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"How bad is it, is it a strong witch?" said James,
"It's a witch that's going berserk, I know this is asking much but you and Nagisa are the only ones that are in reach" said Kyubey,
"Wait, you're a magical girl Nagisa?" said James,
"Of course, that's how I can transform into witch and back, that how I helped the other" said Nagisa,
"Right, Kyubey where in Despair's labyrinth are they" said James,
"That's the problem, they aren't in that labyrinth" said Kyubey,
"But I was sure it opened into his labyrinth" said James,
"Your still learning how to wield that swords power but right now you and Nagisa need to save Madoka and the others" said Kyubey,
"Ok, stand back" said James as he summons the Musou Isshin and opens a fissure to a labyrinth,
James, Kyubey and Nagisa enter the fissure and into the labyrinth to find Madoka,
Nagisa transforms into Bebe and goes off,
"Follow quick follow" said Bebe,
"There's no need to be afraid" said Kyubey,
"I'm not, somethings just off" said James as he follows Bebe,
The area rumbles as James catches Bebe,
"You better stay close to me" said James,
Bebe nods as James finds the source of the rumbling.

"There's the witch" said Kyubey,
"I see it" said James,
"Save them, save them" said Bebe,
Bebe points at Madoka and the others,
"You must take caution, you're not like Madoka and the others, your human and witches can do serious damage, you do remember what happened to you last time don't you?" said Kyubey,
"Of course I do, I know I have to be careful but we don't have much of a choice, you think you can distract it Nagisa?" said James,
Bebe nods as she floats over to distract the witch as James jumps on its back as the sword begins to glow,
"What is he doing" said Kyoko,
"Only assumption is that he's helping" said Sayaka,
"I'll help him if needs be" said Madoka,
The witch starts to flail around as James stabs it with the Musou Isshin as it emits lightning,
"It's too dangerous, I'll save him when the witch keeps this up" said Homura,
James slices the witch as the sword spoke,
"Take my blade .. save......." said the Musou Isshin as parts of sentence were cut out and interfered with,
"The sword, is it trying to relay the memories of its previous owner" said James,
The witch was about to retaliate as time freezes and Homura grabs James by the arm causing him to move in frozen time,
"What happened" said James,
"Stay close to me and don't let go or you'll freeze in time" said Homura,
James and Homura jump as she unfreezes time while she throws a bomb at the witch taking it down.

"What were you thinking" said Homura,
"It was my idea, after seeing him in action I am surprised on how long he can hold his own" said Kyubey,
"Bringing him here was reckless, you two should know better" said Homura as she looks at Bebe as well,
"Without his help, the witch would have proved too dangerous to handle" said Kyubey,
"And your only course of action was to bring him to fight the witch" said Homura,
"All that matters now is that the witch is defeated" said Kyubey,
The witch rises as suddenly vine erupt from the ground stopping the witch,
"That's interesting, perhaps he has leftover magic from Despair" said Kyubey,
"These floating smaller mechanical hands, there seven of them in seven different colours" said James,
A/N: The 7 colours and each element they possess,

Red: Fire

Blue: Water

Green: Plant

Purple: Lightning

Cyan: Ice

Orange: Rock

Turquoise: Wind

"What was that?" said Madoka,
"Something that James won't have for very long, it is just left over magic and he'll only be able to have certain control" said Kyubey,
"How long will he have it for?" said Sayaka,
"From my estimation and depending on how much he'll use it, I suspect he'll have this ability for three or five days" said Kyubey,
James switch elements from plant to lightning to shock the witch,
"Someone kill the witch, I can't keep it down for long" said James,
Madoka finishes the witch as the combination of her magic and the lightning make a big explosion,
The labyrinth shatter as the mechanical hands disappears,
"Unusual, perhaps I misjudged you" said Kyubey,
"Wait, where's Nagisa?" said James,
"I'm here" said Nagisa as she returns to her human form,
"Are you ok" said James,
Nagisa nod in response,
"Good" James said as he sighs of relief,
"What about you, fighting a witch like that was huge risk" said Sayaka,
"I'm fine Sayaka, but something was off" said James,
"Like what?" said Madoka,
"The Musou Isshin, it spoke.... Well, more likely it played some sort of pre-recorded message" said James,
"What if it was the final words of the previous user" said Nagisa,
"That is a possibility, are there any other messages in the sword?" said Homura,
"Maybe but I can't tell nor am I able to access any at my own volition, but if I bond with this sword for longer than I might be able to find more secrets to it" said James,
James went back home as he went to rest only to be interrupted by Kyubey.

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