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TW // Panic Attack

"What will we be doing today?" Bumblepaw inquired, her voice filled with curiosity as the group of new apprentices and their mentors made their way through the woods. Daffodilpaw's mentor, the deputy, turned to glance over his shoulder, a warm smile gracing his features as he responded,
     "Today, we will keep it easy," he explained, his tone reassuring. "We're going to show you the territory, discuss any treaties or issues we have along the borders, and answer any questions you have." His words sparked a flicker of excitement within Bumblepaw, her eyes alight with anticipation as she eagerly absorbed the details of their upcoming adventure. Puddlepaw couldn't help but smile at her friend's enthusiasm, nudging her gently with her shoulder,
     "Calm down, Bumblebuzz," she teased playfully, her tone affectionate. "You're living up to your name, and it's just a walk." Bumblepaw giggled at the nickname, her rounded ears flicking with delight as she basked in the warmth of their camaraderie,
     "I just... I'm excited, sorry," Bumblepaw admitted sheepishly, her gaze sweeping over the lush landscape surrounding them. The forest was alive with the vibrant hues of new growth, any lingering traces of Leaf-Fall long gone. Hoppers leaped from grass blades, their movements a blur of energy, while birds soared gracefully overhead, their melodious songs filling the air with a symphony of sound. Puddlepaw looked around as well but rested her tail on Bumblepaw's back in a silent and reassuring, 'no need to be sorry' sort of way.
     Sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting a dappled pattern of shadows and light upon the forest floor. The warmth of the sun-kissed earth enveloped them, infusing the air with a sense of tranquility. The air was alive with the scent of maple and earth, mingling with the tang of salt carried on the breeze from the nearby coastline. The ground beneath their paws was soft and springy, cushioned by a thick carpet of fresh, untrodden grass  and moss, muffling the sound of their footsteps as they moved deeper into the woodland. Above them, the canopy stretched endlessly overhead, a mosaic of vibrant greens and browns dancing in the dappled sunlight. Shafts of golden light filtered through the dense foliage, casting intricate patterns of shadow and light upon the forest floor below. The trees swayed gently in the breeze, their branches whispering secrets to one another as they swayed in harmony with the wind.
     As they wandered further into the forest, the sound of rushing water drew them closer to the edge of a crystal-clear stream. The water gurgled and splashed as it tumbled over smooth rocks and fallen branches, creating a soothing symphony of sound that filled the air with a sense of peace and tranquility. The patrol dipped their paws into the cool water, feeling its refreshing touch against their fur as they drank in the beauty of the natural world around them. They crossed through the barely ankle-deep waters and continued on, the gentle flow of the stream guiding their path.
     Leaving the stream behind, they pressed onward, following a winding path that led them deeper into the heart of the forest. Tall trees loomed overhead, their branches forming a verdant canopy that stretched as far as the eye could see. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pine and the earthy aroma of moss, enveloping them in a sense of tranquility. As they ventured further into the forest, the sound of rushing water grew louder, drawing their attention to a nearby cascade. Flybracken, the deputy, halted the patrol with a raise of his tail, his expression grave as he addressed the group,
     "This part of the territory is normally avoided but important to know about," he explained, his voice tinged with solemnity. "Traversing this area is dangerous, and at any given point, you could fall to your death. This part of the territory we call Death Peaks." Unease washed over the young apprentices, their fur bristling with apprehension at the ominous warning. Puddlepaw, in particular, felt a shiver run down her spine as she recalled the fate of her missing mother. Glancing at her mentor, she couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at his stoic demeanor. Flybracken's impassive expression offered no solace, leaving her feeling more alone than ever.
     "I would prefer if we take the apprentices on our backs," Flybracken continued, his gaze sweeping over the group. "They're still small enough that they can fit. Just point out the holes in the earth." Each mentor crouched down, offering their backs to their young charges. However, Cottontuft, Puddlepaw's mentor, seemed reluctant to comply. With a dismissive snort, he forged ahead, dismissing Flybracken's suggestion with a wave of his tail.
     "Better to let them learn first-paw," he remarked gruffly, his tone dripping with arrogance. Puddlepaw bristled at his attitude, her patience wearing thin in the face of his indifference. Flybracken opened his maw to correct Cottontuft's actions but Puddlepaw beat him to it,
     "I don't trust him not to drop me regardless of being on his back or not," she retorted sharply, her frustration boiling over. "For all I know, he could accidentally trip." Her words hung in the air, a defiant challenge to her mentor's dismissive behavior. She refused to let him off the hook so easily, determined to stand up for herself and her fellow apprentices.

