62. Blessing or Curse

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"Noona?" A small voice called out as you were sleeping soundly.

You ended up huddling beside him after he slept. His fever had gotten down when you decided to sleep.

The whimpering voice woke you up. You got up on the bed in a heartbeat.

"Kookie? What happened?" You said groggily, still sleepy.

"Cold. I'm cold, help me." He said and clenched the covers more onto himself.

You touched his forehead to see that he was having a fever again. His body was burning but he was feeling cold. But, he was fine when he slept. What happened after that?

"Don't worry, hm? I'm doing something. You'll be fine soon." You said, worried as he nodded slowly.

You got up and searched for the medicines and made him have it. Will he really be okay? Should you inform Mrs jeon about this? Does he need to be taken to the hospital?

You were contemplating what to do, but nothing was settling inside your mind.

You decided to wait for the medicines to sink in and have some effect. You couldn't get him to the hospital alone at night, you'd probably need some help so without panicking you waited patiently for a while.

"Jungkook, are you feeling okay?" You asked softly after a while. He seemed to be in a relaxed state.

"I'm okay. But..." He trailed off, eyes still closed as he fished around for your hand. You took his hand in yours.

"But?" You asked.

"I need warmth." He muttered in a small voice.

"You need another blanket? Should I get one more?" You proceeded to get up but he pulled you back.

"No, no. I need your warmth." He said and opened his eyes. His breath was short but felt hot on your skin as your hand stroked his cheek.

"I'm freezing." He again said, leaning in your touch.

You gulped, considering the pros and cons of doing what he is suggesting you to do. Is that really okay?

You shook your head. Of course it's okay. You should do whatever it takes to make him feel better. He needs you. You took a deep breath, going inside the covers beside him.

"Can you get up?" You asked and helped him sit up.

"Listen to me. You need to get out of these clothes. Let me help you." he looked at you before nodding. His shirt was wet with sweat, it wouldn't be good if he caught a cold because of it.

You slowly got him out of his shirt and pants as he slumped back down on the bed as soon as you were done. He had no energy to do anything. You quickly covered him with the blanket again and he curled up in a ball.

You have no choice but to do this. You can explain it to his mom later if she was to find out in the morning or something. You reminded yourself that this wasn't a crime.

"Wait- noona, wouldn't you get sick too? If you do this you'll catch a fever too." He looked up through hooded eyes.

"No, kookie. I'll be fine, you don't worry about it." You said and removed your shirt. He looked away, closing his eyes.

You made sure to lock the door, in case you can't wake up early enough to get dressed. you can't risk anything.

Soon your clothes were piled up against his on the floor. Nervously yet slowly, you went near him under the blanket.

He flinched at the touch as you hugged him from behind but soon relaxed, sighing contentedly.

Even if it was to make him feel better, the butterflies in your stomach knew nothing but how to dance around. Everytime he moved, your breath got caught in your throat.

How were you supposed to sleep like this?

Somehow you managed to get some sleep before the sunrise.

It was hot; and all you wanted to do was kick the covers aside and jump under some cool waterfall.

You were sweating but didn't do anything as jungkook was still sleeping. At night, it was okay and didn't feel that hot but as the sun is up now, it's hotter than before. Your eyes were still closed, half asleep.

Suddenly a gush of cool air made contact with your body and you felt exposed all of a sudden. For a moment you couldn't tell what it was but after a moment or so, you could tell it was someone's hand touching your face.

Your body was still pressed against jungkook but it wasn't as hot. This was still okay and not enough to wake you up properly. You kept your eyes closed.

"Noona." A whisper like voice called out.

Just as you heard it, you felt a presence on top of you and a pair of lips at the base of your neck. It was soft and cool.

Your eyes fluttered open at the touch. A giggle escaped his lips as he pecked your surprised eyes.

"Huh? What are you doing? Are you feeling okay? What time is it?" You panicked.

"Calm down." He said calmly and again started pampering you with small neck kisses.

You were dumbfounded. Is he okay?

"Jungkook-" You gently pushed him by the shoulders. "Let me get up, please." You said and he reluctantly shifted aside, plopping down on the bed beside you.

You got up, without realising the sheets were failing to cover your upper body properly. You glanced at the clock which showed 6 in the morning. It was still early.

You were about to get up, just when a sudden force again pinned you down. You blinked in shock when you found yourself under jungkook again. His torso blocking your eyes from seeing anything else but him.

"What? What are you doing?" You asked flabbergasted by his actions.

"Ms Kim, I can't afford a boner first thing in morning, can I?" He said as his eyes travelled down on your neck to your half exposed chest.

A gasp made its way out of your throat as you tried to cover yourself with your hands. A totally waste of an attempt.

His lips tugged up in a sly smile as he leaned down, eyes peering into your shy orbs, carefully.

"How delicate!" He again glanced down at your hands which weren't doing a great work at covering up. "I've already seen it, noona." He said. His voice turning out to sound seductive. You swallowed, flustered.

You weren't expecting this. Not early in the morning. Not when he was sick at night.  helpless as you were, this was still exciting your heartbeats.

"You- let me go. And how are you suddenly okay like nothing happened to you last night?" You avoided his eyes as well as his chest which tried to drown you in.

"I'm perfectly fine now." His lips landed on your jaw. "All thanks to you." He looked up at you. A smile threatened to break out on your lips as he gazed at you with such tenderness.

"T-that's good but let me go." You chuckled, flustered under his gaze.

"Still shy?" He tilted his head to take a better look at your face. You looked away.

"Fuck! I love you so much that sometimes I can't contain it inside as if it's overflowing out of my chest. How do you manage to do this to me?" He groaned and hid his face in the crook of your neck and shoulder.

You blushed at his words, brushing his hair. Your fingers tangled in the hair on his nape as you played with it.

"That's for you to find out." You answered.

"How cruel!" He chuckled, his chest vibrating on yours, sending shivers down your spine.

"Okay, now let's get up and get dressed. Your parents will be home soon." You reminded him as he reluctantly got up, covering you up with sheets.

"I don't wanna leave this bed." He complained.

"Why?" You laughed.

"You're here." His eyes softened. "When will I get a chance to be with you like this again?" He wondered. He was just talking to thin air, eyes piercing holes on the bed as he looked down.

"Very soon... if you get up now and start preparing for the exam. Once it's over. I'm all yours." You smiled.

"You're not mine now?" He asked and gathered his clothes from the floor.

He didn't get a response from you. Strange. He turned around to give you your clothes only to see you gawking at him.

"Huh?" He said, blinking. "What's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh- nothing." You looked away, cheeks giving away the crimson shade you tried to hide from him.

He tilted his head and looked down. He wasn't wearing anything but just his boxers. He totally forgot about it. For a moment his ears felt like burning as he blushed. You cleared your throat and gripped the covers hard around your body.

"Y-you should go and freshen up first." You suggested as he quickly grabbed a towel from the closet and ran into the bathroom.

Once inside, he sighed and fanned himself, touching his now hot ears, only to blush more.

On the other hand; Your eyes wide, lips sealed together in a line as you tried to calm down.

"Fuck-" You cursed, "too hot." You could still see his body in front of your eyes.

Your mind and heart was already terrorised by him and his thoughts only. Now your eyes have been blessed too. The only problems was, you couldn't decide if this was a blessing or a curse.

Blessings because what you saw just now made you feel like the luckiest human alive and curse because you weren't sure if you could get that image out of your head anymore.

He's too hot to be true.


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<3  I did say that I'll try to make this chapter steamy but idk if it turned out like that or not. Still hope you like it.
Well, don't know if this is logical or makes sense at all... just bear with it.  :')

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