The Date

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Anianna's POV
Toby took me to a restaurant, to make up for what happened. This is our first date so I'm like really nervous.

I was bussing down on some dessert, this cake was really good.

We talked about a lot of things, about his future what he wanna be, about the things i liked to do, our favorite colors and all that basic shit.

Toby was laughing and i saw his smile, making me smile. I swear my man so fine.

Occasionally though his phone would keep going off.

I didn't really care who it was but i feel like he could've at the very least put it on silent while were on a date.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks me

"Yea, I'm stuffed, what about you? You didn't get any dessert?" I ask

"I have another dessert in mind for later" he winked at me.

I laughed "Mhmm... Maybe" i say smirking at him.

"Hey waiter" he asks politely. She walked up to us "Hey is everything okay" she asks. "Yes I'd just like to pay." He says. "Oh okay let me go bring you the bill" she responds back and walks off.

"Hey i can pay if you want" i offered knowing damn well I'm trynna see his response.

Don't get me wrong i don't mind paying but you gotta watch how they respond sometimes.

"Uh uh you know i gotchu mmcht" he sucks his teeth.

I tried to hide my smile but i couldn't.

"Damn shorty why you smiling so hard for" he asks laughing.

"Definitely not at you" i say rolling my eyes playfully.

"Mmm no need to roll them now, you might need to do that later" he licks his lips.

My bottom grew warm... Chile i don't know If it's because my period is about to come but I've been so unexpectedly horny.

The women came with the bill and i saw something on there that caught my eye.

This hoe.... this bitch put her number on there, like she totally doesn't see us on a date.

"Umm excuse me miss" i heard Toby say.

"Hopefully this is your managers number because i know you see me on a date with my girl here." He says annoyed.

He dropped a 100 dollar bill " no need to come back with change just keep it." He rolls his eyes.

I- , damn... ion know but my panties really said... *water*
Toby took me by his home, he told me that his parents were out of town for something. He didn't specifically tell me because we made a promise that we wouldn't talk about our parent's business.

"Won't keondre be home??" I ask him nervously.

"Nah, you scared of him?" he chuckled.

"Do i look scared of him?" I snickered back.

"Whatever" he says back not taking me seriously.

Then his phone went off again... "damn i gotta take this, you can go inside the house and wait for me" he says.

I walk into the house plopping onto the couch scrolling through my phone bored.

Bestfriend🖤🔪: Gurl tell me about the date?!!!!!!

A message from Sai popped up, i clicked on it and was about to respond but Toby hopped on the couch right next to me.

"I wanna try something tonight if you don't mind?" He asks

I looked at him suspiciously "what are you trynna do?"

He massaged my leg "Has anyone ever went down on you before?"

My face grew hot, i swear this man has been teasing me all day. Whenever I'm with Toby i forget all about Tony so i grew way more comfortable with him.

"Nah, uh why?" I bit my lip nervously

"Don't be nervous ma, I'm just asking" he says chuckling. He's not slick i know he wants me to ask him to.

"Why do you want to?" I asked putting my pride to the side.

"Nah" he stopped rubbing my leg.

I mugged him, really nigga.

"Nah I'm just playing, let's go to my room." He grabs me by the arm and drags me to his room.

As i was walking into his room, i started getting really nervous like damn what if i don't taste good, or smell good... FUCK i needa go clean myself up first.

I need to make an excuse...

Toby placed me on the bed "spread your legs."

I did as told and he started kissing down my thighs, slowly making sure to suck them a bit before he moved on to the next spot.

"Does that feel okay?" He asks making sure that I'm comfortable.

"Yeah" i smile at him.

As he was about to get closer to my pussy his phone started buzzing like crazy. "Let's ignore it" he says.

He tried to go back to kissing my thigh but i pulled my legs back and sat up. "Nah maybe you should get that"

His phone has been blowing up the whole day, damn he must be special.

"I'm sorry i just gotta get this real quick after I'm done we can continue." He says rushing out the room.

i decided to just call Sai.

Sai: Bitch i know you saw my message

Me: Girl my bad, the date was amazing, he even turned down this waiter that tried to give him her number, speaking of number, girl Toby's phone has been blowing the fuck up all day long. He didn't even have the decency to mute it or at the very least put it on vibrate during the date.

Sai: Damn fr??? Where you at now?

Me: I'm at his house, he was about to go down on me, but his phone interrupted. Frankly I'm happy because i kinda feel like we are going a bit fast.

Sai: OMGGG HE WASS??? Did you want to tho?

Me: Yea i do but like what if i don't taste good? What if i smell weird?

Sai: hmmm lets see, come over tomorrow and we can deal with all those. For now girl I'm pretty sure you're fine don't be worried.

Me: I hear him about to come so ima talk to you later.

Sai said bye and then hung up

"Hey look my bad, let's continue" Toby says walking towards me.

"I'm good i just want to go home." I say getting up from the bed.

"Are you sure? Everything Ight?" He asks sincerely

"Yea I'm good, it's just do you think we are moving a bit fast, i mean we dated really quickly?" I chewed the inside of my mouth.

