t w e n t y - t w o ♪

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welcome back !

the drive is silent...which isn't very surprising.

when i say silent, i mean completely silent. the man doesn't even listen to music he just stares straight ahead as he drives and periodically presses his lips together in deep thought.

i look out the window, my hands folded in my lap. i silently wish i had something to fidget with...or something to sip on to give my something to do. preferably coffee.

soon enough we pull into the parking lot of maverick's and a smile spreads across my lips as i recall my evening here with lillian and dakota. there's a pang in my heart to remind me how much i miss them.

"ready?" mr ward's voice cuts through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present. i look over as i unbuckle the seatbelt, giving him a nod.

as we walk into the restaurant, i'm reminded of how suave and classy it is in here. i wonder if i'm underdressed to have lunch here. before i can give it a second thought, a waitress is leading us to a table.

we sit down and i lay my napkin over my lap, looking around at the other people enjoying their meals and conversation. i wonder if anyone else here is having lunch with their boss...i doubt it. mr ward wordlessly opens his menu and i watch as his eyes scan the pages. i suppose i should do the same.

as we look over our options, a waiter appears with a bottle of water and begins filling the glasses in front
of us, "bonjour, my name is philip and i'll be your server today, can i get you started with any drinks or hors d'œuvres?"

i open my mouth to speak but mr ward beats me to it, "we'll have a charcuterie of your finest meat and cheese selections and a bottle of your pinot blanc." he doesn't look up at the waiter as he hands off his menu, "and i'm going to order my main course now if i may. i'll have the ratatouille."

oh great so i'm supposed to already know what i want?

"and for the lady?" the waiter patiently looks at me.

i blink, "um, actually..." i start nervously, "i'll have the same. ratatouille sounds perfect." i nod, handing him my menu. i watch him walk away before looking down at my hands, again wishing i had something to fiddle with.

"was my wine choice alright with you?" he asks me with raised brows, "i'm not used to having others with me for lunch." clearly.

i press my lips together, "oh no that's perfectly fine, i enjoy most whites." not that we should be drinking wine at noon by, hey, it's five o'clock somewhere i suppose.

"wonderful." he replies, leaning back in his seat and gracefully unbuttoning his suit jacket and letting it slide away from his form before throwing it over the back of his chair. my eyes are somehow drawn to his hands as they unbutton his sleeves and roll them up to his forearms before he picks up his glass of water and brings it to his lips.

i tug my own coat off and drape it over my chair, rubbing my arms as if i'm cold but i'm not...i just feel horribly uncomfortable. it's not mr ward himself. no, he seems perfectly fine sitting in silence and sipping on his water. it's me...completely confused and baffled by the situation. i'm sure it's perfectly normal to go on a business lunch with your boss? right. it's just a business lunch. my shoulders relax at the thought and i tuck my hair behind my ear, taking a sip of my own water.

"did you confirm my appointment on friday?" he asks me.

finally, something to talk about. something about him makes me so nervous. "yes, i did. i also moved the time to a later time slot so you'll have time have some coffee before you can't have food or drinks for a few hours."

"i'm sorry, remind me what this appointment is?" he asks me, visibly confused.

i fight a chuckle, "the dentist sir," his brows furrow, "you're getting a filling." he shakes his head.

"cancel." he waves his hand and takes another sip of water, "let's move on to -"

"cancel?" i interrupt, earning a stare, "i don't mean to overstep but i don't think you can reschedule, the office manger i talked to mentioned this is the fourth time you've rescheduled and if your tooth gets any worse you may need a root canal." i quickly add.

he sighs, looking past me as he considers this. "i detest dentists." he says before adding, "fine."

"great, i'll add change the time on your schedule." i give a small smile before spotting the waiter approaching with a bottle of wine sitting in a bucket of ice, two wine glasses in the other hand.

"your wine, sir." the waiter tips the bottle over his wrist. i watch as the liquid cascades into the glass gracefully.

the waiter gives me a questioning look and i nod, "i'd love some, thank you."

once he walks away i swirl the wine around a few times before tasting it carefully. my brows raise, "this is the best pinot blanc i've ever had."

"i'm glad to hear it." mr ward replies, taking a sip of his own.

only once the charcuterie arrives do i remember just how hungry i am, my stomach rumbling loudly at the sight of the prosciutto and asiago laid beautiful on a wooden platter. my cheeks redden when it gains his attention.

