34. Can I get one more?

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The soft thumping of his heart was resonating in his ears due to nervousness. He never had to do something like this ever in his life.

He would never even feel the need to be nervous! He was never a person who cares about such things. But you made him feel everything he wasn't capable of feeling before he met you.

Every part of his heart shivered with an unknown mesmerising feeling when he saw you smile. Even when you were not doing anything, he would think you're driving him crazy. How did he not realise that until now?

"God! How do these stalkers get away without getting caught? Here, I'm pissing myself. They shouldn't see me. Damn, this is so embarrassing!" he mumbled to himself, more like rambled. He kept hiding through his hoodie.

"What are they even talking about? Is he actually going to ask her out on a date? Wait- isn't this considered a date already? Argh! I hate you, new teacher." he clutched the spoon in his hand tightly while gritting his teeth.

While on the other side,

"It's my pleasure that you agreed Ms Kim! We will be quick with it. I promise, I won't waste much of your time." he smiled ear to ear and took a sip of his iced coffee.

"No, that's nothing. I can at least do this much." you smiled and put your hand on his in a friendly manner which was resting on the table.

But someone was already burning in rage and jealousy.

"If you hadn't agreed on going with me in this wedding, they all were going to tease me to death. I got away last time by making some excuse but not this time. And I'm sorry for troubling you again." he said and laughed. You laughed along with him and the talk went on.

"Excuse me, Mr Choi, I'll need to use restroom. I'll be back in a bit." you said while standing up.

"Yeah sure, take your time." he said and you nodded before heading to the restroom.

Humming your favourite song, you opened the restroom door and stepped inside.

It was almost empty with no one inside. No one comes around in cafés at this time of the day. You looked around and went inside one of the cubicles.

After finishing your business, you opened the door of the cubicle and stepped your foot outside just to get pinned on to the wall beside the cubicle.

"What the fu- Jungkook? What are you doing here? It's women's restroom, dummy! Get out of here." you stared into his eyes with horror present inside your orbs but he was so calm about all this.

"I don't care," is all he said and then he was again back to staring into your eyes making you a nervous wreck in front of him.

"What the heck, Jungkook?! Let go of me," you tried to free your hand from his but he was way too strong for you to even make him budge from his place.

"Are you happy, huh? Are you happy now that you made me miserable? Do you even understand it?" he leaned down towards your face and spoke with a hint of hurt in his voice, his brows were frowning naturally.

He was.... hurt? But why? That's what you thought.

"What are you saying?" you said in a soft voice.

"Do you know how hard it is for me? Why do you do it? Why do you come to my dreams and do things to me that I can't believe?" his voice was now an octave or two lower, making it sound so hot and deep. His hot breath fanned your face.

You were already confused as it is but when he talked about dreams, you kind of got the idea what he was talking about.

"Huh? Why do you do things to me that I never experienced before? It's like I'm trapped in between the spell your eyes put on me. What does those dreams mean Ms Kim? Why am I the only one who is suffering?" his head dropped on your shoulder, he was breathing heavily.

You were stunned to the core. This was so unexpected.

"Jungkook, I can't understand what you just said. Are you okay?" you whispered even though your own heart was at the verge of blasting off.

His cologne was driving you insane, invading your nostrils to the extreme pleasure. You gently put your hand on his shoulder but he was still breathing down on your shoulders. Your heartbeats were never this high before, it was crazy.

"It's all because of you, Ms Kim! Why are you like this? Why are you so stubborn? You just won't go away from my mind and thoughts. You have invaded my heart, this is not fair. Do you dream about me too? No, right? Why is it only me?" he again looked up grasping your arms and looking deep inside your orbs.

"W-why are you saying this? Jungkook, you- you can't do this. Please!" You pleaded with doe eyes looking at his almost vulnerable form in front of you. You can't deny that you felt bad for the boy!

"I can't take it anymore. Those dreams... they make me crave you more and more. I want you to do the things to me you did in my dreams-" his hands reached down to your waist but something interrupted his movements.

A loud bang of someone closing the door resonated in the restroom making you flinch. You could hear the heels clicking against the tiled floor.

You panicked and grabbed Jungkook's collar dragging him inside the nearest cubicle. It was a very small place and hiding a huge human like Jungkook was not easy while you were with him, too.

Your hand was still clutching his shirt's collar and you put a finger on your lips indicating him to stay quiet. He put his hands on the wall beside your head and adjusted his position but that only worsen the situation as he lost his balance and came more closer to your body.

His right knee was in-between your thighs, not touching yet but it still made you shiver. You could literally feel the heat radiating from his body.

"But why do we need to hide?" he whispered near your ear. Your breath hitched at the feeling of his knee slightly brushing against your thigh.

"Are you that dumb? This is a women's restroom and you are a boy! Do I need to remind you?" you whisper shouted at him.

"Oh! But-" he was constantly talking which made you annoyed and you put your finger on his lips, silencing him.

It was a very shallow place and really uncomfortable because of his close proximity. You couldn't look at him anymore, not after you saw how his eyes sparkled whenever you gazed into those beautiful eyes. You removed your finger from his lips and looked away.

You heard another thud and realised the person is gone. Sighing, you pushed Jungkook a little and both got outside, finally breathing properly.

"Oh shit! What about Mr Choi?! Holy shit- he must be still waiting for me. I need to go." you uttered and glanced at Jungkook who was now pouting out of displeasure.

"You're just going to go like that? No answer or anything?" he whined, making you stop on your tracks.

Your cheeks got tinted with pink dust remembering his words from earlier and gulped before looking at him.

"I... I need to go." you told him nervously and turned around to leave.

He held your wrist, stopping you from running away.

"Okay, but before you go, can I get one more?" he said with a sly smile.

"Get more of what?" you asked, still flustered under his heating gaze.

"This," he said and came closer to you. He kissed his thumb and pressed the same thumb on your soft lips. Your eyes went wide and he chuckled at your reaction.

You just realised why he said 'one more'. It's because when you first gestured him to stay quiet in the cubicle and when you put your finger on his lips, you used the same finger both times.

An indirect kiss?! Oh man!!

He let go of you but he whispered something that didn't quite reach your ears as you hurriedly walked away from there.

"I'll make you mine, Ms Kim! You have awaken the beast inside me. That new teacher can't do shit." he smirked and kissed his thumb again.

"I'm so sorry, Mr Choi! I made you wait so long. Let's head out." you apologized.

"Ah, that's okay." he smiled and you both made your way outside.

"Ms Kim, your hand... it's shaking and your face looks flushed. Are you okay? Do you not feel good?" he inquired as he saw your state.

But how could you tell him, that it wasn't because you were sick.

It was because of him. He shook you up from inside. His words kept on repeating inside your head giving you butterflies.

Is this okay? You shouldn't be feeling this way, right? You couldn't even get yourself to scold him just now. You've gone soft for Jungkook a bit too much.

"No! I'm totally okay! I think I need some rest. I'll get going now. Thank you so much for your treat." you said with a smile trying to hide your real expressions.

Mr Choi nodded worriedly and dropped you off to your house.

What will the new morning bring for you tomorrow?


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