gym boy × tease- veins

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I was in the process of writing pmht, and they dropped the workout reel😭 don't blame me. Blame wahaj.


Meerab Waqas Ahmed had always hated Murtasim Khan, but there was something about him she couldn't ignore. His eyes were always on her, and after she rejected the proposal, she felt the tension escalate. The way he would walk, the huskiness of his voice, and his eyes on her. Her eyes would involuntarily fall on him, and when he would realise, she would turn it into a glare. She didn't say much, although they were enemies, Meerab was living in his house because her biological father, Anwar, suddenly wanted her back. Her parents refused to take her in. She had no choice but to live in Maa Begum's house before she would ignore Murtasim Khan. Now she couldn't help but steal glances of him, and their eyes would always meet.

She had no interest in him. He was a male chavunist, but at the dinner table, their hands would touch when they reached for the kettle, and she would want to keep the hands there.

Meerab couldn't deny the confusing mix of emotions stirring within her. She prided herself on being independent and strong-willed, yet there was something about Murtasim that unnerved her. It wasn't just his presence; it was the way he carried himself with an unspoken authority that both irritated and intrigued her.

At night, when the house was quiet and everyone had retired to their rooms, Meerab found herself replaying their interactions in her mind. She would berate herself for even giving him a second thought.

"Murtasim Khan of all people, really Meerab?"

He was everything she stood against-traditional, controlling, and maddeningly self-assured.

One evening, after another tense dinner where their hands had brushed yet again, Meerab found herself wandering the grounds of the estate, hoping the fresh air would clear her head. She walked aimlessly until she reached the old gazebo, a place she had started to frequent when she needed to think.

To her surprise, Murtasim was already there, leaning against one of the wooden pillars. He looked up as she approached, his expression unreadable in the dim light.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, his voice breaking the silence.

Meerab hesitated, then shook her head. "Needed some air."

Murtasim nodded, not pressing further. They stood in silence for a while, the tension between them palpable. Finally, Meerab couldn't take it anymore.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" she demanded, her frustration bubbling over.

Murtasim's eyes met hers, and for a moment, she thought she saw a flicker of something-vulnerability, perhaps?-before his usual mask of indifference slipped back into place.

"Maybe because I see something in you that you refuse to see in yourself," he said quietly.

Meerab felt her breath catch. She wasn't sure what to say to that, so she turned on her heel and walked away, her heart pounding in her chest.

As she lay in bed that night, her thoughts a tangled mess, Meerab realized that her life had become infinitely more complicated since Murtasim Khan had walked into it. And despite her best efforts to deny it, she couldn't help but wonder what it would take to unravel the enigma that was Murtasim.

Living under the same roof made it impossible to avoid him. She would hear his voice in the hallway, deep and commanding, issuing orders to the servants or talking in low tones with Maa Begum. Each time their paths crossed, her pulse quickened despite her efforts to remain indifferent.

One evening, after an especially tense dinner where their hands had brushed more than once, Meerab found herself alone in the garden. She needed the fresh air to clear her head and escape the suffocating proximity to Murtasim. The cool breeze did little to calm her nerves, though, and she was startled when she heard footsteps behind her.

Turning around, she saw Murtasim standing there, his expression unreadable in the dim light.

"Why do you keep doing this?" she snapped, frustration bubbling over. "You act like you don't care, and then you... you confuse me."

Murtasim stepped closer, his gaze locked on hers. "What is it that confuses you, Meerab? The fact that you can't stop thinking about me or that you might be feeling something you don't want to admit?"

His words hung in the air, heavy with meaning. Meerab felt her defences crumbling. She opened her mouth to retort, but no words came out. Murtasim took her silence as an invitation and closed the remaining distance between them.

"Meerab," he whispered, his voice softer now, almost tender. "I know you hate me. But can you truly say there's nothing more to it?"

Her breath hitched as he reached out and gently touched her cheek. The contact sent a jolt through her, and she knew in that moment that she couldn't deny it any longer. There was something between them, something she couldn't ignore, no matter how much she tried.

"There is nothing, I hate you. And that's it."

"Are you sure?"

His smirk when her bothered eyes went to his lips, and back to his eyes. He tilted his lips, eyeing her black kurta and the way the jeans hugged her knees. Her baby face was flushed red with anger, and it was far too tempting for him.


The word came out sharper than she intended, slicing through the air like a blade. But it didn't seem to affect him. Instead, his eyes darkened with an intensity that made her pulse race, and her toe curl.

"You're lying," he said, his voice low and firm, resonating with a quiet power. "I can see it in your eyes, Meerab. There's more to this than hate."

Her heart pounded against her ribs, each beat echoing in her ears as his hand slid from her cheek to the back of her neck. His touch was electric, sending shivers down her spine. She should pull away, scream at him to stop, but she couldn't. Her body betrayed her, leaning into his touch despite her mind's protests.

