Held power

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James and Homura have entered the labyrinth to check the Shouki no Kami,
"That shine should be up ahead, stay close" said Homura,
"Got it" said James,
Homura gets to the shrine and enter only to find that the Shouki no Kami is gone,
"Did you find it?" said James,
"They moved it" said Homura,
"They what" said James,
James enters to see for himself and it was in fact gone,
"How the hell did they move it and where did they put it" said James,
"I don't know but those subordinates have plans that involve it" said Homura,
Before James could speak, Homura senses a witch's presence and grabs James's arm to pull him out of the shrine,
"Look over there" said Homura as she sees the witch,
The witch was a huge spider like being with purple lines on its body as all ten eye's glow purple,
"That thing is huge, why are they getting bigger" said James,
"You think you're Armoured titan could take it on" said Homura,
"It's roughly the same height, then again it is far from us" said James,
The witch leaves the area ignoring James and Homura,
"It's gone" said James,
"Why would it ignore us, it knows were here and it just seemed like it didn't care" said Homura,
"That is strange but if it doesn't mind our presence for the time being then this labyrinth can be used to hone my titan power" said James,
"I'll tell Madoka and we'll come back here tomorrow instead of the labyrinth I originally planned, hopefully that witch doesn't try to return to this part of the labyrinth while you are in titan form" said Homura,
James and Homura exit the labyrinth as they head their separate ways for now,
James made it home expecting Kyubey or something to pop out of nowhere,
"Odd, Kyubey isn't here, that's fine" said James as he sits down to watch TV,
James was about to fall asleep until he felt a cold wind and gets up to investigate,
"Is Barnabas here, that can't be" said James,
"Her majesty isn't here, please don't mind the cold for the time being" said a soft voice,
"You were here before, you must be that third harbinger Nahida talked about" said James,
"Of course, Buer took notice but worry not, I have been given order to not harm you" said the voice,
"Who are you" said James,
The cold temperatures dissipated as the voice fell silent, James goes upstairs to rest as he thinks about why that third harbinger was here.

James wakes up as he gets ready for school as he doesn't feel the presence of the third harbinger right now,
"That's odd, it shouldn't be an issue, Madoka will be here to check on me soon" said James as he finished getting ready,
James makes it out the door right as Madoka and Sayaka arrive,
"Homura told me what happened yesterday, are you sure you really want to train in that labyrinth?" said Madoka,
"We don't have much of a choice, we must take the opportunity that presents itself" said James,
"See Madoka, he's fine with it he'll be able to destroy that witch if it decides to interrupt" said Sayaka,
After James was finished up with class, he went to find somewhere to eat lunch before it was time to head over to that labyrinth,
"That witch didn't seem phased by our presence, why though, is it intelligent it has to be why else would it lie in wait" James thought to himself,
Madoka found James and snapped him out of thought as she gently shakes his shoulder,
"Sorry Madoka, I didn't see you there" said James,
"It's fine, what were you thinking about" said Madoka,
"That witch me and Homura saw yesterday, I suspect that it's an intelligent witch, it knows what it wants to do and can do it" said James,
"That does sound very dangerous, we can try that other labyrinth if you want" said Madoka,
"There's not enough time, we just have to deal with it, besides the more we find out about this witch the easier it will be to kill it" said James,
James makes it to that park as the others were waiting,
"Are you ready, if this witch is as intelligent as you assume then it will be grave risk" said Homura,
"Yes, I'll try my best to control this new power" said James,
Everyone enters the labyrinth as the shrine that once housed the Shouki no Kami is now gone,
"They must have come to clean up the rest of it, anyway its time" said Homura as she summons a barrier around James,
"Don't worry, this just ensures that you can shift safely without any problem" said Mami,
"Come on, do it I want to see you transform" said Nagisa,
"Make sure you don't lose control now or I'll tear you out of there myself" said Kyoko,
"Alright" James said as he takes a deep breath,
James takes his right hand and bites down expecting to transform only for him to wince in pain as blood drips from his wound,
"That can't be right, I'm doing all the step correctly, maybe I need to try again" said James as he bites his other hand,
James keeps trying but to no avail, blood dripping from his hands with no sign of the heighten regeneration working ether,
"I can't do it" said James as the barrier falls,
"That can't be" said Madoka,
"It must have failed or some parameters aren't being met, are you sure you did everything right" said Homura,
"I'm certain, the only way it would fail like this is there was any doubt holding me back but there shouldn't be" said James.

Everyone left the labyrinth as Madoka bandages up James's wounds,
"Are you sure you don't want me to heal you" said Sayaka,
"If we heal them then we won't find out what went wrong" said James,
"We should just sit down and think of why James wasn't able to titan shift" said Madoka,
"Good idea" said Homura,
Everyone found a wooden table to gather at and think,
"Do you have any idea on what happened Kyubey, you are the one who gave him these powers" said Mami,
"to be honest, I don't know the procedure myself, I'm just as confused as you are" said Kyubey,
"Not even Kyubey knows, what's going to happen now" said Nagisa,
"I'm sure they work again eventually" said James,
James was about to eat some food until he drops the fork on the ground after the pain in his hands start up,
"I can give you another" said Madoka,
"Its fine" said James as he reaches for the fork,
Before grabbing it, small sparks of lightning emitted through the bandage as James realised what was happening,
"Everyone move?!" Homura yelled as everyone jumped away as the bolt of lightning hits and James does a partial transformation,
An arm and the body of the Armoured titan formed as James was sticking out of the nape trying to get his hand out.

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