◇ • FIFTEEN • ◇

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"If you are uncomfortable, that's completely alright, but if you want me to lie to your teacher, then you need to do a favour for me."


The door was flung open, a man with a black hood entered the building of the colourful shop. Running his hands against the variety of flowers, he took a single red flower, before dropping it at the counter.

"IS THAT THE ONLY THING YOU ARE GOING TO BUY?" The red haired boy which people knew as Hoseok spoke, picking up the red rose. "YOU KNOW THE MEANING OF THIS IS LOVE? OOOOOOHH IS THERE SOMEONE YOU LOVE?" Hoseok's cheery voice filled up the whole shop, while the man rolled his eyes, but a tint of blush was hidden underneath the hoodie.

"Uh... R-really?" The other boy questioned, slowly taking the rose back.

"OOOOOOH, THERE IS SOMEONE!" Hoseok exclaimed interestedly, but he stopped as he saw the mans glare, with a little tint of red.

"Fine, I'll get three of these then." Three red amaryllis' were thrown onto the counter. "Does this mean love?"

"Kinda, but it represents 'attraction'. If you give this to someone, it shows very subtly that you take a liking to them." Hoseok giggled, losing his usual cheery voice, changing to an interested one.. "Are you trying to confess?"

"No no no no," The boy flipped off his hoodie, searching the selection of red flowers. "I'm not taking a liking to anyone, I just want to get a gift for someone for a thank you, they said they liked red flowers the most."

"Wait, you have red hair too?" Hoseok asked, causing the male to freeze in the spot. "I heard people were searching for someone with red hair, other than me of course. I think their name was Lee Felix?"

The male didn't move an inch, thinking up for an excuse so Hoseok couldn't figure out. "Really? Huh, I am new in this town, isn't Lee Felix that one dude that works for 6TS?" The boy that was actually Felix pretended to scratch his head.

"Oh then! Hello! Welcome to the town, and the famous flower shop, Hope World! Can I know your name please?" Hoseok got out of the counter, approaching the boy.

Felix stood there, shaking very subtly. "I-I'm Lee Junyoung." He quickly thought up of a name, but he panicked internally, as he used the same last name as his own.

"Thank you for that, Junyoung!" Hoseok took out a pen, scribbling down the name, which made Felix slightly panic. "Now back to your lover!"

Felix sighed. "I just want any flower. Just a red flower, I don't care what it means." He shook his head, reaching out to a group of red flowers, and quickly paying for it, before he could change his mind.

"Ah Junyoung, those are anthuriums, it could mean friendship." Before Felix could sigh, Hoseok continued. "Or it could mean love too-"

"Forget it." Felix took the flowers. "Thank you for your annoying service." The man gently put his hoodie back up again, before leaving quite aggressively.

Hoseok chuckled at the new person that he met, with the same hair colour as him. The bell at the front door ringed as Hoseok glanced towards it.

"Sunghoonie!" Hoseok saw the figure enter the shop. "How was the last plant?" Hoseok jumped from his seat once again, approaching the boy. Sunghoon looked down as he spoke.

"It died again..." Sunghoon fiddled with his finger. "I tried every single tip you said." Sunghoon knew it was not because he didn't take care of it properly, but it was because of what unknowingly happened to Jeongin.

"Aish," Hoseok shook his head in disappointment. "Did you put it in the right lighting?" He asked Sunghoon, grabbing him on the shoulders. Sunghoon nodded his head aggressively, before speaking.

"Let me get to the point, alright?" Sunghoon gently took Hoseok's hands off his shoulders. "Every time Jeongin hyung comes into here and asks for me, you have to say that I am working here, alright?"

Hoseok was taken aback at the sudden order from the younger. "Woah, woah, woah, why do you want me to do that?" He put his hands back on Sunghoon's shoulders. "You aren't even working here, why should I tell Jeongin a lie?" Sunghoon saw the serious face of Hoseok, which was not usually there.

"Hoseok hyung, I accidentally lied to him that I was working here. Sunghoon took Hoseok's hands off his shoulders again.

"What?" Hoseok exclaimed, placing back the amaryllis' that were placed by the previous customer. "How do you accidentally lie?"

"I-I don't know..." Sunghoon started pacing around nervously. "Maybe because he freaking hates the place I'm working at?" The rhetorical question got to the red haired man. An awkward silence rung throughout the shop before Hoseok spoke.

"Where are you working at then?"

Silence crept back into the building, as Sunghoon stood there. "I don't really want to say." His voice quietened down, as he remembered the words of Jimin.

"Thats okay Sunghoon, but I don't really lie to people." Hoseok arranged the red flowers back into place while he was talking. "Why would you want me to lie to your teacher? Isn't that a bit evil?"

Sunghoon stood in the spot, scenarios of Jeongin scolding him playing repeatedly throughout his mind. "I don't want him to find out..." He whispered guilty under his breath.

"Hey Sunghoon, if theres anything wrong, you can tell me, alright?" Hoseok lifted up Sunghoon's head, as they made eye contact. "If you are uncomfortable, that's completely alright, but if you want me to lie to your teacher, then you need to do a favour for me."

Sunghoon looked up in hope to Hoseok, as Hoseok gave a smile. "W-what do you want me to do for you?"

"I heard there is a person that wants to be found with red hair." Hoseok paused for a moment. "Can you find him for me? I feel like an exchange for lying is to help the town from the red haired guy. Other than me, of course." Hoseok chuckled. "So is that alright?"

Sunghoon nodded, as his hope rose. "I'll find this red haired guy for you, in exchange for me not getting caught by Jeongin hyung." He smiled, as he left, looking for a red haired human.

