13. Are you cold ?

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"May I come in, Ms Kim?" a deep voice said from the doorstep.

He was so tall, even taller than jungkook.

Wait- what? Why would you think about jungkook out of nowhere?! Nevermind.

The boy who stood just outside the door, clutching some notebooks in his hand, had a pair of glasses on, which kinda looked so cool on him.

As I said before, he was so tall and his body looked well built. He adjusted his specs a little and took steps inside after you told him to come inside.

"Good afternoon, Ms Kim. My name is Kim Namjoon. I'm from Ms Park's class." he said looking down at you where you were sitting on a chair at your usual place.

"Yes, Ms Park told me about you already. So which was the paper that you wanted to recheck?" you said getting up from your seat in order to look into the cupboard where all the mark sheets were.

"It's the last english test." he said and you hummed in response. You finally found the mark sheet and showed him to confirm if that was correct or not.

"Yes, Ms Kim. this is it." he said again adjusting his specs making you nod your head with a smile.

"I guess we should take this to the library. I don't think you can just stand here all the time while I teach you." you said looking around the room. There was no one at that time in the staff-room as everyone was in their assigned classrooms. It was the last lecture of the day.

"Okay, miss." he said and you both made your way down the hallway and towards the library.

After reaching library you found a good place and sat down. Namjoon sat across from you on the same table.

You made him understand everything he was having trouble with. He just wanted to recheck his mistakes and learn it thoroughly. He looked happy as he understood everything properly.

"Thank you so much, Ms Kim. You really made it so easy to understand." he said with a bright smile on his face as he looked at you. His smile was so cute. It looked so cute everytime he smiled and his dimples appeared.

"It's nothing. I also like it when I get to teach students who actually want to learn." you said with a smile and he nodded.

You didn't even realize, an hour had passed while teaching him as he was a great learner so it was fun teaching him.

You gathered your things from the table and he did the same.

"By the way, Ms Kim, I have a favor to ask, can I?" he said as you were about to exit the library.

"Yes, tell me." you said turning your head towards him.

"I actually wanted to ask if you can tutor my friend? He is pretty good at studies but he sucks when it comes to exams. It would be so nice if you can teach him whenever you have time so he can improve." he said and waited for your answer.

"sure, why not! I'll be glad to teach him." you said with a smile which he returned.

"But he is really very stubborn! I'll try to persuade him first because he might not like this idea and is it okay if I get your number? Just so I can text you if he says yes or not." he said hesitantly looking at you.

You thought for a while and nodded your head. He gave you his phone and you typed your number.

"I'll text you my friend's number too once I reach home. Is that okay?" he said and you nodded before waving him bye. He went outside the school as the school was already over, and you headed to staff-room to get your remaining stuff.

When you stepped outside the building it was raining hard.

The rain drops hitting the ground with force and bouncing back playfully. The trees looked more lively because of the rain. The delicate flower petals kept fluttering as the rain drops touched them.

It was so beautiful and made you want to just stand there and admire the beauty of nature for a moment.

You suddenly remembered that you didn't bring an umbrella with you and mentally face palmed yourself.

You thought for a while and even tried texting taehyung to which he replied that he is out of the town with your dad because of some matter, that you didn't ask what was it.

You sighed. There was only one way now.
You need to run to the bus stop somehow, only then you can go home.

You took a deep breath and clutched your bag tight, ready to run. More like ready to get drenched in the rain and then probably get sick. Sounds fun, right?

You stepped outside the school building and ran towards the school gates. A little slowly, because hello! You didn't want fall down and sprain your ankle or something like that. The cold rain drops touched your skin making you shudder.

Suddenly someone grabbed your arm, yanking you from your side and you stumbled on your feet, your mouth leaving a small scream because of the sudden impact. Feels like Deja vu !

You were ready to fall down but, you felt two arms holding you firmly, preventing you from falling down. You were practically in someone's arms, you had yet to know who it was.

"I didn't expect this from you Ms Kim. You are already falling for me?!" Jungkook said as he was still holding your arms from back.

You closed your eyes shut for a second, opening them again and standing straight on your own feet now. You were inside the parking lot.

You turned around and faced him, he smirked looking at your surprised face.

"What the heck jungkook? Why did you do that ? And why are you here at this time ? I almost took a glimpse of afterlife just now, because of you." you said as you took deep breaths to calm down your thumping heart.

"Calm down Ms Kim. I thought of helping you and you are scolding me? That's not fair." he said pouting his lips a little, making a fake cute face.

"I almost fell and you are saying you wanted to help me?" you said a little louder than normal because the rain was so loud and also because you were really pissed at him, ignoring his attempt to be cute.

"I saw you and thought you didn't have an umbrella so I was going to call your name but before I do you were already in the rain, so I had to stop you like that." he said ruffling his hair looking at you.

"Argh! Okay, But why are you still here at this hour?" you said looking on your side.

You just took some steps in the rain but your shirt was drenched a little, so was your hair. The wind was so chilling because of the rain making you unconsciously hug your arms, seeking warmth.

"Are you cold?"


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