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"It's okay come on when I say one two three forget it

Erase all sad memories hold my hand and smile..."


"Taehyung, I think you could add like 'If you believe in' me before that sentence?"

"Oh! That's really good Lea noona!" Taehyung exclaimed, jotting the note down. "I'm going to add 'Hana dul set'!"

"You're getting very good at this! You're better than me at song writing!"

"No! You're better than me!" Taehyung pouted, looking at Lea.

"Fine, but your still good."

"Thank you!" Taehyung smiled.

"It hurts just hearing her name." Namjoon whispered to Jungkook, eating at a separate table from JJK.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook muttered, poking his Japchae that his parents had made for him.

"Why are you sorry? It was my fault I drugged her, I actually had the courage to listen to you. I wouldn't of have drugged her. It's my fault." Namjoon looked down, not having the appetite to eat anymore.

"It isn't your fault Namjoon." Jungkook looked at Namjoon in his eyes. "It was mine, I shouldn't have asked you. If I never asked you, you wouldn't have done it."

"You never heard her or his name yet." Namjoon stood up. "I'm going to Taehyung."

"B-But your bibimbap?" Jungkook got his Japchae and Namjoon's bibimbap and followed Namjoon's steps.

"Hey Taehyung, can we speak in private?" Namjoon avoided eye contact with Lea.

"Yeah sure! Lea, can you just stay here for a bit and add more onto the lyrics? Joonie hyung needs me!" Namjoon followed Taehyung's gaze, accidentally making eye contact with Lea.

"Let's go Joonie hyung!" Taehyung skipped along Namjoon's side, Jungkook followed behind.

"Joonie hyung what do you want?" Taehyung smiled, excited for whatever was ahead.

"I would like you to meet my other friend-" Namjoon was cut off by another voice.

"Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook put his hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

"Oh! Aren't you the guy that keeps eating that girl's face? Does it taste good? I never knew humans ate other humans until I saw you two!"

"Don't worry." Namjoon whispered into Jungkook's ear. "He's very innocent."

Jungkook let out an awkward laugh. "I guess so. But I don't, uh, eat her anymore."

"Oh! Why's that?" Taehyun overheard.

'Lea's gone! I can see what is on the paper!' Taehyun thought, smirking, sneaking up to the table.

'2! 3!?' Taehyun scoffed at the simpleness of the title. 'I gotta show Soobin and Yeonjun this!' But Taehyun knew that he couldn't judge yet, since he hasn't even looked at what Taehyung had written down. Taehyun walked into the hall, avoiding to be seen by the elder.

"Been trying to tell you this,

I was supposed to tell you this,

This is all for you.

Let's only walk on flower trails
I can't say that
Let's only see good things
I can't say that either
Saying that there will only be good things from now on
Saying that you won't get hurt
I can't say that
I can't lie like that

"Because you're all idols
It sucks even if I don't hear it
I don't like your lyrics
I can already imagine the performance
Because you don't have power, you would certainly
Have done dirty deeds in the past
Observing how you act
Soon you'll cease to exist."
(Thank you so much)"

'Wait a second, no wonder why Taehyung screamed "THAT'S SO RUDE LEA! LET'S ADD, LIKE, THANK YOU SO MUCH!"' Taehyun thought, chuckling.

"Because of your inferiority complex
I was able to prove myself something
I wasn't able to do when in high school
Hands clapping, yes, keep on going, keep on going
We'll be happy by ourselves
Good, yeah, i'm good

It's okay come on when I say one two three forget it
Erase all sad memories hold my hand and smile

It's okay, come on when I say one, two, three forget it
Erase all sad memories
Smile holding onto each other's hands

Hoping for more good days
If you believe what I say then one, two, three (one two three)
If you believe then one, two, three (one two three)."

Taehyun frowned, surprisingly sad that the lyrics had came to an end. "Wait why did I steal it?" He exclaimed, realising he had stole the best work he had ever seen, even if it gave off a vibe of '32' by 6TS.

"Shit!" He cursed when he realised that the three boys were back at the table.

"I lost the lyrics! Where did Lea go?" Taehyung pouted, sitting down.

"Maybe Lea took it?" Jungkook tried to calm the younger down.

'Why is Jungkook there?' Taehyun thought. 'Should I just return it like that? I mean Taehyung is innocent, maybe he won't suspect I stole it.'

"Um, Taehyung, here is your lyrics." Taehyun was unsure of what was going to happen.

"Thank you Taehyun! I thought I lost it! Thank you for returning it for me! Wait, can you read it first?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah sure!" Taehyun scanned over the paper, already knowing what the other had written down. "It's really good!" He told the truth. "Keep working on it. Fighting!"

"Thank you!" Taehyung gushed, getting the piece of paper back.

"Wow, Taehyun's different, especially the day when Taehyung bandaged his hand, ay Taehyung, you did a good job that time." Jungkook patted Taehyung on the head.

"Thank you so much!" Taehyung smiled at Jungkook.

"Let's go." Namjoon eyed Lea, who was coming back. Jungkook realised what Namjoon was worried about.

