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"i've been hearing symphonies, a rhapsody of you and me."

another week passes before my resolve dissolves.

i wake up tuesday morning with a pit in my stomach. an uneasy feeling of defeat and staled determination. i'm uneasy because i know what i need to do. at least what i need to do if i really want to see what this job opportunity is all about.

pushing my comforter away from my legs, i sit up with a sigh, rubbing my eyes with my fingers and pulling my hair up out of my face and atop my head. shuffling to my desk, i sit in my leather chair, pulling my legs up and resting my chin on my knees while i lazily open to laptop and click onto the gmail icon.

scrolling through to see if there are any second option job opportunities worth my time, i find nothing. i'm about to exit the app to change my resume when my laptop dings and an email appears at the top of the screen.

freezing, i lightly smack myself on the cheek. "you must be dreaming." i mumble, staring wide-eyed at the email i have received. my finger slowly glides across the pad, selecting it and opening up the contents. "to miss symphony harris, after some consideration, i have decided to give you a chance at an interview. below is the date and time as well as the address." i mutter quickly, my eyes running over my laptop screen, "vivian lark." i whisper the name with disbelief.

falling back into my seat, my feet drop to the floor, my hands gripping the armrests as if i'm on a wild ride and i might fly off. "i did it." i speak lowly.

i'm about to scream and celebrate but, before i have a chance to, my bedroom door opens and in walks my father, "symphony, your mother wants to make sure you're awake. it's nearly ten in the morning." he sighs just before his eyes meet my happy expression, "what happened?"

"i have an interview." i remain calm, a bright grin on my face.

my dad raises his brows, "really? that's great. congratulations." he smiles, "i knew you could do it."

"thanks dad." i reply, glancing over at the computer again to make sure it's real.

"good luck, kiddo." he winks.

"thanks." i say again what a laugh. as soon as he's gone my smile falls. now i feel as if the pressure is on. i could go there and make a fool out of myself and ruin a perfectly good opportunity.

no. i can't think like that or i'll end up psyching myself out. the key is to remain confident and positive that things will work out the way it's supposed to. the only thing i have to worry about it being prepared, professional, and well dressed.


when the time finally comes for me to march out of my front door into the vulnerability of open possibilities and possible failure, i'm definitely not ready. my parents have wished me a half hearted good luck as they rush around to prepare for their own days so i suppose that's all the moral support i'll receive from them.

rain falls softly and almost invisibly onto my freshly curled hair and instantly i quicken my pace, unlocking my car from where i stand on the front porch, and run to the drivers side door. pulling it open, i sit with a sigh, my hands rested on the steering wheel. pausing for a moment, i close my eyes and softly pray that everything works out before telling myself there's nothing to be nervous about.

"it's just an interview." i tell myself, starting up the car and cranking the heat up. it's getting to be that time of year when the windows are foggy and your skin starts to feel raw from the cold wind. it's the worst during morning hours.

goosebumps rise on my bare legs and i pull my baby pink skirt as far down as possible, shivering slightly. tugging the matching jacket around me, i begin backing out of the driveway. i'm so nervous that i don't notice i'm not wearing a seatbelt until i'm halfway into town. i don't even notice the incessant beeping because i'm too busy controlling my breathing and focusing on not throwing up.

the interview is located in the city which means i have a good forty-five minute drive ahead of me. i don't mind the drive, it gives me time to collect my thoughts and pre-plan responses to possible questions. the rain begins to beat harder on the windshield and i flick the lever to up the pace of the wipers. leaning forward, i squint at the road on the highway and slow down with the cars in front of me. at this time of year, freezing rain can be surprisingly dangerous. at this rate, i'm going to be fifteen minutes behind schedule. luckily, i left the house early.

i pretty much zone out for the rest of the drive. of course i'm aware of the rain and the road but, other than that, my mind goes to another place. i think about what lillian is doing right now and how much i wish she was here with me to do that annoying thing where she's supportive in a realistic yet very cheesy way. i wonder how sam is doing. we haven't really hung out since lillian left.

before i can feel too guilty about that, the gps on my phone alerts me that i have arrived. leaning forward further, i raise my brows at the intimidatingly tall and dull building. it looks exactly as one would imagine an american multi million dollar company to look.

it takes me a solid twenty minutes to figure out the parking but once i do i almost want to stall and find some mediocre reason to stay in my car for just a little while longer. albeit i have no reason let alone a mediocre one so alas i must do as the kids say and suck it up.

closing the door, i'm careful not to get my skirt or jacket caught. i leave my large coat in the car, thinking it might make me look less professional. i step carefully in my white heels, wary of the small rain puddles in the parking garage that have been dragged in by wet tires.

as i step inside of the building i immediately have a sense that i am but a tiny ant in a very fast paced ant hill. worse yet, i feel like i'm an ant and they're all the ant eaters.

"relax, you're doing fine." i mumble to myself, trying not to focus on the high ceilings and overall surprisingly impress architecture of the building.

"hi." a young man with a headset and a monotonous tone says from being an elevated desk, "you lost?" he smacks his gum.

