◇ • FIVE • ◇

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"Okay Year 11's. Focus on your own work." A strict voice was heard from inside the classroom. Muffled voices were heard.

'Science?' A 3-year-old Jin thought. 'Cool!' He peeked inside the classroom sneakily. They were cutting up animals.

'WAIT WHY ARE THEY CUTTING ANIMALS?' Jin looked very concerned as he looked at the classroom. Jin sneaked away and slid through the school gates, not being noticed. He peeked into another class through the gates.' Should I go in?' Jin debated, then casually walked in the school.

'Huh. I get free education.' He thought. He looked through the window. There were children slightly older than him, reading books.

"I HATE DISS BOOK!" a kid screamed.

"Just read it!" The teacher forced the book into the child's hand.

"NAH!" the boy tossed it out of the window.

'Great!' Jin snatched the book from the floor, then hid in a bush watching the teacher walk out to search for the book.

"Huh, its not here." The teacher spoke to no one in particular. Jin smirked without knowing what smirking was. When the teacher left, Jin dashed towards the school gates and athletically jumps over it. Yes, Jin just stole a book. He opened the book.

"Click, Clack, buckle in your seat belt. Sounds cringey." He straightforwardly commented. "This is so easy anyways." He read the book in 10 seconds. He ran up to a bin and toss it into the school bin.

He went back to the Year 11 class. Jin went to the slightly opened door and saw a huge science book sitting not far from him. Jin's little hands grabbed the huge heavy book, running away as fast as he could, which wasn't really that fast, with the book.

Jin flung it up onto a table in the park, where he 'lived'. 'Woah!' Jin flipped through the different stuff, and quickly memorised it. 'But Crisso's guidebook is better. He grabbed the brown, handwritten book out of his pink, stolen bag. He flipped it opened and read the part he had bookmarked.

"Feel like ear disappear + animal noise = Accearl. Very rare, also very rare for it to pass down in generations. What is Accearl?" Jin asked no one. He read on and on until it was night.


Hah, free education, am I right? I try to think of stuff that won't let me remember-. Ah why did I think that. I'm so stupid. I facepalm while Taeyang allows me to enter, as Beomgyu would say, exit.

I walk into the palace, hearing birds. Okay Jimin I know you're here you can stop now. I leaned onto the kitchen bench, taking out the cheese and placing them into the fridge. So, Taehyung's related to me? He seems cute and innocent. WAIT WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THIS? I grab my blonde hair, frustrated at myself.

I hear a cat noise. Huh. Wait, my ears feel like disappearing. I've felt that before. 2 times. When I was walking to the store. And... when I made crab at the age of 3. Is it an accearl? Apparently they are rare.

Another flashback (sorry)

'All I need left is... red chillies and steamed buns!' Jin thought excitedly, clutching tightly of the free shopping bag that he had got from stealing ingredients for the chilli crab dish.

Over the year, Jin had started to get good of stealing things. He once stole prawn crackers in the middle of a whole entire crowd, looking at him.

He walked innocently into the store, looking into the isles.

"Where are your parents?" A voice asked. A faint cat noise. Jin's ears itched.

"Eomma and Appa are in the car!" Jin smiled innocently at the woman.

"Ah, so brave." The woman complimented the 4-year-old.

"I know, right?" Jin bounced in the spot, hand sneaking to the red chillies. He wrapped his hands around them and quickly put them in his pocket, trying not the squash it. Oh wait, I need to ask Eomma what I needed to get again, I forgot." He acted, chuckling nervously. He slightly flinched, he doesn't use the word 'forget/forgot'. He has great memory.

"Okay! You're so sweet!" The woman smiled.

"Thanks! BYEE!" Jin waved as he walked out of the store.

'A piece of... Hmm, not cake, because cake is too complicated.' He thought.

He rushed to another store.

'Oh no! This has the censoring thing!' Jin exclaimed in his head, casually walking in, like it wasn't suspicious that a 4-year-old without supervision in a store.