"Well I like you, and you like me, maybe it's a bit fast but we'll just see how it goes for now, and as far as getting a taste of you that can wait then."

His phone started buzzing AGAIN! This time he put it on silent, i glanced at the phone and saw that Jazmin was calling him. I gave him a look with a blank expression "please take me home."

I walked past him and waited in the car, scrolling through my phone.

I saw that Amangottfans followed me and was liking my photos.

Damn how did he find me? Anyways i followed him back, right after he DM'd me.

Aman: hey

As i was about to text "hey" I see Toby get in the car "who you texting?" He asks glancing at my phone.

Is this nigga serious? "Boy bye, you looking at my phone now?" I asked him.

"No, i just happened to look over and see you texting another nigga, hold up am i trippin or is that Aman you texting?" He gave me a hard look.

"Nigga I know you not serious? How-"

"So now I'm just a nigga, address me correctly" he cuts me off.

"Nigga ill adress you the way i want to the fu-" before i could finish my sentence Toby lightly grips my neck and pulls me towards him whispering in my ear "address me correctly."

I looked at him, instant waterfalls, this nig- boy knows that choking is my weakness.

"Uh hem" i clear my throat "as i was saying how the fuck you finna get mad at me for texting someone, but you're phone blowing the hell up, would've thought you were Michael b Jordan or something." I turned my face away at him.

"Oh so that's what you mad about?" He starts the car up.

"I'm not mad, i don't care who calling you but like it can get annoying especially if we are on a date, it's rude." I spoke up.

He didn't say anything else. So he's not gonna acknowledge his phone blowing up the whole day.

"Block that aman nigga, ion like him." He finally said something.

I ignored him, I'm not about to entertain this fool.

He pulled up in my drive way, and opened the door before he could stop the car. "No kiss?" He asks. I ignored him and got out anyways.

I heard him turn off the car and walked after me. "A? Look i know i messed the night up for us I'm sorry, my phone was blowing up all day because it was important and i know i should've warned you about it."

As i was about to respond I hear Jordan come out "aye yo it's time to get inside the house now." He had his gun in his pocket so i just decided to go inside without a fight.

Toby just walked back to his car and left.

*ding* *dong*
Sai was at the door, i told her that she could come over.

"Who at the door?" Sean asks

"Saiasia" i responded, rushing down the stairs.

I opened the door " HEYYYY GIRLL" i screamed happily, Sai knows how to put me in a good mood when I'm upset.

"Hey bishhhhh" she walks inside, but i saw her smile turned real fast suddenly.

I followed her eyes and saw Jordan making out with some girl on the couch. I was so excited to open the door i didn't even see that.

"Read the room nigga, you know that girl like you... go finish that shit in your room" Sean whispers to Jordan.

Sean treats Sai like a sister, i mean she bassically is our sister, and he knows about her crush on Jordan.

Jordan got up and went to his room annoyed, "what is he talking about Jay?" The girl asked him.

"Don't worry about it" he whispered softly in her ear.

I rolled my eyes at Jordan and grabbed Sai's hand, "let's go to my room." She gave me a forced smile and followed me.

I locked my door "I don't know what to do I'm so nervous" I rambled very fast.

I didn't here a response from Sai, I turned around and saw that she had a blank expression on her face and was spaced out.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, hoping she'd answer.

"Nun don't worry about it, but don't be nervous okay you'll be fine. You're a clean girl and you just need to relax so you can enjoy it." As happy as I was for the advice, knowing she wasn't happy right now was killing my happiness.

"Come on bestie tell me what's going on?" I pressed her.

"It's okay I'm here for you right now" she says fakely, i know there's something wrong, and i know exactly what it is too but i wanted her to be the one to tell me. I guess I'm going to have to be the one to bring it up then.

"Is it Jordan?" I boldly ask.

She looked at me and didn't answer.

"Awe Sai not this again" I sighed.

She still stayed quiet.

"Look think of it like this, he's too old for you, and he's not someone you want to date, trust" i say trying to make her feel better. Which looking at it now doesn't sound like the best pep talk.

"Look 'A' I didn't ask for these feelings, and i know it's never gonna happen, but it sucks seeing him with someone. It just reminds me how far from reality my feelings for him are." She finally stated.

"I get that, just i don't know, would it make you feel better if you talk to him?" I suggested.

"Nah, atleast not right now... let's just finish talk about you. You and Toby on good terms?" She changed the subject.

"Not really, he basically got in the car and was like who I'm texting? And i told him to mind his business then he told me to block the dude." I rolled my eyes remembering the encounter.

"Who was the dude?" She laughed

"Aman" i say

"His fine self, why he texting you anyways" she asked me suspiciously.

"I was talking to him in class, and i guess he found my instagram and dm'd me" i took my phone out and showed it to her.

"You didn't block him?" She looked at me shook

"Nah, who the fuck is toby, to tell me who to block or not... he can miss me with that bullshit" i say getting pissed again.

"We should text him even more to see what he want, or sis if you don't want him you can put me on" Sai says smirking.

"Only if it'll help you get over Jordan" i say smirking

"Girl shut up you lucky you my best friend" she says laughing.

Sorry for the long hiatus...

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