"Let me go," she whispered, her voice trembling, barely audible. She was the one holding his biceps tightly while asking him to let go...

"Is that really what you want?" The devil's breath was warm against her skin, and she felt herself weaken, her resolve crumbling like sand.

Meerab swallowed hard, fighting the tears that threatened to spill. "Yes," she said, though the word lacked conviction, a mere whisper of defiance.

He leaned in closer, his lips just a breath away from hers. "Then why do you look at me like that?" he murmured, his eyes never leaving hers, searching for the truth she tried to hide.

Her breath quickened as she could feel his body just an inch away from hers. Every nerve ending on her body was on fire.

Her resolve shattered, and before she knew it, she was closing the distance between them, her lips crashing into his with a mix of anger and longing. The kiss was fierce and desperate, a battle of wills and emotions. She poured all her confusion and frustration into it, trying to drown out the conflicting feelings swirling inside her.

When they finally broke apart, both were breathing heavily, their breaths mingling in the charged air. Meerab stared at him, her eyes wide with a mixture of shock and realization. She had just crossed a line she couldn't uncross.

"Bastard!" she pushed him away, realising what she had done, "You have always loved to hurt me. Even when I was little, you found joy in making me cry. Are you happy now? Murtasim Khan got what he wanted, you wanted to kiss me", she threw her dupatta on the floor, "Do whatever you want!"

She screamed as her shoulders shook, the dupatta lying on the floor as her tears dropped one by one. Murtasim Khan averted his gaze and closed his eyes, not knowing what to say.

A few minutes passed, and Meerab heard his retreating footsteps. And he was gone just like that.

Why are you upset? You were the one who wanted him gone!

She shook her head and grabbed her dupatta from the floor, feeling embarrassed by her own actions.


The next day at the dinner table, Murtasim's eyes were on her, but she was treating him like he didn't exist.

"Maa Begum, aap mera rishta dhundye," she said that night.

Murtasim's grip tightened on the fork he was using, "Jaldi hai kya?"

"Ji mai ab yaha aur nhi reh sakti", with that she stood up and walked away from the table. Maa Begum turned to Murtasim, "Dekh rahey ho iska bolne ka lehja, shukar hai tumne shaadi se inkaar kardi thi, warna ye musibat puri zindagi jhelni padhti".

Murtasim's knuckles whitened as he gripped the fork tighter, his jaw clenched. He watched her retreating figure with a mix of frustration and longing. Every word she had spoken felt like a dagger, each one cutting deeper than the last. He had never imagined that his feelings for her would manifest in such a turbulent and confusing way.

Murtasim looked at his mother, his expression hardening. "I'll talk to her," he said curtly, rising from his seat and leaving the dining room.

He found Meerab in the garden, her favorite spot for solace. She was sitting on a bench, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight. There was a vulnerability about her that tugged at something deep inside him.

"Meerab," he called softly, approaching her cautiously.

She looked up, her eyes red from crying, but there was a defiant set to her jaw. "What do you want, Murtasim?"

"We need to talk," he said, standing a few feet away, not wanting to invade her space.

"There's nothing to talk about," she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. "I've made my decision."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Meerab, this isn't just about you. There are other people involved, and we need to find a way to coexist."

"Coexist?" she scoffed, rising to her feet. "You think we can just coexist after everything that's happened? After what you did?"

His eyes narrowed. "What I did? You kissed me, Meerab. You can't lay all the blame on me."

Her face flushed with anger. "You provoked me! You always do. You make me feel things I don't want to feel. And now, I just want to get away from you."

"Running away isn't going to solve anything," he said, his voice steady. "We need to face this, whatever it is, together. "

"Together?" she laughed bitterly. "You and I are as different as night and day. There's no 'together' for us, Murtasim. We are oil and water, we will never mix."

He stepped closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "Maybe we don't need to mix. Maybe we just need to find a way to be side by side, to accept that we both have faults and figure out how to deal with them."

Meerab shook her head, tears welling up again. "But I hate you..."

She hated how he made her heartbeat. She hated how he seemed to care about her more than her own family, she hated how he affected her, she hated everything aboht him.

"I know one thing, I hate you and I will always hate you."

The way she said it, the intensity the hatred in her, the anger made Murtasim stumble back, this time without her pushing him.

"Then I will leave."


A month passed and Meerab got the news about Murtasim's return, he had stopped talking to her, she had tried greeting him but he would ignore her completely.

So this is how it felt.

At night, bothered and frustrated, she went to the gym, and her eyes bulged out of the sockets. Literally.

She watched him, and he had his hands over his head, removing his white polo shirt. Drenched with his sweat.

Now, that's something to watch! She thought. Great timing.

Standing up here, she could get a real good view of him: checking out his strong, muscled legs, and rippling abs. Thank goodness he took that shirt off so she ogle his defined arms, great looking ass (under the track pants).

