60. The exam

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"Namjoon hyung!" Jimin whined like a kid as soon as he saw him. But as always, he forgot that he's in the library and that he gotta turn his volume down.

"Shush! Jimin you seriously got no jams." Namjoon made a 'done' face as jimin silently sat down beside him upon realising his loud voice.

"I'm sorry but, I need you so bad." He blurted out.

"What the..." Namjoon's face showed pure disgust.

"Yaah- not like that, hyung stop thinking dirty." Jimin pouted.

"Even so, are you that disgusted by me? I'm hurt." Jimin fake-ly clutched his chest in pain.

"Okay okay, stop now. What do you need me for?" Namjoon whispered.

"Argh! I forgot- yeah, about the exams. I'm so stressed and lost. I don't know what will happen to me anymore." Jimin again started panicking

"Aish! Jimin you should have come to me long ago, I'm better at it than namjoon, you know?" Jin winked. He just showed up out of nowhere.

"Oh? Hyung, where did you come from? Why are you in the library?" Jimin said, not quite in a mood to smile.

"Yaah! You brat! This is how you treat me? And the author too- she legit vanished me from the story and I'm here after a long time, finally and you. You ungrateful child of your- for sure not virgin anymore -father. I still remember everything correctly. What do you take me for?" Jin had just set a foot inside the story again and he started with his rap.

"Hyung, hyung! I'm sorry, okay? Please stop or my ears will bleed." Jimin joined his hands together as if praying- more like begging -jin to stop.

"Okay! Just let me study with you two." Jin cleared his throat and sat down beside namjoon with a smile like nothing happened.

Then it went down in history. We all can hear the noise of chaos because when Jin, jimin and namjoon align together, it's going to be loud. They sure were kicked out from the library by the librarian, soon after Jin arrived.

Now only god can help jimin. Let's pray for him.

"Can't we just run away?" Jungkook muttered. His lips puckered like a fish as he balanced a pencil between his pouted lips and nose.

"What?" You laughed lightly. "There's just a week left for your exams. It will soon be over so stop thinking about running away anywhere and focus on studying. If you get good grades... hmm let's say that I'll give you any reward you want." You smiled suggestively and the pencil he had been balancing fell down on the desk.

"Oh really? Anything I want?" He scoffed playfully with a smirk.

"Yep! Now start studying already." You reminded him.

This was apparently the last tutoring session you'll have with him before the exams. That was kind of sad, but happy too as he'll be out of the school soon so you no longer have to worry about rules and laws.

A knock on the door disturbed the train of your thoughts. The door opened revealing his mom.

"Hi, Ms Kim. Can I have a talk with you?" She said as she gestured you to come outside. Jungkook glanced at you with the side of his eyes. You told him to continue studying and stepped out, shutting the door behind you.

Mrs jeon led you downstairs and told you to sit down on the couch in the living room.

"Um, Ms Kim, how do you think about him? Is he doing good in school?" Jungkook's mom said with a worried smile on her face.

"Don't worry about him, Mrs jeon. He's doing way better than before. I'm sure you must have seen the difference in his habits too. I assure that he won't disappoint you." You gave her a comforting smile as she nodded too, now relieved.

"I'm glad. You've done so much for him Ms Kim, how do I even thank you?" Her words were so warm, like they'll melt you.

"Nothing much. Teaching him is enough for me. The time I spend with him becomes pretty entertaining so I don't need anything." You chuckled and she laughed too.

"Still, it's rude of me to just sit around and do nothing. Let me treat you to a homemade dinner. If you're free after the exam ends, then please come." She said.

You thought for a moment and felt nervous all of a sudden. But, you were having the dinner as Ms Kim. As his teacher. There's nothing to be nervous about, right?

"Don't be nervous but... This is not just a formal dinner. I know about jungkook and his feelings. He might not talk about it in details but I can see how much he likes you." She said and your eyes went wide but you composed yourself soon.