"please, by all means, dig in." the chuckle he emits gives me an odd feeling in the stomach. i'm suddenly reminded of how i couldn't get his laugh out of my mind and embarrassment casts over me like a shadow. what is wrong with me?

"thank you." i quickly speak, reaching for a slice of cheese and placing it in my mouth before my stomach decides to humiliate me again.

"where did you learn so much about coffee?"

his random question catches me off guard. i take my time chewing as i think of my reply, "i uh...i actually just drink it a lot." i chuckle.

his lips purse slightly, "really? i drink it every day but i wouldn't say i understand the culture the way you seem to."

"i guess i've also watched a lot of youtube videos." i admit shyly.

"oh i see." he replies and pauses before his mouth opens again, "may i ask you another question?"

"sure." i tell him, reaching for another piece of cheese and taking a sip of wine. i watch him as he grabs his own morsel, i can't help but notice how relaxed he suddenly looks across from me with his sleeves rolled up and his hair slightly out of place from the winter wind.

he swallows, "how is it you came to work for me?"

the question isn't what i was expecting, "well...i was at a coffee shop -"

"of course." he interjects. is that a teasing tone i hear?

i chuckle, "and i overheard vivian talking on the phone. afterward she kind of sarcastically asked if i knew of anyone who needed a job and i said yes. she gave me her card and i sent in my resume the same day. she contacted me a week or so later and here we are." i smile.

mr ward nods, his eyes studying me making me squirm slightly in my seat. "she likely regrets that now." his joke and the hint of mischief in his eye almost makes me choke on my wine. did mr ward just make a joke? about his terminated assistant? i think the world is coming to an end.

i cover my mouth as i cough...oh i actually did choke on my wine. "i'm sorry." my hand lays on my chest as i clear my throat, "i just wasn't expecting you to say that."

he shrugs, "it's true. however, i'd like you to know her termination truly had nothing to do with you and everything to do with - well...never mind." he stops himself.

i lower my gaze and pick at the end of the napkin in my lap. "oh yes..." i say without thinking. this is why wine at lunch with my boss when i'm starving is not a good idea.

"do you mean to tell me you're aware of - "

"i'm sorry, i overheard vivian. and it was ... a little obvious." my cheeks burn.

he mulls this over, arms crossed over his chest. "well...that's in the past now. it was dim witted of me to get tricked into a date with my assistant. how terribly cliche." he scoffs.

"tricked?" i wonder aloud just as our plates of ratatouille arrive. the hot plates are placed in front of us and i can hardly wait to dig into mine it looks absolutely delicious.

mr ward picks up his fork and knife, "she mixed up my schedule on purpose and somehow i ended up at a restaurant for what i thought was a business meeting but found her there waiting."

i slowly look up at him in confusion, "so...it wasn't a date?"

"well, no. not technically." he says, "but i thought it was a mix up at the time and, out of courtesy for her as my assistant, i stayed and she assumed it was a date."

"but that's ridiculous." i laugh, "just because you go to lunch together that doesn't make it a date." as soon as i say it, it's like the air thickens around me.

"of course." he says calmly, taking a bite of his ratatouille and dabbing his lips with his napkin.

of course it doesn't.

before i can even think to reply, my phone begins buzzing and ringing incessantly in my coat pocket. i rush to yank it out, not wanting to disturb everyone in here trying to enjoy their meal.


normally i wouldn't answer if i'm busy but i haven't heard from my parents since the wedding. "hello?" i answer

"darling." she says i'm a chipper tone, "your father and i are coming home this evening and we'd like to take you out for dinner and catch up. we'd love to hear all about your new job with jared!" the excitement in her voice is loud and boisterous and i silently pray he can't hear every word she's saying.

"um...sure, mom. what time?" i ask her softly.

"oh i'm sorry am i interrupting something?" she says, clearly noticing my hushed tone.

my eyes dart up to mr ward who seems
to be distracted with his own cell phone, "not exactly, i'm just having lunch."

"by yourself?"

"well, no." i reply, taking a sip of my water and looking down at my skirt, "i'm with mr ward."

as expected, there's a long pause when she hears this and i hear her quietly tell my father i'm having lunch with jared. after he replies with some mumbles i can't make it, i sigh. "mother." i speak, "i really must go. when and where should i meet you for dinner?"

"tell jared we say hello, symphony dear!" she chirps, completely ignoring the plea in my voice to end the conversation. again, i sneak a look at him across the table but this time i see his eyes on me and i realize he heard his name. great, now i have to.