She watched him without realising she was drooling. She grabbed hold of the railing in front of her to watch him move. Saw him bend over.


Watched him, pick up the weights, squatting his butt out and jumping. His veiny muscles, those thighs, and the ripples on his back... Meerab sighed.

Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind as he did his push-ups, imagining herself in between those muscles and the floor. Her body felt hot, as her core tingled, imagining his hard body pressing on her soft one and her breath caught in her throat. She shook her head, trying to dispel the tantalizing image from her mind. This was insane. She hated him, didn't she?

Murtasim, oblivious to her presence, continued his workout, each movement fluid and powerful. Meerab couldn't tear her eyes away. The way his muscles flexed with each push-up, the sheen of sweat glistening on his skin, the determined look on his face-it all drew her in like a moth to a flame.

Suddenly, he paused and looked up, catching her staring at him. For a moment, neither of them moved, their eyes locked in a charged silence. Meerab felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, but she couldn't look away. But Murtasim didn't acknowledge her presence. He gave her an annoyed look instead, and she suddenly realised she was acting like Haya.

Wait, she was just checking him out. There was no wrong in that. And it wasn't like she came here for that purpose, she had come here to get her workout done.

She unzipped her sports jacket, revealing the sports bra underneath. She decided to act like he didn't exist, as she picked up her yoga mat.

She started by streching, her workout intense as she ignored the man in the room.

She lifted her legs and stole glances of him, as bead of perspiration started to form, she got better looks at his movement. Not the exercise motions. But rather as he bent over to stretch, mmmmm, he had the tightest ass under those shorts. His thighs were the kind you want wrapped around you and with his energy level he could please a woman for a long, long time.

What the hell!!!

Stop. Meerab focus.

She could not believe she was having such erotic thoughts about Murtasim. She was getting turned on by only watching him exercise.

But then she saw him standing up and laying down to lift the weights. Meerab got the opportunity to take her revenge, or at least grab his attention. She bit her lip and decided this was it. As she slowly sauntered towards him, Murtasim ignored her completely, focusing on lifting the weight as she came and sat on his lap, her legs on either side.

His jaw clenched as he felt her thighs around his. He glared at her, raising his eyebrows, determined not to talk to her.

"Kya hua?" She whispered. He motioned towards her legs around his lap, and she innocently blinked.

"Ohh.. I just wanted to use the machine, but you were working out so I thought we could share it. You can continue I need to strech a little bit if you don't mind".

Her pussy grinded against the bulge in his tracks as he lifted the weight, applying all the force and frustration on it. His muscles spasmed as she moved against his lower body, pulling her one leg behind her head as her other hand was dangerously close to his bulge.

His hands shivered, but he didn't wanted to make a move, he was holding it in, the urge to drop the weights and push her down onto the machine and have her was painful. He couldn't react. If he did, she would call him a pervert like last time.

His eyes shot daggers at her, showing how much strength it took for him to hold back, as she leaned forward and then the hand that was close to the bulge in his pant was now on it. Murtasim gasped, "Oops", I lost my balance.

Meerab apologized smiling like a fox, she knew he was tempted. His face was flushed, his gaze fixed on her chest. His throat moved as he directed his gaze on the ceiling swallowing.

Meerab felt powerful - Power, yes, that was it. Her cheeks flushed as she imagined him losing control, she wanted him to. So she could blame him all over again. Gosh that was so toxic of her.

But it turned her on, she squirmed her hips, now completely forgetting that this was all an act and actively grinding her pussy with his cock. A warm tingle rose onto her cheeks. He was lifting weights and she was grinding against his lower body, his entire body was stimulated. It was getting harder for Murtasim to continue his workout.

His jaw was clenched tightly, all his muscles strained as he tried to inch away but Meerab continued her teasing.

She knew he wouldn't dare to, but what if he did. A dull throb pulsed in her pussy and nipples.

And she heard the steel drop to the floor, and her excitement bubbled up as she felt his thick arms around her waist molding her body to his.

"Done teasing?"

She shook her head, launching her mouth onto his neck, "Do you want me?"

He asked, "Not you, I want your body".

She was still denying it, but Murtasim was happy that she was atleast accepting the attraction she felt.

She knew what she wanted and so did he. Moving close she brought her mouth close to his chest and began kissing one of his nipples. She ran her hot tongue over one. Encircling it until it was hard then to the other. Biting a little with her teeth as she moved her mouth down his chest. And stopped.

Pulling back, "I am done," she leaned away, her eyes on the frustrated look on his face. She relished in his frustration, looking at his flushed face, "Didn't I tell you, I hated you? You thought you could have me? Poor Murtasim."

She picked up her jacket and zipped it up, Murtasim took a breath as she gave him a last glance, "Go on, exercise."

"A fucking tease, that's what you are!" He grumbled as she shut the door to the gym.

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