"And by the tint on your cheeks, I suppose it's mutual. I'm more than happy Ms Kim. There can't be anymore better person for him, so please come for the dinner. You're like a daughter to me now." You were speechless. She held your hand, giving it a gentle pat.

Can she be kinder than this?

Maybe the author is too frail to add any antagonist in the story.

"I'm glad, Mrs jeon. I'll sure be here for the dinner." You said with a shy smile.

By the look on her face, you could tell that she was so excited and happy. You were happy, too.

"But, um... what about Mr Jeon? Will he be approving this?" You asked hesitantly.

"Ah, you worry not about him. I know he is really strict about jungkook, and maybe that's why they both are not so close." She paused to exhale. "But he can't be evil enough to force his son not to do something he loves. He'll come around. I know how to deal with him." She smiled cheekily.

Wow! Jungkook and his mother, both were kind of alike. They both knew how to lighten up the mood. Your worries flew away in an instant because of her assuring words.

"Okay, then. Should I tell jungkook?" You asked, containing your excitement.

"Let's keep this a secret from him. He'll be so happy. His exams will be over and then the news of you coming for dinner; he'll be on the cloud nine." She laughed. You couldn't help but admire it. She truly loved her son so much. Every mother does. Your smile fell for a moment, lost in thought.

"Aw, you're my daughter now, why so sad?" She scooted closer, hugging you.

"I'm not sad. I'm so happy." You said and buried your face in her motherly warmth.

You felt contained.

"Wow, wow! You guys are having fun all alone, without me. Where is my hug?" Jungkook showed up suddenly.

You pulled away and Mrs jeon gestured him to come over. He happily skipped to the couch, jumping in the group hug.

You were so happy that you wanted to cry happy tears. Will you be able to keep it a secret from jungkook. You were afraid that he'll know just by your over excitement filled actions that something is up.

"Are you nervous?" You asked jungkook over the call.

"Yeah, a little." He said.

"Don't be. Do you always get nervous before exam?" You asked as his voice seemed really nervous.

"Not really. I was always carefree- more like -careless. But this time, I've worked really hard so I don't want to ruin anything." He sighed.

"Aw, don't worry. As you said, you've worked hard so nothing bad will happen. You'll do just fine, hm?" You said with a smile, he could hint that.

"Thank you. I'll show you that I can do it. Then I'll date you.. and then we can get marri-" He was speaking non stop and you had to stop him.

"Oh my- okay okay. You can do all that after you become an adult like me. For now, go to sleep so you can concentrate better on the exam tomorrow. I'm rooting for you, hm?" You said and he hummed in understanding.

"Okay, good night, love." He said in a small voice making you smile.

"Good night." You chuckled and hung up.

There was a smile on your face as you put your phone on the nightstand and scurried yourself into the blanket, drifting off right away because of being tired."

"Huh? What happened to you?" You eyed him.

"Nothing happened to me?" Jungkook said which sounded more like a question.

"You seem different..? Are you tired? Didn't get enough sleep? Your face seem pale." You said, worried.

"Nothing happened, noona. I'm fine, just worried for the exam, I can manage." He said, trying to smile. He was literally trying hard to just lift up the corners of his lips. How is he fine?

You sighed. Nothing can be done now. He has to go in the exam hall in some minutes.

"Um, wait-" You lifted your hand up to touch his forehead. He flinched.

"Noona, it's fine. I'm fine." He protested, of course.

"No, you're not. You're burning up. What the hell happened? You were fine yesterday." You were worried for him and he was just shrugging it off.

"Wait here, if I remember correctly, there should be some medicines in the staffroom. I'll go and get them." You said. he nodded weakly.

You made him take the medicines and then it was time for the exam.

"All the best." You encouraged him as he smiled once again, nodding and entered the exam hall.

You made sure to go and wish jimin too as he was assigned a different class for the exam.


I'm here again with the new chapter! How is it? Sweet? Cute?

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