42. I gave you my first...

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"Fuck you, Jiminssi!" Jungkook muttered under his breath as he tried to calm his breathing down. His cheeks were on fire and although Jimin was the one who helped him in this plan, he was now mad at him for ruining their moment.

Their first ever intimate moment! It could have been perfect if only he didn't butt in!

Argh! Jimin and his habit of butting in!

You hurriedly fixed your dress although there was nothing to fix about in it. Your whole face was red and your lips looked messed up, it was swollen and red due to getting sucked by a bunny named Jeon Jungkook.

"Come on, noona! We are late." he rubbed his lips with his thumb in an embarrassing way and walked ahead of you. You gulped and trailed behind him, not knowing what to do.

Your mind was a mess right now! You needed some time to figure out everything and sort out your emotions.

Jimin surprisingly didn't tease you or Jungkook, thankfully through out the whole ride. Maybe he also sensed the tension floating around you both and decided to stay quiet.

"Taetae! We are back! Guess whom I brought with me? Your lovely sis also known as my beloved favourite teacher!" there he goes with his loud voice and over acting.

"Sis! Where were you all this time, huh?" Tae joined Jimin in his little play. But you were not going to stay shut anymore.

"Yaah! Tae, don't you dare pretend like you didn't know anything about this, okay? I already know that you three planned all this, and I'm really so pissed at you. How could you do this to me?" you bombarded him with complains.

"W-who told you that? Look, It was not my plan! I just helped him." he said gesturing over to Jungkook who looked so into some deep thoughts and was zoning out a lot.

You sighed and let it go since you already forgave Jungkook before so there was no point in scolding tae now.

"But, wait- why is your face so red and your lips...." he trailed off as he tried getting a better look of your face but you hastily pushed him away.

"It's nothing! I just need some rest." listening to your words, Jimin coughed and smirked a little. He winked at Tae, and he got the message that Jimin will tell him everything soon.

You finally decided to go to your room and hide from the embarrassment, but before you go, a sweet voice called you.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Noona! And take care. See you in school tomorrow." he smiled and felt proud because he can now address you with that name.

Everyone else had their eyes wide open and you felt your cheeks burn. You practically ran for your life and hid inside your room.

After you vanished from their sight, they started talking about everything.

"Look! I let you stay alone with my sister but that doesn't mean I'll let you do whatever you want! You didn't do anything bad to her, did you? I want her to be safe and protected at all costs. I will not let it go if you try to hurt her." Tae asked with eyes dark and face so cold that he could even freeze a volcano with it.

Jungkook gulped and quickly shook his head.

"No no, hyung! I can never do that! I promise I'll never hurt her. We um- we just kissed! I swear to god, nothing else happened!" he said with his doe eyes on display making sure he looked genuine enough.

Tae had his mouth open like a wide saucer but closed it and put his hands on Jungkook's shoulders. For a moment he got scared of Tae but he knew that he just likes to exaggerate things.

"Holy damn! You guys kissed?" he yelled at the top of his lungs, and there in your room, you pushed your face deeper in the pile of blankets not to listen to his voice but you could clearly hear him yelling.

Now, he knows everything! He will tease you till you get annoyed and beg him to stop!

"I mean- it just happened. But this punk! Jimin came in between and ruined everything. I would have been able to confess properly if he didn't come. " Jungkook sighed, frustrated and closed his eyes shut for a moment. Jimin pouted and muttered a 'sorry'.

"Bro! I can't believe you stole my sister's first kiss. But, well done!! I'm rooting for you. Just make sure you don't disappoint me or else... you know what I can do, right?" Tae said with a threatening look and Jungkook chuckled while nodding.

They all chatted for sone more while and then went to their respective places.

"Now, you may start writing your test!" you announced to the students as it was time for the surprise class test.

"Make sure to fill out the information nice and neat! You can't mess it up." you said again to make it clear.

"Ms Kim! Can you help me with this please?" a voice emerged from the back side of the class gaining your attention.

You perfectly knew and recognised that sweet yet sharp voice.

You took in a short breath and gulped before going to him.

"Yes, what do you need me for, Jungkook?" you said and tried to act cool like nothing happened the previous day.

You wondered how he is so calm about it! The thought kinda made you sad that it might not be his first so he is not bothered by that, unlike you who is still thinking about it.

"I accidentally spelled this wrong and i don't know how to fix it. Can you do it for me?" his request was way too childish and you knew he was doing it on purpose. You couldn't lash out on him in the class, in middle of the test, so you just helped him without saying anything.

He passed you the pen, intentionally brushing his hand with yours in the process and smiled more. You shuddered at his touch but composed yourself and fixed his mistake.

He stared at you all this time and made you nervous. Once it was done, you gave him the pen back and hurried back to the front.

You could sense it! His stares on you, everywhere you go! At this rate, he is going to fail this test. Oh God!

And now you knew, he is not stopping this behavior. You need to try and avoid him at least. But it's not easy when it's him.

You refrained yourself from blushing and sat down on your desk, not looking at him even for once.

When the test was over, Jungkook volunteered to help you take the answer sheets to the staffroom. He was doing this on purpose and you knew.

He happily collected all the answer sheets that made everyone shocked. The Jeon Jungkook was helping the teacher?!

He walked side by side with you in the hallway to the staffroom. Occasionally brushing his hand with yours or just glancing at you now and then.

You would lie, if you said that this didn't make you feel things! But you were really confused and needed some more time to think about it. And him behaving like the kiss was nothing to him, didn't help your situation.

"Are you going to keep ignoring me, Ms Kim? It hurts, you know? After all that happened... I gave you my first kiss and you're ignoring me." he whispered as he saw no one present in the hallway.

His words made your stomach churn and an unknown warmth of relief spreaded through your body making you feel better than before. You couldn't believe that it was really his first, but he made everything awkward by mentioning the kiss again.

Your cheeks burned with a red colour and you glared at him, trying to hide your blush.

"Why- Why do you have to mention it? I need some time to digest everything, Jungkook, and let's not talk about it here in school." saying this, you took the answer sheets from him and walked ahead of him, leaving him to overthink things by himself.

"I guess I'll have to do something again to make you mine Ms Kim!" he sighed and chuckled sadly before heading back to the classroom.

It has been quite a few days since that incident happened! Since you last talked to Jungkook!

It's been painfully quiet and calm at school. He doesn't even create any drama like before.

What happened to him so suddenly?

You wouldn't lie about the fact that you miss him. You miss him so much.

You miss his silly teasing tactics. Miss his smile and even the nasty smirk that he always had on his lips so proudly.

You couldn't help but feel helpless. It was you who told him that you needed time to think about everything. And now you miss him?

You'll make a fool out of yourself if you say this to someone. But you had to do something as it was getting painful to just look at him from afar and not talk to him. You hadn't even been going to his house on weekends to tutor him.

That's it! You need to talk about this to someone real soon!

Who can help you...?

Oh, how can you forget your twin brother?


Thanks for reading! Please don't be a silent reader and show your heavenly presence by voting and commenting. It makes my day, literally. :)

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