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The orange light glows as the ground shakes and rocks erupt while the blue ones shoot out water blades that slices through the familiars,
"That was too much, I'll control this power better next time" said James as he investigates the damage,
"Well, I stopped something" said James,
The witch appears as James changes the hands element to cyan and green,
The green lights glow as vines are summoned to keep the witch in place as James continues looking at the wreckage,
"They were sending something to someone, I'm getting closer" said James as he backs away slowly,
The cyan light glows as it emits ice to attack the witch,
"Why is it still going, I didn't command it to do that" said James,
Before the witch could shake off anything, Sayaka and Kyoko attack it as Madoka and Homura arrive,
"Thanks for keeping the witch busy" said Madoka,
"It must be a weak one" said Homura,
"Wait where's Mami?" said James,
"She's dealing with familiars, what did you find?" said Homura,
"Some kind of operation that involved sending data to someone, whatever it was it's been interrupted, we need to get out of here" said James,
"Just hold on we almost got it" said Kyoko,
The witch falls as James catches the grief seed,
"Thanks for catching that" said Kyoko,
"No problem, wouldn't want any of you losing one of these" said James as he gives the grief seed to Kyoko,
The labyrinth shatters as James catches his breath,
"You'll get used to it" said Mami,
"Yeah, I know" said James,
"You said that they were transferring data to Despair's labyrinth" said Homura,
"I'm not too sure but if it was then it's a good thing the labyrinth shattered" said James,
"But Despair was able to appear in outside of his labyrinth, if he can do it then his subordinates can too" said Sayaka,
"Then that means we're still in danger" said James.

After the hunt James and the others left the area and went to Mami's apartment,
"So, you think your dream was one of Despairs memories?" said Mami,
"It has to be, but what I don't know is why it's happening if his subordinates are trying to stay hidden" said James,
James finishes his tea as he finishes his sentence,
"Slow down, what's the rush, you need to stay calm" said Sayaka,
"Your right it's just that if those memories are triggering then somethings making that happen" said James,
"I know you're afraid, but you need to look on the brighter side of this, if these subordinates are in fact real then these memory triggers will help" said Homura,
James nods as he gets a refill on tea,
"It's getting late, I'll stay for a bit longer" said James,
"I'll be right back" said Madoka as she notices Kyubey,
"Madoka, you must get to James's place after this" said Kyubey,
"What, but why?" said Madoka,
"To understand the aspects of what's in his mind, one must view him while he sleeps and you're the only one I can rely on" said Kyubey,
"Oh, but it doesn't feel right stalking him like that" said Madoka,
"Madoka, if James is right about these subordinates, then this world is still in danger" said Kyubey.

James stays longer while the others leave,
"It's nice of you to stay behind and help me clean the place" said Mami,
"Well, the job gets done faster that way, I know it gets lonely here but then again you do have Nagisa now" said James,
"That's true but still I appreciate the thought" said Mami,
"Just making sure your okay is all" said James,
"Your too kind" said Mami,
"Well, I'll see you later" said James as he left,
James arrives home as he falls straight asleep in his bed,
Madoka peeks through the bedroom door,
"Are you sure about this is?" Madoka whispers,
"He'll understand, hopefully" Kyubey whispers,
Madoka keeps watching until she sees something,
"What is it, what do you see" Kyubey whispers,
"Who is that" Madoka whispers as she sees a little girl,
"Ok, I told him I can do it, let's try again" said the girl as she holds her arm out,
"What is she doing?" Madoka whispers,
James starts the dream as voices spoke about a dig site and a ship going off its course,
"Oh no, not that" said the girl,
Madoka leans in but the door creaks as it opens more alerting the girl as she steps back,
"Hey, wait" said Madoka as she opens the door only to find that the girl disappeared,
"Keep it down or you'll wake him up" Kyubey whispered,
"But I saw someone" said Madoka,
"You shouldn't be here right now" said the girl as her voice echoed in Madoka's mind,
"But why are you here, are you putting things in James's head" said Madoka,
"What no, you've got the wrong idea I was only trying to help him, I was trying to keep a stable connection between him and the memory" said the girl,
"Wait so you know about Despair" said Madoka,
"Yes, I do know about who you call Despair but unfortunately it's not much, I helped Morax from the side lines but after finding out what happened to the people I was supposed protect, I knew I had to be better and stronger" said the girl,
"You also know Morax" said Madoka,
"You know him too" said the girl,
"He helped me stop Despair" said Madoka,
"Then why didn't you say so, he talked about you after we left the labyrinth" said the girl,
"Well then, I'm Madoka Kaname" said Madoka,
"Nice to meet you but you caught me at an unfortunate time, if you come back tomorrow then we can talk more, but you can't tell James or anyone else that I'm here" said the girl.

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