52. When are we making out again?

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"Mr Min, I'm telling you, this sh- person here knows nothing about me or my loved ones and he dared to badmouth about someone who's so close to me. I lost it and just threw a punch. Not much!" Jungkook shrugged as if he didn't just say he punched someone so casually.

"You brat! I thought being with Ms Kim has done something good to you, but you never learn, do you?" Mr Min spanked his head with the book he had in his hand.

"But Mr Min, it's not only because of him. Juyeon must have provoked him. He is in fault here, too." You had to butt in.

"Yes I know Ms Kim. These two needs punishment. Should I give them one or you'll handle?" He asked, shaking his head at those two.

"This time indeed they need your punishment Mr Min. I leave it to you." You stated and without a second glance you left the staffroom as soon as you saw Mr Min nodding his head.

"Now now! Let's go! We have so much work left. The lawn looks so messy and the toilets....they reek." He sighed with a satisfied smile on his face. Mr Min sure has the most horrible and tiring punishments.

"Ew! Mr Min, please that's too much!" Juyeon whined and Jungkook rolled his eyes at him.

"Okay then! Jungkook you'll do the lawn work and Juyeon you go to the second floor toilet after the school ends." Jungkook barely stifled a laugh. Juyeon groaned in frustration.

"Serves him right! Asshole!" Jungkook thought and smirked silently.

"You want me to stay back for him?" You whisper yelled at Chaeyoung as you were still in the staffroom.

"Of course you should wait for him. He's working hard you know, he got a punishment because of you. Now you gotta do this at least."

"What? It was his fault that he got in trouble. I had to teach him as a teacher." You scoffed a little.

"Come on now! Don't be so harsh on a poor boy! You're waiting for him and that's final!" She dead-panned.

"Aren't you leaving Ms Kim? It's late already." Mr Min asked while fixing his cool as always specs.

"Um, yeah I just forgot a file in the class so you guys can get going I'll get the file first." You chuckled nervously.

"Oh, I see... a file! Okay! Have a good evening!" He had a smile on his face which didn't quite fit the situation, but you shrugged it off.

"Oh, Mr Min?" Jimin gulped and stopped twirling the car key in his hand.

"Yes, me! What caused you to be here Mr Park? I thought you were on a sick leave? Hm? All okay now?" Oh, boy! There he goes with his smooth voice, making our chimmy boy weak.

"Uh, yeah. I'm just here to pick Jungkook up, but seems like he got in trouble again, so I'll j-just get going." He stammered and laughed it off in nervousness.

"It's pretty bad this time, I won't be surprised if he's gonna be even more late today." Mr Min stepped forward and put a hand on Jimin's forehead. He flinched at the cold touch.

"Oh, you don't have a fever. That's good!" He stepped back again. "How about you give me ride instead since jungkook won't be here so soon?" A smile played on his pretty lips that had Jimin staring at him for a little too long.

"Sure, why not Mr Min!" He found himself giving in without any hesitation.

"Let's get going then." He said and opened the car door, sitting himself in comfortably.

Jimin stumbled on his own feet but made it in the car. Clumsy puppy kitty! That's how Mr Min thinks he is! Oh, it was a secret but my readers deserves to know this at least.

Moving on, they both seems to be gotten closer than before. Is it because they keep encountering each other many times? Or Mr Min makes efforts purposefully so that he can see more of jimin?

Only the time will reveal it!

The cool breeze revealed the colours of autumn. The leaves made a satisfying noise that calms you down instantly.

All you need is a little bit of warmth to feel the real autumn at its peak. You made your way to the school garden which was filled with dried leaves at this time of the year. Your feet mate with the crunchy leaves as they got crushed beautifully to make a beautiful sound.

A boy in his youth, working in the grass lawn. Though It was only a land filled with dried leaves, it looked lively and pretty. Nature can be powerful! Did you know that it has the capability of making you fall in love? Now you know!

Because the way the sun rays shone upon his face, sweat shining on his fair skin. His hair that swayed by the crazy wind. Everything was so dreamy in your eyes. Jungkook was dreamy!

"The view is nice, isn't it?" Before you knew he was pacing to you. You couldn't see his face properly because of the sun, but it became clearer as he neared you. A mischievous smile on his face as always.

For a moment, you forgot that you were mad at him.

"Which view? The autumn leaves? Yes it is!" You looked around in order to stop yourself from ogling him.