"uh..." i look around, making sure he's not speaking to anyone else, "well, actually, i'm here for an interview."

the young man looks me up and down, raising his brows, "may i ask with whom?"

"vivian lark?" i reply nervously, already feeling uncomfortable. the interview hasn't even started yet and i'm already quaking.

he looks almost surprised but nods once presses a button on his machine before speaking into headset, "yes, front desk to miss lark's office. there's a - " he pauses raising his brows at me.

"symphony harris."

" - symphony harris here to see her. okay, thank you." he hangs up, looking bored, "go ahead up to room three thirty-four on the third floor. go up the elevator, take a right, and it'll be on the left. good luck."

"thanks." i smile, walking away slowly, my heels tapping against the marble floors. pausing in front of the elevators, i press the button and stand back to wait.

on my way to the third floor i begin tapping my foot against the floor nervously, reciting my practiced answers under my breath, "no, i do not have any conventional work experience but there's a lot to say about my own personal work ethic and - " the doors slide open.

for a moment i stand there, my mouth slightly agape. i can't do this. who am i kidding? i'm a privileged caucasien female with absolutely zero experience and a nervous demeanor. what do i have to offer? the doors begin to close and i panic, sticking my hand through the opening and shoving my way through the crack as they begin to slide open once again.


i fix my top and tug my skirt down, sliding my hands down my front to smooth any creases, and pull my shoulders back. there's no need to be negative, that will only worsen my case here. i need to act as if i am the most qualified person for the job and maybe they'll see my confidence as an asset. who knows?

following the receptionist's directions, i find room three thirty-four and freeze as i read the name plaque on the door.

miss vivian lark - executive assistant

"right." i breathe, stepping forward and knocking on the door lightly before i have a chance to psyche myself out any more than i already have.

"come in." her familiar terrifying voice speaks from behind the dark wooden door.

i turn the handle slowly and the door swings open. standing there in the doorway with a small smile, i spot vivian straight ahead sitting behind a small simple desk with little to know knick knacks sitting on top and plenty of folders and various papers. she's about to say something when her phone rings and several lines begin blinking.

"this is vivian from ward industries, please hold." she presses a button and then picks up the next line, "this is vivian from ward industries, please hold." she does this until all four lines are holding, the red light blinking angrily. she releases a breath calmly before facing me.

"hello, you must be stephanie." i can't tell if her beautiful wide smile is fake or not.

"it's symphony, actually." i laugh a little to lighten to mood and she looks at me blankly, "but stephanie works." i clear my throat, taking a seat in the chair in front of her.

"let's get started, shall we?" she chirps, picking up a folder and opening it up. i take a small peak, noticing that it's a printed copy of my emailed resume, "as you can probably tell, i am swamped at the moment. this is because every year ward industries puts on a huge gala for its clients and invite new potential partners. unfortunately my previous assistants have not worked out as well as i would have liked." she tells me, taking one more glance at the paper before setting it down and placing her folded hands on the table.

"i'm sorry." is all i can think to say to fill the silence.

"it's not your fault, dear." she says quickly, "so here we are looking for a reliable person who can handle the responsibility of helping plan this event. do you have any experience in event planning?" she asks me.

my mood immediately brightens and i smile, "yes, actually. my family puts on these kinds of events a few times a year." i say before i can stop myself and i instantly regret it. people here knowing what family i'm from is exactly what i wanted to avoid. luckily, she doesn't seem to be too curious.

"wonderful. of course this will be on a much larger scale. we have to have a venue booked that hosts enough people. we expect only about fifteen hundred including the families of the clients to show up. this is simply because we like to make them feel as if they're getting a VIP experience." she explains, leaning back in her chair, the wall of windows behind her illuminating her tan skin.

"of course." i nod, doing my best to sit up straight.

"now." she breathes, "i've gone over your resume and i see that you have no formal work experience. at first it was a definite no because of this but we tried out yet another assistant who looked absolutely perfect on paper but she gave up a week in. so i felt i had no other option than to give you a chance."

i pause, blinking. the only reason i'm here is because i'm a last resort? that doesn't exactly make me feel great but i suppose my only option is to take the opportunity and do better than those who have been here before me. it can't be that bad, can it?

"i see." i respond politely, "well, if you give me a chance, i promise i'll last longer than a week." my light laugh is meant to break the tension but she gives me a sad look.

"that's what assistant number twenty-seven said. she was such a sweet girl." she sighs before standing suddenly and offering me her hand, "you've got the job." she shakes me hand, "be here tomorrow morning at seven sharp. you will begin training at eight."

"thank you so much." i grin, shaking her hand with enthusiasm, "i'll be here."

"now get out of my office i have calls to take." she gives me a tight smile.

"oh, right." i clear my throat, picking up my things and walking through the door, focusing on my footing. the last thing i need is to trip on my way out.

as soon as the door closes behind me, i let out a small squeal, my face hurting from smiling so wide. then, squaring my shoulders, i make my way out of the building. not without almost tripping two or three times but i make it to my car nonetheless.

tomorrow at seven in the morning i start a new chapter of adulthood. i am both terrified and elated all at the same time.

am i ready for this? probably not.


i don't know why it took me so long to write this chapter.

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