"my parents give their regards." i force a smile, silently praying they don't embarrass me further.

surprisingly enough, he looks slightly pleased to hear this, "that's certainly kind of them. please, tell them i say hello and i hope all is well." i watch as he takes a bite of his food and a sip of his wine.

"he says hello." i respond awkwardly.

"symphony, please extend our dinner invitation to jared, it would be rude not to and we haven't seen him in ages!" my mother insists. i suddenly feel a headache coming on and i resist a groan. please, God, i do not want to do this. not that i would hate having him there but because if i ask him and he says no it would he horribly uncomfortable. "symphony." she demands.

i press my lips together before pulling the phone away and muting myself, "sir?" i clear my throat.

"yes?" his brown eyes meet mine and i do my best to ignore how nervous i suddenly feel.

"it appears my parents are coming back to town this evening and insist i have dinner with them. my mother also wishes to extend to you an invitation." i spit it out quickly as if throwing a bomb into a room and running away, letting this chips fall where they may.

his brows raise as if shocked but he doesn't look to terribly disgusted by the idea to my surprise.

"please don't feel obligated to say accept." i add swiftly.

"no no i accept." he sighs, taking me aback. he what?

"are you sure?" i confirm, "this is for tonight."

"yes i heard."

"right..." i nod, "okay well, i'll let her know then." why does he seem so completely fine with having dinner with his secretary and her family? in the short time i've known him i would never guess he'd be open to this. especially with how nosy and prying my mother can be.

"wonderful." he sips on his wine, "i have some business matters i've been meaning to discuss with your father. this is the perfect opportunity." right...this makes much more sense.

"oh." my brows raise, "perfect." i feel myself relax, unmuting my phone and lifting it to my ear. i quickly let my mother know he accepts and we'll both be there at the allotted time and place before hanging up. i can't afford her placing me in any more uncomfortable situations.

then i realize...i am having dinner with my boss and my parents. just the four of us...what have i gotten myself into?

☆ ☆ ☆

what does one wear to a dinner with her parents and the ceo of of multimillion dollar company? a girl must ask herself these questions from time
to time.

"not." i think aloud with an ironic chuckle as i sift through my closet.

i don't want to be too dressy because i don't want to seem like i'm dressing to impress. i also don't want to underdress because that would just be embarrassing.

i waste about twenty minutes scrolling through pinterest for outfit inspiration and getting distracted by my feed before finally deciding on a satin fuchsia dress. i haven't worn it since my first year in college and i've always loved the way the one shoulder strap looks on me. i pull it on, tugging it down as it huge my frame and watching the soft silky fabric fall around my feet. i know once i put my beige heels on, the hem will just barely brush the floor.

i battle with my unruly hair for a few minutes from deciding to brush it, part it down the middle, and do a sleek low bun. as i spray hair spray on my brush and pin my loose hairs down, i get a wave of nausea caused by nerves. blowing air through my cheeks, i close my eyes and attempt to push it away.

"it's just dinner." i tell myself. i think back to lunch and how odd it was to sit across from mr ward for an entire hour. tonight will most likely go much longer. what will he be like around business associates? will he be more talkative like he was at the gala? most likely. i wonder if we'll even talk about work or if my
parents will try to worm their way into finding out about his personal life? that would be weird.

i've just finished my makeup and placing single
pearl stud earrings in my ears as my mother calls up the stairs, "symphony, the car is waiting."

great, they got a car for the evening. that means they plan on drinking more than one glass of wine and they don't trust me to drive. typical.

"coming!" i shout down the stairs, grabbing a beige clutch bag to match my shoes and stuffing my phone and what i need to touch to my makeup into the pouch before latching it closed. i take one last look at myself, smiling a little when i see the final product. i grab a soft white dress coat from my closet and throw it on, tying it around my waist before quickly making my way downstairs, my heels tapping the hard wood as i go.

my parents look up from their phones to see me at the top of the staircase.

"you look beautiful." my father beams, "are you ready to go?"

"yes." i respond quickly. let's get this over with.

the restaurant my parents chose is small but quaint and beautiful. the high ceilings and large windows give it a more spacious feel and the soft jazz playing makes me feel warm and fuzzy. we're seated at a plush booth, the table set with gold tableware and white napkins. my lips part slightly at the beautiful floral gold pattern etched on the glasses.

"this is stunning." i say aloud, my mother nodding in agreement.