     Flybracken smirked and cast a knowing glance at Cottontuft, his tone laced with amusement.
     "Better fix that attitude before she does it for you," he quipped mockingly, relishing the opportunity to poke fun at his fellow warrior. Cottontuft bristled at the jab, his fur spiking with irritation as he struggled to rein in his temper. With a low growl, he clenched his jaw and held his tongue, refusing to engage further in the verbal sparring match. Instead, he turned abruptly and stalked forward, his demeanor icy and aloof,
     "Just watch your step," he warned curtly as he led the way, his voice tinged with frostiness. "Some of the holes drop to tunnels that spit you out into the falls." It was the closest thing to instruction he had given her so far, a begrudging concession to the necessity of guiding his young apprentice through the treacherous terrain. Puddlepaw nodded in acknowledgment, her gaze fixed intently on the ground ahead as she scanned for any signs of danger.  As they neared the rushing waters ahead, Puddlepaw's heart quickened with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Ahead of them, she could make out a gaping gorge in the earth where a roaring waterfall cascaded mercilessly through the rocky terrain. The sound of the rushing water echoed through the forest, a thunderous symphony that filled the air with a sense of urgency and foreboding.
     As Puddlepaw approached the edge of the gorge, she couldn't help but be overwhelmed by its sheer size and scale. The gaping chasm stretched before her, a yawning abyss that seemed to crawl on endlessly into the depths below. Its rugged cliffs towered high above her, their weathered faces carved by centuries of relentless erosion. Jagged rocks jutted out from the sheer walls, casting sinister shadows across the churning waters below. The rushing water thundered through the gorge with a deafening roar, its powerful currents carving a path through the rocky terrain with unyielding force. The frothy white foam churned and boiled as it surged forward, relentlessly devouring everything in its path. The sound of the waterfall echoed through the forest, a constant reminder of nature's raw power and unforgiving brutality.
     Puddlepaw gazed down into the depths below, a sense of vertigo washing over her, threatening to pull her into the abyss. The sheer drop seemed to go on forever, disappearing into a swirling vortex of mist and spray far below. She could feel the weight of the gorge pressing down on her, its vast expanse stretching out before her like a bottomless pit.
     The sight of the rushing water sent a shiver down Puddlepaw's spine, filling her with a sense of dread and apprehension. The relentless force of the waterfall seemed to mock her, taunting her with its overwhelming power and ferocity. She couldn't help but feel a pang of fear knowing that her mother had fallen victim to these treacherous falls, her fate sealed by the merciless currents that now threatened to consume her as well. As she stood on the edge of the gorge, the memories of her mother's disappearance flooded back to her with painful clarity. She could only picture Fallencloud's face, her eyes filled with fear as she tumbled over the edge and disappeared into the churning waters below. The thought of her mother's final moments filled Puddlepaw with a sense of overwhelming grief and loss, a deep ache in her heart that refused to be quelled.

     Puddlepaw retreated away from the edge and shook her head, attempting to push the thoughts away. Her heart began to race erratically in her chest. A sense of overwhelming dread washed over her, threatening to suffocate her with its grip. The roar of the rushing water echoed in her ears, each thunderous crash sending shockwaves of fear rippling through her body. Her breath came in short, ragged gasps as she struggled to control the rising tide of panic welling up inside her. Images of what could have been her mother's final moments flashed before her eyes, her mind replaying the harrowing scene over and over again. She could see Fallencloud's terrified face, her desperate attempts to cling to life as she was swept away by the merciless currents.
     A surge of nausea churned in the pit of Puddlepaw's stomach, threatening to overwhelm her fragile composure. She staggered backward, her legs trembling beneath her as she fought to keep herself from succumbing to the overwhelming tide of fear crashing down upon her. But try as she might, she could not escape the suffocating grip of panic that threatened to consume her from within. Her chest tightened with each labored breath, her vision swimming as tears welled up in her eyes. She felt as though she were drowning in a sea of terror, her mind consumed by the relentless onslaught of fear and despair.
     "Mom..." she whispered hoarsely, her voice barely more than a broken sob. The word hung in the air like a desperate plea for salvation, but there was no one there to answer her cries. She was alone, trapped in the grip of her own darkest fears, with no escape in sight. The rest of the patrol had slunk forward to see the edge as well, shouting to one another. The only cat to glance back at Puddlepaw was Cottontuft. He showed no interest or even the slightest bit of pity.
     Puddlepaw sank to her chest, her body wracked with sobs as she crumbled under the weight of her overwhelming emotions. She clutched at her chest, her heart pounding furiously against her ribcage as she struggled to catch her breath. In that moment of sheer desperation, she felt utterly and completely lost. The world around her seemed to blur and fade away, leaving her stranded in a haze of fear and uncertainty. All she could do was surrender to the overwhelming tide of panic that threatened to engulf her, praying desperately for someone, anyone, to come to her rescue.

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