As Hoseok sighed, he focused on the silence of the shop, with no customers. Occasionally, the shop would fall into silence, as there no customers at the moment.

He stood up, about to head towards the counter, until his ringtone, 'Water' by '6TS' spread out through the shop. Picking up the phone, he spoke in his lively tone.

"Hello! Its Hoseok, owner of the flower shop 'Hope World', if you want to order any flower or ask any quires, call from my work phone number, as you are calling from my personal phone number currently."

To Hoseok's confusion, a posh voice was returned. "Ah, it seems that I have the correct person, Jung Hoseok?"

"Um, sure? If you want..." Hoseok replied uncertainly, making sure he replied in the most unreliable way, hoping that the woman on the other side would get off his back.

"Is it?" The woman paused, as if she was wanting for an answer in response. Before Hoseok could decide on what to say, she spoke. "Ah yes, you are Jung Hoseok."

Hoseok pressed his back against the chair he was seated in, confusion written all over his face, "What would you like from Hope World?"

"I don't want anything from your-" the woman through the speaker stopped her words for a bit before continuing, "fine, I'll take... a bouquet of purple asters please."

Hoseok ruffled his red hair, spinning around in his seat, "Ah, you must act really 'royally' and have a lot of wisdom, okay! The order will come! Where will you like it to be sent to?"

The posh voice boomed into Hoseok's ear, "the abandoned building to the left of your shop."

Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed at the request. He knew that no one had ever been to that place, ever since that was when one of the 'longest living prince', Geumjae had unfortunately died. Yet he went along with the request. "Okay! I'll have it delivered to the door." Hoseok stood up from his seat, checking if the purple asters were still in stock.

"Thank you, Hoseok, I will take my leave now." The woman said her farewell words way too formally for Hoseok, before hanging up. Hoseok placed his phone in his pocket, as a figure entered the shop.

"Ah, Seokjoong!" Hoseok exclaimed. "You didn't really need to come today."

Seokjoong raised his eyebrows a little. "Look who is not speaking in his cheery voice today?"

Hoseok sighed. "I wasn't in the mood to. I only had got three customers. Two came in, and one called through my personal phone number. Only two of them bought something." Hoseok shook his head, running his hands in the purple flowers.

"So I shouldn't of come today?"

"Nope, I'm all good for now." Hoseok replied.

"Ah, alright... I'll get going now."

"Oh wait, could you please help me deliver this to the abandoned building to the left of this shop?" Hoseok passed Seokjoong the bouquet of purple asters.

"Oh, that's an odd request, but sure, I'll deliever these." Seokjoong reluctantly grasped the bouquet, bowing slightly.

Seokjoong walked out the door, waving to a smiling Hoseok from behind him. Trudging over to the footpath, he turned his head to his left, eyebrows slightly furrowing at the somewhat threatening structure.

Feeling confused, he strode down the footpath that lay in the front yard of the abandoned house. Grasping the bouquet of purple flowers, Seokjoong bent down to place it down on the door step of the door that was hanging off on one hinge.

Sighing to himself, he turned around, taking a deep breath and glancing at his surroundings. Suddenly, after a few seconds of deafening silence, Seokjoong's eyes found the figure that seemed to be approaching him.

Seokjoong felt a shiver run down his spine as he shook slightly. Spinning around abruptly, he speed walked in fear, quickly pushing open the door of Hoseok's shop.

"Hoseok? There was some creepy guy outside the abandoned house. I think they were following me." Seokjoong informed the boy that stood in the store, with a concerned look on his face.

"Do you have any idea who it might be?" Hoseok attempted to recieve some more information about the unknown being that Seokjoong had encountered.

"Nope, I just know that he was kinda really creepy." Seokjoong shivered slightly.

"Well, that's not really helpful... Here, I'll go check it out... alright? You stay here and stay safe."

"Oh, alright..." Seokjoong reluctantly agreed.

Hoseok waved at Seokjoong before disappearing from his view. He turned to the house next to his shop, searching for the figure that Seokjoong had mentioned.

Looking from side to side, his eye caught a glimpse of pink flashed before his eyes, before disappearing behind a nearby structure on the same street.


Hoseok made his way back into the shop that he was the owner of, seeing a frantic Seokjoong inside.

"Oh my goodness... Are you alright? Are you hurt? Do you need professional medical help? I can call the ambulance right now if you want?"

"Oh god, Seokjoong... Calm down, I'm completely fine."

"Ah, do you need a drink? Do you want a cookie? Anything?"

"No, no... I'm fine Seokjoong, calm down. No injuries." Hoseok gestured to his own body.

"Are you sure?"

"Seokjoong..." Hoseok groaned in frustration.

"Fine, just let me know when you need the ambulance. I'll stand by to take your call 24/7. I'll check in a nearby hotel just in case you ever need me." Seokjoong gave Hoseok a sweet smile, pulling his hand up into the shape of a telephone, shaking his hand slightly.

"Okay, Seokjoong." Hoseok groaned.

Hoseok shook his head in disappointment, his hands on his hips.

"Go and rest Seokjoong, it's been a long day."

"Okay!" Seokjoong replied, skipping away as he waved at Hoseok.

"Bye! Rest well!" Hoseok smiled cheerfully and brightly.

"You too!" Seokjoong replied.

As Seokjoong left Hoseok's sight, Hoseok let out a sigh in exhaustion, due to the questionable events that had occurred that day. Hoseok shook his head, deciding to close up for the day and return to his comfortable abode to rest.

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