Soul gems and their power

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Before James and Mami could do anything else ignited Foxy comes out of nowhere and almost hits Mami with his hook,
"I thought I lost them" said Mami,
All the other ignited animatronics come out and surround Mami,
"Mami, this nightmare is powered by fear that's why you're magic isn't work" said James,
Mami was too terrified to move,
"You need to be brave, face your fear, you not alone anymore remember" said James,
"You're right, I'm not afraid and I'm not alone" said Mami,
Mami was now filled with bravery and summoned her muskets,
"Yes, you can do it" said James,
Mami shot down all four of the ignited animatronics to the point were they won't get up,
"Ok, now that they're out of the way we can....." said Mami,
Before Mami could finish her sentence James was missing and she saw Despair the spot he was standing,
"What did you do to James, where is he" said Mami as she aims her muskets at Despair,
Despair points at his crystal,
"N-No it can't be, you and James can't be the same" said Mami,
"Believe it or not we are completely opposite from each other, we just benefit from each other, his human body is like a support form for me to form over" said Despair,
"You're using him as a vessel for yourself like a parasite" said Mami,
"You could put it that way and if you're wondering he doesn't suffer physically only mentally" said Despair,
"W-What do you mean by he's mentally suffering from you" said Mami,
"Every time we fought each other he's been watching it all through my crystal but sometimes he might get amnesia and fail to remember some moments watching through my crystal depending how long I've been in control for" said Despair,
Mami couldn't move knowing that all this time she and the others have been fight James the whole time,
"And he's perfectly safe inside my crystal unless you shatter it" said Despair,
"I m-must fight, I-I must...." said Mami,
Before Mami could finish her sentence, Despair activated his wrist blades and cut Mami's head off,
"All too easy" said Despair as he takes Mami's soul gem,
Despair was about to crush Mami's soul gem but he came up with a theory,
"If the tower can drain all soul gems around the world then I wonder if absorbing individual soul gems could give me a small boost in power, but soul gems use the despair from grief seeds to be cleansed.... Interesting" said Despair as he enters his labyrinth,
Despair scanned and studied how much power soul gems could give him or be a great weakness,
"The results confirm that soul gems can give me extra power and seven soul gems or more will make me a God of hyperdeath" said Despair,
Despair's chest opens with seven slots for seven soul gems,
"I never knew my body could store soul gems...... Maybe my creators knew that soul gems could make me a God" said Despair,
Despair puts Mami's soul gem into one of the seven slots in his opened chest,
"Let's see the power soul gems hold" said Despair as his chest closes,
Despair feels a jolt of strength then feel feeling of power starts to kick in,
"It seems my theory was correct, I feel much more powerful" said Despair,
Despair tests his upgraded power,
"I should let James wake up now, I might not remember me stealing Mami's soul gem and might think I shattered it" said Despair as he snaps his fingers.

James wakes up and sees Sayaka and Kyoko around him,
"You're awake, we've been trying to wake you up" said Sayaka,
"Where's Mami?, wasn't she here with you?" said Kyoko,
"She..... Tried to fight my nightmares which she successful did but..... You know how you were talking about Despair when you took my to his labyrinth" said James,
"Yeah" said Kyoko,
"Wait you don't mean....." said Sayaka in an agitated tone,
"Despair killed Mami and took her soul gem........ I saw it happen" said James,
"He.... Killed her...." said Kyoko,
"To think that he got away with it pisses me off" said Sayaka in an angry tone,
"I can't believe that bastard had the audacity to murder her right in front of you" said Kyoko in an angry tone,
"She died trying to save me...... She sacrificed herself for my well-being " said James,
"James you're hands are cold as ice" said Sayaka as she felt James's hands,
"You're freezing up, your as cold as a dead body, are ya feeling alright?" said Kyoko,
"I.... Don't know.... I feel very cold but... I can't explain why" said James,
"You been through a lot, you've been dealing with nightmares for the past week and you saw Despair for the first time" said Sayaka,
"Yeah..." said James knowing that he's been Despair one too many times to say it was his first experience,
"Come on, let's get you home" said Kyoko as she and Sayaka help James up,
"Despair didn't hurt you did he?" said Sayaka,
"No, he only attacked Mami" said James,
"Did he say anything to you?" said Kyoko,
"H-He only gave me a q-quick glance then walked away w-with Mami's soul gem" said James making up the situation,
"Thank God he didn't hurt you" said Kyoko,
"How did you two know where to find me?" said James,
"Kyubey told us what was going on so we rushed to Mami's apartment and saw you asleep" said Sayaka,
"How long was I asleep for?" said James,
"We're not sure, but we spent 10 minutes trying to wake you up" said Kyoko,
"It seemed like an eternity for me" said James,
Kyoko and Sayaka made it to James's house and put James to bed,
"So no more nightmares" said Sayaka,
"I'm certain that the nightmares have been defeated" said James,
"Jesus Christ, you're still freezing" said Kyoko,
"I'm sure I'll warm up soon" said James,
"I'll stay just encase you still have nightmares and to make sure that you're temperature gets warmer" said Kyoko,
"Sure thing" said James,
"How cute, you two must really love each other" said Sayaka,
"Come on Sayaka, we're still waiting for you as ask Kyousuke out" said James,
"I will c-confess to him s-soon" said Sayaka while blushing,
Kyoko and James try not to laugh,
"Anyway see you in the morning" said Sayaka as she left.

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