He looked around, aware of anyone who came into the same isle as Jin.

Jin eyed the steamed buns, he could grab it any second. 'Oh wait. I'd be suspicious.' Jin made up his mind and casually took it, without anyone in the isle. He put it in his pink bag, placing Crisso's book and the science book he stole a few months ago in his bag.

Jin breathed in as he looked to see any customers.

As soon one walked past, Jin stealthily walked out. The alarms went off. Jin guilty looked back, as the innocent man was being assaulted. Jin picked up speed, running off to the beach, which was currently isolated.

'Time to catch a crab.' He smiled at the thought. Okay, it might seem crazy, but this 4-year-old can swim. He tossed the pink bag onto the sand, taking out the cook book from there.

He looked at the crashing sea waves just before him. The cold water made contact his hands as he dived in.

Holding the live crab tightly, he walked back onto shore, slamming the crab aggressively onto the sand.

"TIME TO PULL LEGS OFF WOOHOO!" he screamed in delight as he ran around the beach hysterically. He grabbed the crab legs, twisted them, and pulled them clean off, leaving the innocent crab dead.

He used all the energy in his brain to think of what to do to a crab before cooking it. Someone watched from the distance, as Jin was torturing the crab. Jin could hear cat noises.

'Huh?' Jin thought, looking around curiously, when finishing the preparation of the crab.

"Mummy!" An unfamiliar voice was heard. "Someone kill sea friend! I'm angwy!"

"Where?" Another voice was heard.

"Thar!" The little boy pointed dangerously at Jin. "He need be in jail!"

"Its not illegal though." Jin moved his head to see the speaker. 'It's the same girl I saw at the store!' he thought.

"But it is!" the little boy pouted. "He need be dead!"

"Calm down Joonie." A man calmed down the said person. Jin saw the man carry a baby girl.

"Its you again!" The woman went up to Jin's set up 'kitchen'.

"Mhm!" Jin smiled. "I'm cooking crab!"

"By yourself?" the woman's eyes widened.

"Yeah! I just caught this crab and its ready to cook!"

"Nah! Bad boy! Eyebrow shaved off!" Joonie angrily stomped on the sand.

"You want to watch?" Jin calmly asked, like there was no Joonie having a tantrum.

"Sure!" The mother of Joonie sounded very intrigued.

Jin immediately started moving rapidly around the little kitchen that he made for himself. Joonie was crying out in despair.

In around 30 minutes, the crab was prepared on a plate, and ready to eat.

"Woah." Was all the parents could say. "You're talented."

"Thanks!" Jin smiled cutely at them. "You wanna try?"

"Sure?" The father sounded unsure.

"Don't worry, its-" Jin was cut off with an approving noise from the man.

"OMG YOU GUYS HAVE TO TRY THIS!" he grabbed a bit of the crab meat and fed it to his wife.

"OH YEAH LET JOONIE AND MIINIE TRY IT" she had the same reaction.



"Oh wait, I forgot to ask, can you handle spiciness?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, me, him and Joonie can, but I'm not sure about Geongmin." The man replied.

"What if I let Geongmin try? I'll pre-chew it for her." What is pre-chewing.

"Sure?" They were not sure. Jin got the chopsticks and smashed it up, until it looked like baby food. He fed it to the little girl.

The baby's eyes widened open at he taste. "Goo!!" She spit out. Joonie and his parents widened their eyes in surprise.

"You-you made her say first word!" Joonie looked at Jin. "Its that good? I'll try it!" The cat noise got louder when Joonie came closer to Jin. Jin's ears practically felt like they were getting chopped off.

"Sure!" He fed Joonie a bit of crab meat.

"Cute." The mother whispered to her husband.

"WAIT SEA FRIEND  TASTE THIS NICE?" Joonie repeated the same moves as his younger sister except he had dimples.

"Mhm!" Jin nodded proudly.

"You know? You should be a cook right now!"

End of flashback

Haha, Joonie guy's mother, yes I am.

