I am peace

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Kyubey jumped off to bed and on to James's shoulder,
"I've been expecting you, I have thought of the contingency plan and I have great confidence that this power will benefit you and help with the issue of the now diminished leftover magic" said Kyubey,
"You have" James questioned,
"Yes, I've been reading that old manga you have which gave me the idea" said Kyubey,
"But the still look weathered and untouched" said James,
"I told you I had my ways, but that's not important, I assume you want know what you'll receive but that will be a surprise for when it's necessary" said Kyubey,
"What exactly did you have in mind?" said James,
"Don't worry, I assume you and Homura found something" said Kyubey,
"Something was being built, there was other smaller building around the larger one" said James,
"Perfect, it will make an excellent testing ground, but for now you must rest" said Kyubey as he leaves,
"Testing ground?" James said to himself as he goes to sleep,
James starts to dream as voices talk about a cargo hauler,
"How did they get a Vollerei class cargo hauler" said a voice,
"They took it from the abyss like we took one of their warships, we must prepare the boarding parties, I don't want Morax escaping" said Despair,
James wakes up after that and gets ready for school,
"Hopefully, Homura has plan" said James as he waits for Madoka and Sayaka,
Madoka and Sayaka come around as James walks with them,
"This labyrinth is going to be tough, are you sure you can handle it" said Sayaka,
"The real question is if any of you are prepared for it" said James,
"You make a great point, but we will try our best" said Madoka,
James was about to head to class until he spotted Homura,
"Hey Homura, did you think of a plan yet?" said James,
"Still working on it, I'll come up with something over time, but let me ask you this, are you sure you want trust Kyubey?" said Homura,
"To be honest, he never went into detail about his plan, it's kind of hard to believe him" said James,
"Of course, he didn't tell you much, don't believe most of his ideas, I'll let this go this time only because I'm interested in what he plans to do with you and if he does try anything harmful then I'll stop him" said Homura,
"Thanks Homura" said James,
"Remember your importance, now go before your late" said Homura as she leaves.

After school, James heads home with Madoka,
"So, what's the reason for visiting this time" said James,
"I was thinking about it a lot ever since Homura told me about this labyrinth and I know someone who can help, she knows your brother" said Madoka,
"Really?" said James,
"Yes, she knows a lot about Despair and your brother wanted her to keep an eye on you to see if Despair was truly defeated" said Madoka,
"So, he really does know, I had a feel he would have known" said James as he and Madoka enter the house,
"Hey Nahida, I need to talk to you" said Madoka,
"Madoka, why, James wasn't supposed to know I was here" said Nahida as she comes out of the shadows,
"Wait what" said James,
"Please Nahida, you're the only one who knows about these subordinates, we need to know if they exist if labyrinths are starting to get more advanced" said Madoka,
Nahida sighed before giving her answer,
"Alright, I'll help you" said Nahida,
"Wait we're relying on a child" said James,
"I'm much old than you think, I'm Nahida, the God of Wisdom and the Archon of Dendro, your brother told me to make sure your truly saved but since your encounter with number three of what's left of the Harbingers, we have come to the conclusion that you are still in danger" said Nahida,
"Harbingers?" said James,
"We will talk about them soon but about the subordinates, yes they do exist but whether or not they survived is still undetermined" said Nahida,
"But who are these Harbingers" said Madoka,
"These Harbingers are The Tsaritsa's best warriors, she only brought her top three Harbingers with her before leaving" said Nahida,
"Were there more?" said James,
"Yes, Harbingers four, five, seven, nine, ten and eleven but they were left behind" said Nahida,
"What about the sixth and eighth" said Madoka,
"The sixth tried to erase himself and the eighth was killed before the war" said Nahida,
"What about Harbinger did I encounter" said James,
"The Harbinger you saw, the third is very dangerous, the top three Harbingers are equal to Gods in terms of strength so I would advise to stay clear away from them if you encounter them" said Nahida,
"And the Tsaritsa?" said James,
"She is the Archon of Cryo and she clearly has interests in you if she sent a Harbinger to check up on you" said Nahida,
"Should we be worried?" said Madoka,
"As long as no one tries to attack then she most likely be peaceful about approaching James but if she gets to him, she'll not let him go and will not hesitate to kill anyone in her way" said Nahida,
"I see, we need to focus on the subordinates for now, this Tsaritsa comes later" said James,
Madoka looks at James as she knows what his thinking.

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