"Yeah, Taehyung, lets go, I'm going to tell you a friend we're meeting afterwards at the milk tea shop." Jungkook dragged Taehyung away from the incoming girl.

"Okay! Can I come?" Taehyung asked the elders.

"Hmmm, I gotta ask Jin hyung first." Jungkook smiled.

"Bye Jungkook and Namjoon hyung!" Taehyung smiled as he waved at his two best friends, well, his actual best friend was Huening Kai. All his friends were best friends.

"Bye! I'm going to tell Jin hyung about you!" Jungkook called out.

"Jin hyung already knows me!" Taehyung called back, running down the path, eager to tell Huening Kai about his new friends.

Taehyung looked around at his surroundings, getting closer to Huening Kai's primary school.

"Oh hello Alien." Taehyung heard a familiar voice.

"Hi Yeonjun! Oh, and Soobin and Taehyun!" Taehyung greeted himself, sitting on the bench.

"Hello Taehyung hyung!" Soobin waved. "The queen is on live right now!"

"Oooh!" Taehyung peeked over, seeing the queens known face.

"Um, I know you all guys are very sad about the kings death." The queens posh voice spoke. Soobin gave a glance at Taehyung's curious eyes. Taehyung returned it.

"I am very sorry to say that the royal line won't go on." A tear fell out of the queen's eye.

Yes, of course, Jin, Yoongi, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jimin, Beomgyu, and Taeyang were all laughing their eyeballs out of their eye sockets.

"I will end this live now." The queens hand went to the camera, then everything froze.

"Oh no! Now we are going to be ruled by the government!" Taehyung clapped his face.

"I honestly liked the royal family better." Soobin lowered his head.

"Yeah!" Taehyung agreed. "They are so much better than the government!"

"Be careful Taehyung hyung, Taehyun's father works for the government." Soobin warned.

"Oh, oops. But I'm going to go meet up with Huening Kai, bye!" Taehyung waved to the three boys, running off after that.

"Hyuka!" Taehyung screamed out, the 10-year-old running into the elders arms.

"TaeTae!" Huening Kai smiled. "I learnt about fractions today! And I also wrote lyrics! Like you!"

"Ooh! What is it about?" Taehyung stopped hugging the younger, soon walking hand in hand.

"I wrote about how the days are great but one day misery might come!" Huening Kai swung their arms, walking closer to the bubble tea shop.

"Wow! Its like the opposite of 2! 3! Wait isn't it a bit like 32 by 6TS?" Taehyung entered the bubble tea shop.

"Yeah, I guess I got inspiration from there." Huening Kai went to the counter. "Hewo Dairy!"

"Hello Huening Kai!" The man saw the two boys. "The usual?"

Both Taehyung and Huening Kai nodded eagerly.

"Okay boys, Hwasa! Get these boys their usuals!"

"Okay!" The familiar voice for the two boys were heard.

"Hyuka! Look, its my new friends!" Taehyung pointed to Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin.

Huening Kai pouted. "Am I your friend?"

"Of course you are! You will always be my friend! Let's go!" Taehyung pulled Huening Kai by the arm after getting their bubble tea.

"Hello hyungs!" Taehyung placed his drink on the table. "Ooh! Hello Jin hyung!"

"Hello!" They waved back. "Who have you brought here?" They asked in sync.

"Its my friend! His name is Kai Kamal Huening but he is known more as Huening Kai! I call him Hyuka and his sisters call him Ningning!"

"Hello Huening Kai!" Jin waved again. "You seem like a nice person, how's Taehyung going?"

"Wait so you actually know Taehyung?" Namjoon gave Jin a look.

"Yeah! We met at the shop here, right Taehyung?" Jin tried to prove that he was right.

"Yeah! We did!" Taehyung smiled. "He gave me 3 blocks of cheese!"

"Wow!" Jungkook sipped his bubble tea. "That's nice."

"Yoongi's obsessed with cheese, that's why." Jin accidentally blurted out. "Han Yoongi." He quickly acted putting a different last name than 'Min'.

Namjoon stared at Huening Kai intensely. Huening Kai pouted, after chewing on some pearls.

"TaeTae, that dimple guy is staring at me, its creepy." Huening Kai shuffled closer to Taehyung.

"Don't worry Huening Kai, he's just curious in you, and that's a good thing." In reality, Taehyung didn't know why the elder was staring at Huening Kai.

"What's your sister's name?" Namjoon asked Huening Kai.

"One of my sisters names are Bahiyih..." Huening Kai started off. Namjoon looked nervous. "And the other sister is called Lea."

Namjoon froze and gave a look to Jungkook. "Um, can I please excuse myself to the bathroom?" Namjoon stood up slowly.

"Of course you can!" Taehyung exclaimed, obviously not getting the fact that Namjoon was uncomfortable. "If you do your business right here, then you have to clean it up! It would be your fault!"

Jungkook tried to hold in his laughter to the innocent boy.

"Okay." Namjoon shuffled past the two boys and rushed to the bathroom.