"Don't be so naive, my pretty noona! I'm talking about this view." He turned your face towards him, now you couldn't avoid his eyes. The way your eyes fumbles around satisfies him.

"Yes, that too!" You cleared your throat and escaped from there now walking down the lawn where the bench was located. You sat down and signaled him to resume the work.

"Finish this soon, yeah? So we can go home soon! You have to do this all as a punishment, Kookie." You smiled sweetly but he knew it was sarcastic.

He started to gather all the leaves in a pile as he spoke, "But noona, I wanted your punishment. Not this!" He huffed a breath, tired.

"Are you tired?" You asked.

"What? No!! I never get tired, I'm stronger than you can imagine noona. So rest assured about your needs." He giggled and ran off to find some bin bags.

What the heck?! Did he just...?

"Jeon Jungkook!!!" You yelled as his giggles intensified. Your heart skipped a beat at his words.

After some more nagging and bickering, he was finally done. Now you can normally go to home like other days, right?


Because he suddenly decided to do something crazy again.

"Yaah!! Jungkook you're drenched in sweat, you'll catch a cold. Put your shirt back on right now!" You wanted to ran up to him but it wasn't necessary since he came all the way to you. To make it worse, he splashed water all over him just in front of you.

What's with Jungkook and shirts anyway? He keeps getting rid of his shirt here and there.

"Jungkook! Are you even listening to me? Stop!" You gulped at the sight. You've seen him topless before, but drenched in sweat plus water is something deadly. His hair was wet too.

"I know you like the view, noona! I can hear your heartbeats till here and I'm not the closest to you right now. I can be closer, you know that, don't you?" His voice was another version of seduction.

You widened your eyes and your hand almost went to your chest, to calm your heart down.

"Whatever! But you shouldn't roam around in public like this. Wear your shirt, right now!" You looked around to see if anyone was there. But you both knew that the school is pretty much empty by now.

"No one is here, noona. I only give this advantage to you. No one else should look at me, you know? I'm only available for you." His words! Made you speechless again.

"Also, you've touched these before. Why so shy now?" He whispered even though there was no one around.

"Shut up and put this on. I'm mad at you right now, don't make it worse." You snatched the shirt from his hand and put it on his shoulders.

"Why are you mad, my noona? Kookie didn't do anything bad, you know?" He said cutely that made it hard for you to not smile.

"Kook, I thought you were now a good boy and wouldn't create any troubles anymore. But today you broke my trust." You sighed dramatically so that he feels guilty.

"He said something horrible about the one who is so important to me. I couldn't hold back, noona. You know how I am. The only person that can calm me down is you. And you were there, so I didn't do anything." He shrugged casually.

"No, you didn't just shrugged it off! And what the heck were you whispering about in the classroom? That was totally unnecessary. There's gonna be some more rumours about us now." You shook your head. He again pulled the shirt away from his body. This bunny!

"So, you're upset because I wasn't careful? Do you still not like the idea of dating your student? Is it embarrassing? Also, we haven't even talked about it yet." His words reminded you of the day he cried at the beach. You panicked internally.

"No, that's not the case. I'm not embarrassed at all. I just don't want any misunderstandings. And as we discussed, we are going to wait till your graduation, right?" Your doe eyes stared at him, hoping he won't be upset or misunderstood.

"I know, noona! I'm not upset. You know what he said, he was talking shit about you. I couldn't help myself and lunged at him. He deserved that though." His lips formed a pout as he stared into the distance.

"Aw! So cute!" You forgot everything and blurted it out. Now it was time to get embarrassed for real.

"W-what did you just say?" He stammered at first but then his flirty self made an appearance.

"Nothing! Shut up! And wear the damn shirt." You made him wear it without locking eyes with him. He kept giggling and your cheeks became more and more red.

"I know I'm cute, noona!" His smile never wavered, "but, only for you." He left a peck on your cheek making you smile.

"So, when are we making out again?" He snickered as you both started walking towards the parking lot.

"Huh?" Your head snapped towards him.

"Pfft! I wanna kiss you." He seemed overly happy today. Maybe because he got his revenge on Juyeon?

"Not now." You said, flustered.

"That means I can do it later, right?" He laughed as you smacked his arm.

The smiles on both of your faces was the evidence of contentment.

Dear my readers, let's wish for their smiles to never vanish. *prays*

Lol- anyways, thanks for reading. VOTE and COMMENT.

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