waved my hand in the air for emphasis.

"That wasn't-"

"No I'm not lying, I promise I'm not lying, I got in a fight today. An actual fight. And I won if you were wondering, I just came away with this," I pointed in it's general direction.

"But you weren't on school property? You didn't get caught?" He asked, easing up. He took another bite of his pancakes.

"No it was lunch, no one was there, I just needed to stand up for myself, it was nothing," I opened my hot chocolate lid and scooped out the whip cream with my fork. I let my lips close over the savoury taste.

"Ok..." he hesitated,
"As long as you're ok," his eyes flicked to my leg quickly which I saw.

"Will I swear I'm ok, would I lie to you? If it was important like that?" I asked him. He hesitated but came to a decision and shook his head.

"You wouldn't lie, I trust you,"

"And my leg is completely better, just a scar now," I said. I didn't tell him Caleb now knew about us.
Oh fuck, Caleb knew about us.
Oh shit.

"Ok if you say so." He took another bite of his food. I hooked our feet under the table. We finished up and went up to my room.
I had to pick some clothes off the ground and through them in my dirty laundry basket before I jumped into my bed beside him.
We stared at the ceiling together.

"So about that date," Will turned to me, smiling again. He propped himself up with his arm.

"Yes a date sounds nice," I hummed happily.

"Like what type of date? A date where we go to dinner, or a movie or a long drive or a festival somewhere, or we could go to the beach, anything you want Neeks, I'll get my moms car," he recommended, listing off different ideas.

"Hmmm, I don't know, maybe a long drive and a drive in movie? I loved when we went to see it together, and now we're dating so it'd be even better,"  I turned and propped myself up as well so we were facing each other.

"Oh yea? We could put the back seats down of the car and have the mosquito net around the open trunk and bring a ton of blankets?" Will imagined.

"And get popcorn and cotton candy and drinks and see the double feature," I added.

"Sounds perfect," he admitted. I grinned.

"It does," I kissed him on the nose. He kissed me on the lips.

Oh yea guess who is finally caught up? Me!
I posted on my tags again lol idk of you guys want to read random facts about me, also IM SEEING DAN AND PHIL AND THEN HALEY KIYOKO AND BRENDON URIE IN JUST OVER A WEEK WOWOW IM EXCITED, also wanna be missed by Hayley Kiyoko is a BANGER.
Ok ily guys and I love summer.


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