"i have to agree. your father and i found this spot last month when we celebrated his extremely successful quarter." she nudges my father with a proud smile, earning a wide grin from him.

"you flatter me." he leans down to give her a kiss and i silently hope they don't do that when mr ward is here. i sound like such an annoying child but how uncomfortable would it be to feel like you're on a double date with your parents and your boss? at least if they act professional i can pretend this is a business dinner. and it is, right? mr ward did say he had some things to discuss with my father.

we've already ordered and received our drinks when he arrives, looking slightly out of breath and rosy cheeked from the cold winter air. he waltzes over to the table, looking much different than he does at the office. his cream dress pants paired with a collared dress shirt underneath a deep green sweater gives a more relaxed evening look, his hair containing much less product than usual. when his eyes meet mine i realize i'm staring i quickly look away, embarrassed.

"i apologize for the delay in my arrival," he speaks, "traffic was bothersome and slow." i freeze when he slides into my side of the booth. i don't know what else i expected since my parents are seated next to each other on the other side but i didn't put that together until now.

"no need to apologize, jared." my father says kindly, "we're just happy you could make it. i hope you don't mind i ordered you a scotch on the rocks." he waved to the drink in front of him.

mr ward's brows raise as he looks down at the short class, sweat already forming on the outside and dripping into the gold coaster beneath it. it looks almost as nervous as i.

"that's quite alright. although forgive me if i don't finish it...the wine we had this afternoon gave me a fearsome headache." he admits. this is news to me as he finished out the day i'm his office with no complaints of a headache. "however, you seem rather unaffected, miss harris?"

i look over at him, met with his gaze. "yes i'm perfectly fine. wine just makes me a tad sleepy." i reply, looking over at my own drink; a lemon and lavender mojito. the restaurant made it look rather beautiful, fresh lavender placed on top with a thin straw sticking out.

"right." i dad claps, "shall we order some appetizers?"

"oh yes, you two simply must try the clams here, they are delicious." my mother raves, kissing her fingers as a chef would. i cringe internally.

"i'm not too keen on seafood but i'll give them a try." mr ward replies politely. i begin to study him, to figure out if being here at a social affair with me and my parents is making him as uncomfortable as it is me. but so far i can find nothing unsteady or uneasy about his demeanor. this oddly puts me at ease. if he's not feeling off about this why should i? so i decide that i am simply going to put it out of my mind that he's my boss and just have a good evening
with my parents. to simply be myself.

"so how is symphony doing at the office, jared?" well, my mom absolutely shattered that effort within half a second.

"mom, please - "

"she's doing quite wonderful, actually." mr ward speaks at the same time and the rest of the words did in my throat and my cheeks get warm at the sudden compliment. he's just trying to be polite around my
parents. what else is he going to say to them? that's i'm doing absolutely awful? yeah, that's would go down well. nonetheless, my heart swells a little with pride. after all, i have been trying extremely hard not to disappoint and vivian's shoes were large ones to fill.

i see both of my parents' faces light up at his response, "how lovely!" my mother states, grinning.

"we're very proud of our sym." my father speaks firmly, giving me a proud nod making my cheeks hotter. what is this a parent teacher conference?

"anyway," i speak slowly, desperate to take the attention off of me, "how was your trip?"

they take the bait, a chance to speak about themselves, and immediately begin divulging a detailed story of their meetings and connections they made as well as all of the new restaurants and stores they enjoyed while away. my mother will use any opportunity or excuse to go shopping.

as they speak with fast and excited voices, words flooding together and stopping every now and then to make room for their boisterous chuckles. a small smile slips onto my face when i look over and see mr wards eyes slightly wide, clearly a little overwhelmed by their story telling style. but i think i do believe i spot the tiniest of smiles on his own lips.

once we all order our main course, the clams arrive and are set in the middle of the table. i grab one and place it on the small plate before me. i sneakily peak over at mr ward and almost laugh at the expression on his face. i can tell he's trying to remain composed but even the sight of the clams has been enough to make him pale.

"you really don't have to try them." i whisper while my parents are distracted, feeding one another. my nose scrunches slightly at the sight but he doesn't seem to even notice them, his eyes locked onto the dish in front of him.

"i'm afraid i'll offend them." he shockingly whispers, leaning in slightly with his head turned toward me. i feel his breath on my neck and a chill runs up my spine as i smell his after shave waft in my direction.

