A soul now lost

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"Well, I guess we must improvise" said James as he walks to one of the doors,
"Yes, but we can't just wander to each room until we find it, this labyrinth is far too dangerous for such" said Homura,
"I trust you" said James as he walks from the door,
"This far too unusual for nothing to be in this labyrinth beside s us" said Homura,
"I will admit that's it is suspicious" said Sayaka,
"It's a trap" said James,
"Next move?" said Homura,
"We spring the trap" said James as he makes his way to the throne,
"Are you sure about this?" said Sayaka,
"When have I've been wrong before Sayaka" said James as he sits on the throne and get's the hologram screen up,
"A lot of time" said Sayaka as she giggles,
"Just trust what I'm about to do" said James as he chuckles to himself,
James starts guessing and writing passwords to access the Walpurgisnacht development room as an armoured witch descended upon Homura and Sayaka,
"We can't let James get hurt while he's trying to access the location" said Homura as she summons a rocket launcher,
"Got it, James, catch this and use it" said Sayaka as she throws a sword to James,
James catches the sword and continues his pursuit to get in the throne's systems,
"All I can do is keep guessing" James said to himself silently,
The witch descended towards James but flies the other way after getting close,
"It must know" James thought to himself,
The witch continues to swoop down and away from James,
"What's with this witch, it's trying to attack James but it's also trying to keep itself away from him" said Homura silently to herself.

The witch attempts to swoop once more but James found the weak spots in the armour,
"I only have one shot" James thought to himself as he prepares the sword,
Once the witch is in range James stabs the one of the many small weak spots,
Homura aims and fires at the witch and the rocket hit and its tail flails and hits James off the throne and damages it,
Homura catches James before he hits the ground,
"Are you alright?" said Homura,
"Yeah, it's just a few bruises" said James,
Sayaka fights off the witch but it targets Homura,
"No you don't" said Sayaka as she stabs one of the witches weak spots,
James braces himself as he and Homura get attacked by the witch,
James get hurt even more to the point of being difficult to stand up,
The witch retreats to a dormant and heavily armoured body as it combines with it and awakens,
"This must be a new type of witch" said Homura,
Sayaka helps James stand up,
"Are you alright?" said Sayaka,
"If I'm being honest, I'm not.... Too much pain" said James as he tries to stand,
"Sayaka, get James to safety while I deal with the witch" said Homura,
"Got it" said Sayaka as she carries James to a lock door,
James unlocks the door as it leads to a hallway,
"I should have taken you into account, I didn't want you to get hurt like this" said Sayaka,
"It's not as bad as you think, I'll survive trust me" said James,
Homura stops time as she summons ten rocket launchers aiming at the heavily armoured witch,
"The armour is a stone like texture so this much fire power should do the trick, next time I won't let James get hurt..... for Madoka's sake" said Homura as time resumes and the rocket launchers fire.
The witches armour shatters and the witch is defeated,
"How's James's condition?" said Homura,
"Bad, really bad he's badly bruised to the point where he's struggling to stand up" said Sayaka as the door closes behind her,
"The throne is in bad shape, I'm not sure if it can be used" said Homura,
Before Sayaka can respond the door behind her opens as Despair walks through it,
"There you are" said Sayaka,
"Where's James, what did you do with him" said Homura,
"I suppose it is time to tell you two, he and I are one in the same" said Despair as he points to his crystal,
"Like hell you and him are similar, you are nothing like him" said Sayaka as she summons her swords,
"True, we are different you fail to understand how we coexist" said Despair,
"There's no way, it can't be it's unheard of" said Homura in disbelief,
"There are many things you are unknown to" said Despair as he approaches closer,
"What happened to James, where is he" said Sayaka in anger,
"He is safe within my crystal, but he will die if you break it and kill me he watches, he struggles, he does what he can to free himself but it's all futile" said Despair,
"Your making him suffer, your hurting him" said Sayaka,
"Why don't you fight me and find out" said Despair as he ignites his wrist blades,
"Sayaka don't-" Homura was too late to finish her sentence as Sayaka rushes to attack Despair,
Despair block's the attack as a barrier forms around him and Sayaka like an arena,
"This brings me back to the day I proved to lead, it was an arena but bigger and had an audience, I fought through all that opposed me wanting leadership and put them in their place" said Despair,
"I will make you pay" said Sayaka as she continues to strike,
"I know you build up the hatred and despair in your soul gem converting it into power, it seems you aren't aware of your actions and the coming consequence" said Despair as he blocks the attacks and disarms Sayaka from her weapons,
"What are you waiting for, do it kill me already" said Sayaka,
"No, I have plans for you, what if I told you that I can give you exactly what you want" said Despair,
"Sayaka don't listen to him" said Homura as she tries to break the barrier,
"What can you give me" said Sayaka,
"I know of your jealousy, what drove you to gain power, I can give you the boy you love but only if you submit" said Despair,
"You think that will work, I'm already too far gone, I can't hold myself together anymore, I couldn't stop James from getting hurt" said Sayaka as she fell to her knees,
"No, not like this" said Homura as the labyrinth begins shaking,
"I really am an idiot" said Sayaka as the labyrinth switches,
Homura finds herself back in the human world by herself,
"I can't tell Madoka about James being Despair she won't be able to take it well" said Homura,
"What" said Kyoko,
"Your going to want to let me explain" said Homura.

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