I-I feel it where Beomgyu is. I quickly take out my phone and send a quick text: "Let the guy in."

I felt they person get closer, and closer. I held my breath in, was he going to open the door?

As if it was on cue, the door busted open and there stood a blue haired guy. Joonie?

"I-I.." He stammered looking towards me. "I-I'm s-sorry, I-I'll leave."

"Why are you acting like that you just walked onto me showering or something?" I asked confidently.

"N-no, I just like, I honestly don't know." He shrank down in embarrassment.

"Its okay!" I smile. Joonie.

"Thanks!" He smiles. Dimples. Joonie.

"Hey, by any chance..." I recited the exact steps in my head. I rapidly moved around the kitchen, grabbing random items and random ingredients. In a minute, the crab was ready. He is a special cook, he can speed things up.

"Wow~" He wowed at the speed. Yes, you should Joonie.

"Remember this?" I continue from my sentence before while holding chopsticks with a piece of crab on it.

"B-but it is sea friend, we can't eat sea f-friends." His cheeks turn red. Oops. I move a little bit further from him.

"You'll remember it." Oops, he don't have the same ability as me.

He reluctantly ate it. I mean, I don't blame him. Its not like every now and then someone random cooks and gives crab to someone they don't know.

"Wait." He paused. I looked deeply into his eyes. Tears. "A-are you the person that cooked the crab?" He looked at me. "G-geongmin's first words?"

"Yup." Jin nodded.

"I-I can't eat this." He slowly walked away.

"Wait!" I was curious about this Joonie guy. Especially because he is an accearl. What's underneatd that hoodie? He turned around to look at me. "You wanna stay for a bit?"

"Why?" Joonie asked.

"I..." I tried to think of something. "I can show you around the place?" Oops, that came out as a question.

"Sure! I asked that Beomgyu guy, but he said that I shouldn't know, and I couldn't exit apparently and there was this guy called Jin and Yoongi." He scratched his head in confusion. Argh, Beomgyu and his habits of reading the person of the text message.

"I'm Jin and you are Joonie, right?" I ask, hopefully it won't turn out awkward.

"Ehehehe, um that's a nickname my parents call me, its Kim Namjoon."

"Okay Namjoon!" I look at the crab. Who should I give it to? Not Yoongi, cause it has chillis, Jimin and Taeyang! They love it.

"I'm going to give this to Jimin and Taeyang hyung so you can stay here until I return back! Help yourself with anything! Other than the cheese though, the... cats need them."

I quickly leave before seeing Namjoon's reaction to the cheese. The birds. I follow the sounds of the birds. Yeah, Jimin's with Taeyang again. 

I frown. I can't show it to him. I was the one that brang him here. I was the first one to know he was an angel. I am the only person to know... his father.

I try not to scare them as I show the crab to them.

"JINLLI CRAB!" Jimin exclaims. "YAY!" I laugh at the nickname of the crab. Seems like a thing Namjoon would do.

"Enjoy!" I smile as I walk away. I walk into the kitchen to see Namjoon eating the cupcakes that I baked.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked. He jumped, nearly dropping the cupcake. "OOPS sorry Namjoon!" I apologised.

"Iz okay." He spit crumbs out. "Its really good." He finished the cupcake.

"So can I show you around?" I asked. He shyly nodded. This guy is very interesting.

Ignoring the fact that there were so many crumbs on the floor, I tugged his hand as we walked out of the kitchen.

Should I show him Yoongi? Say his name is Jaemin or something? Nah.

"Do not go in there." I indicate Yoongi's room, making up my mind. "It's the cats." The throbbing pain came into my head. Oh. He heard that.

"Hey!" A faint voice was heard.

"That was the cats?" Namjoon asked, referring to the 'hey'.

"Mhm." I nod, trying not to laugh.

A love heart formed on his head. 

Huh? He's... in love? Or did he just break up with someone.

Is he in love? With the cats? Possibly who? No, it can't be me.

Is it?

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