"um...." i clear my throat. what is wrong with me? "trust me, they've probably completely forgotten they offered you some, they're so into each other." i say lowly, my heading nodding in their direction. he follows my prompt and finally sees my parents chuckling and speaking in hushed tones as if they're the only ones here.

"let's hope so." i see him swallow nervously before picking him his scotch and taking a couple of sips. i have to admit i quite like seeing this side of him. uneasy and unnerved. not that i want him to be uncomfortable but because it allows me to see he's human...that he has feelings.

the evening continues in a similar manner with my
parents asking him questions before getting distracted by one another. mr ward and i exchange a few understanding looks as i silently apologize.

"at least you know they love each other." he said during one of their displays of affection.

"i suppose that's true." i responded with a smile.

i'm not even sure how much time passes as we talk finish our meals. at one point snow began to fall, just as the weather channel predicted, and suddenly i felt so cozy and happy just being at a table with people and sharing a meal in a beautiful restaurant. i feel so content.

as we walk out to our cars, i button and tie my cost, shivering in the dark night as snowflakes fall and kiss my cheeks. my breath created a white fog, drifting around and above me as my lips chatter. i watch my parents reach for one another as they walk, my father tucking my mother into his side and rubbing her arm, placing a kiss on her head. my heart warms at the sight. it really is nice to have them back home. especially now that they're no longer hounding me about working for my dad.

"that's sweet." i hear a voice beside me and i remember mr ward was only a few steps behind me. i look over, seeing the pink already forming on his olive complexion from the chill in the air.

"yeah." i hum, "it is, isn't it?" my eyes remain locked in them as my father opens the car door for her, i can hear my mom's laughter echoing across the parking lot. "imagine being that in love." i think aloud.

there is a silence that follows and i can practically feel the heavy thoughts running around his head and spilling out of him, filling the silence with a heavy feeling of sadness, his demeanor shifting noticeably. i say nothing as i watch his gaze fall to his shoes, his hands stuffed in his coat pockets.

a few more moments of closed lips passes before he speaks. "do you remember that photograph you found on my desk."

my breath hitches in my throat, "yes."

"her name was juliana." he tells me, a pained smile crossing his features. he doesn't look up from his shoes and i say nothing. "i met her when i was studying music aboard. we were competing
for the same spot and i'd like to say i let her have it but she was simply the better pianist." his dark chuckle makes me feel like my heart is going to break in half, "she was simply better at everything."

"what happened?" i have to ask.

he stares in the direction of his car, almost as if he's pondering an escape. but eventually he replies, "she grew up sailing. it was the only thing she wanted to do on our summer break. i would guess i spent almost every waking hour on a boat with her." a ghost of a smile ignites his lips before it falls again, "almost."

"oh no..." my voice is barely above a whisper, dread filling me as i guess what he's about to say next.

"she took it out early one morning without me. i insisted i needed to spend the day with my parents who came to town to see how my studies were progressing. they didn't know i was there studying music...i lied to my father and lead him to believe i was studying business. that i intended to follow in his footsteps. he thought being a musician was for deadbeat dreamers, not real men with any ambition or success.

"that morning an storm snuck up on her and her sail tore, and the mast cracked in half under the pressure of a wave. her ship capsized. a man in a uniform came to my flat as i was in the middle of an argument with my father. he wanted me to come home and go to school under his supervision. he wanted me to take the family business and give up music. little did i know when i answered the knock on the door my father would receive all that he wanted." he finished his story quietly and i just stand there like a fool. a fool with nothing to say but -

"i'm so sorry, jared." i speak softly, watching snowflakes collect on his lashes before he blinks them away.

we stand there in the quiet as the wind nips and pulls at our clothes. i shove my hands into my pockets, the air somehow feeling colder as if the sadness rolling off of him has a freezing effect.

on my way home i can't help but cry for him. how could i have ever judged someone who's lost so much so harshly. i assumed his hard demeanor came from entitlement and superiority but now i see that he's just a man who's loved and lost. both of his parents and his lover are gone.

with my hands grilling the steering wheel i decide that, from now on, jared ward will not be alone. he may be my boss but he needs a friend...and it's going to be me.

                                     ☆    ☆    ☆

this was a long and eventful! i loved writing it, i'm so happy to finally see symphony and jared forming a friendship. i'm sorry for all the typos in this story!! eventually i will find the time to edit!! in the meantime, enjoy!

thanks so much for reading.

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