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James and Homura enter the labyrinth to find the development chamber,
"Now we follow the map and end this" said Homura,
James walks up to the destroyed door from the last time,
"He hasn't fixed it?" said James,
"He wants us to go through" said Homura,
"Then it's a trap if he's allowing us to go through this easily" said James,
"Then we spring the trap, our objective is to destroy the Walpugisnacht before it's ready, we don't have much time even if Despair takes over you, I will be ready" said Homura as she walks through the wrecked door,
"Promise me one thing if despair does take over during this mission" said James,
"What is it?" said Homura,
"Don't hold back, no matter what" said James as he follows Homura through the door,
"Understood" said Homura as she and James continue onwards.

Awhile passes as James and Homura are traversing the seemingly endless hallways,
"Don't be fooled, we should be close" said Homura as she looks at the map,
"That's not what I'm worried about" said James,
"Ether way you must ease yourself, we're going to save you one way or another" said Homura,
"Got it" said James as he begins to calm himself down,
James and Homura get to a door that seems different than all the others,
"This is it, it has to be" said James as he unlocks the door,
The door opens slowly as the sight of the Walpugisnacht is shown almost completed,
"Now we end this" said Homura as she makes her way in,
James follows closely as unknown substance drips on the ground,
"Homura, look up!" James says as the witch jump down from the ceiling and forms itself,
The witch known as Nightmare has now made itself known,

A/N:this is nightmare from DMC5

"James, move!" Homura yells as she summons a rifle and starts opening fire upon Nightmare,
James moves to avoid crossfire,
"You're really taking every and all precaution aren't you" James says to himself silently,
Homura's bullets seem to go through but do nothing,
"Impossible, this has to be another one of his experiments" said Homura as she continues to try and shoot a potential weak spot,
Nightmare gets close and begin swinging it's arms to try and hit Homura,
"It's adamant for battle, then I'll give it what it wants" said Homura as she opens fire once more.

One of the bullets almost hits nightmare in the eye as it covers it in defence,
"The eye, of course, Homura, Hit it in the eye that's the weak point!" James says as Homura fights off Nightmare,
Homura nods while dodging attacks,
Homura keeps her distance as she summons a sniper rifle,
Nightmare begins charging and firing a high-powered beam of energy at Homura leaving explosions down the beam's paths,
"Not good, this is a heavy way fight, it's hard to get it to hold still" said Homura as she struggles,
"Time is limited, it's trying to drag the fight out as long as possible" said James,
"Then that leaves us no choice, here James take this explosive and destroy the Walpugisnacht, this must be done by you're hands now" said Homura as she throws an explosive,
James catches it and runs towards the giant window containing the Walpugisnacht,
"Alright, here it goes" said James as he breaks apart of the window,
James arms the bomb and throws it in chamber as it explodes destroying the Walpugisnacht,
Nightmare stumbles from the explosion as Homura takes aim and shoots the eye killing Nightmare instantly as it's grief seed drops.

Homura grabs the grief seed and James as she fled the room that has now collapsed on itself from the internal damages,
"Are you alright?" said Homura as she catches her breath,
"Yeah, that felt indescribable destroying something like that, I don't know whether to feel amazed or relived" said James as he catches his breath,
"Right, let's go, Kyoko and Madoka are going to need help dealing with Oktavia von Seckendorff " said Homura,
"Right, you go while..." James could finish his sentence when Despair takes control,
"You!" said Homura,
"You think that was going to warrant you a victory, not a chance, I have another weapon more stronger, you're death will be satisfying" said Despair as he aims the riot cannon at Homura.

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