Why did he ask?" Taehyung looked up at the others, taking a sip of his bubble tea.

"Because, it is polite to, Taehyung." Jin answered wisely, chewing on some pearls. "Whenever you want to leave the table, you got to ask the others."

"OOPS! I NEVER KNEW THAT! I'VE BEEN SO RUDE ALL THE TIME!" Taehyung panicked. "What do I do now?"

"You never knew, Taehyung, its fine." Jungkook tried to calm Taehyung down.

Huening Kai's pocket rumbled. "Is that for me, or for you?" Huening Kai asked, taking out his phone from his pocket. "Hello?" he answered the phone.

"HUENING KAI COME HOME RIGHT NOW!" A scream came from the other side of the phone. "ITS REALLY IMPORTANT!"

Huening Kai shuddered at the shouts. "Okay eomma! I'm coming now with TaeTae hyung!" Huening Kai hung up. "Bye hyungs! I need to go home. Bye!" He waved, picking up his bubble tea and leaving the shop.

"Huh." Taehyung took one last look at the group. "Bye!" He quickly waved, dashing after the 10-year-old.

"What do you think happened." Taehyung desperately asked, wind pulling his hair back.

"I don't know Taehyung, I'm really worried." Huening Kai shuddered once again.

"Whatever it is, I'll stay right by your side, no matter what." Taehyung brang Huening Kai closer, holding his bubble tea tightly.

"Thank you TaeTae hyung." Huening Kai whispered, seeing the presence of his house. They skidded to a halt.

"EOMMA!" Huening Kai shouted, as he entered the unusually quiet house. "WHAT'S WRONG???" He placed his bag on the floor, as Taehyung followed from behind.

"Do you know the news?" A very devastated looking mother grabbed onto Huening Kai's shirt alarmingly, which caused Huening Kai to jump.

"Um, no eomma?" Huening Kai looked confused at his mother, feeling like there was something strange going on.

"LEA! SHE'S GONE!" She shouted, legs getting weak.

Huening Kai's face turned into a boiled dumpling.

Taehyung popped up. "Where did she go?" Taehyung asked. "Did she randomly disappear like Joonie's sister?" Taehyung was curious, being his usual innocent self.

"She's gone!" Bahiyih came out of her room, tears staining her cheeks.

"Wait, w-what h-happened?" Huening Kai looked around pleadingly, worried of what had happened.

"LEA SUICIDED HERSELF AT SCHOOL!" Bahiyih sobbed, falling weakly to the floor.

"This was in her pocket, maybe this had something to do with it." Huening Kai's mother tried to calm down, taking out the piece of paper.

Taehyung lost his anger, snatching the piece of paper from Huening Kai's mother. "WHO SUICIDED LEA?" He shouted, stealing the phone from Huening Kai. Being innocent, he didn't know what suicided meant.

"Theirs is a phone number!" Taehyung fought back tears, entering the numbers of the phone number.

"Hello?" A voice was heard.

"HOW DARE YOU SUICIDE LEA!??!?!?!?" Taehyung shouted to the poor boy on the other side of the phone, tears falling down.

"T-taehyung." The man said, after a pause. "D-do you even know what s-suiciding is?"

"YEAH!! IT IS TO MURDER!" Taehyung shouted.

"No, it is to kill yourself." The boy explained.

"IT IS YOUR FAULT THAT SHE SUICIDED HERSELF!!" Taehyung shouted, the Kai family staring in horror at the raging boy.

"Yes. I know Taehyung, It is my fault, it is my fault for her death, it is because I DRUGGED HER! ITS MY FAULT! ITS MY FAULT!" There was some sobbing from the other side.

Taehyung froze. "Joonie hyung?"

"Yes." Namjoon confirmed through tears. "You can blame it all on me, I'd confirm everything. You can stop being my friend, I know, its all my fault."

"YES! I'M NOT BEING YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE NAMJOON!" Taehyung screamed, dropping the honorifics and the nickname.

"TAEHYUNG! STOP BEING SO RUDE TO NAMJOON HYUNG!" Huening Kai stole the phone away from Taehyung. "He did nothing wrong to make Lea like this." He looked at Taehyung, eyes glistening from the tears.

Taehyung stood there, not saying anything for a few seconds.

"Bye then." Taehyung glared at the family, then he dashed out of the door. He ran past the shops, sadly seeing a Namjoon crying through the window. This hurt Taehyung more.

He headed weakly to the floor, collapsing onto the green grass. "Why Lea, why did you die? Was it actually because of Namjoon?" He asked to no one in particular, catching his eye on a flower.

He slowly walked up to it, then pulling a petal carefully off.

"Lea, hopefully you had a good life, and a better future, I will always love you and will always remember you. May this petal follow her soul" He softly kissed it, then it flew up into the sky, away from Taehyung's sight.

"Hello." Taehyung heard a deep voice. Taehyung, heavily breathing, turned around anxiously. "W-who are you?" Taehyung stammered, wiping tears away from his eyes.

"You should know who I am, child,  I'm Lee Felix."

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