64. Got tricked into a kiss

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"Why are we here?" You asked, bewildered.

That was the place you first encountered when it was raining and you came here with jimin.

Remember something?
I'll tell you anyways.

The farmhouse, where you got stuck with jungkook in the rain and jimin ran away. That was all planned by jungkook, jimin and even taehyung was in their plan.

"The real first kiss. You remember that, right?" Jungkook asked putting his hand on your left knee.

"How can I forget that? I remember how jimin walked in on us." You laughed at the embarrassing memory.

"Yeah, so I thought this should be our first official date destination, too. What do you think?" He smiled at you, making you feel all the emotions at once. You didn't think that he would put so much effort into planning this. He just makes you the happiest human alive.

"That's so thoughtful. Wow, jungkookah." You put your hand on his as your heart clenched with happiness. "I love you so much that it hurts." You exhaled. He quickly pulled you in a warm hug.

"I love you too, noona. Now, let's go, we're running out of time." He said and you both got out of the car.

The last time you visited the farmhouse, it was not really in the best condition as it looked like no one was living there from a long time. But this time, it looked so lively.

You were surprised, to say the least.

"Woah! This place is changed drastically." You looked around as the memories from before flooded your mind.

"Ah, yes. I had someone clean everything up and I wanted to make the food myself but I had no time because of the exam so I personally went to my favourite restaurant to order the special food." He sounded so excited, almost child like. This is what you like about him a lot. He never fails to make you smile.

"Aw! How sweet!" The compliment left him smiling even more than he already was.

"I thought we were going to the restaurant." You said as he led you to the kitchen.

"I thought so too at first, but then, I wanted to do something special for you. And remembering our first kiss would be the best, wouldn't it?" He put out the dishes on the table where some candles were already prepared. He lit the candles too before switching the lights off. Some dim lights were on though, making it romantic.

"This feels like a movie scene." You chuckled.

"Is our story any less than a movie?" A chuckle left his mouth too, but he paused. "Well, this is more like a wattpad fiction, don't you think?" He made a thinking face but shrugged it off afterwards.

"Um? I don't know about it. But, this sure is sweet just like you." You sat down on the chair while he prepared the food.

"What?" He gasped dramatically. "Sweet? Don't tell me... you secretly tasted me that night?!" His hands came to a halt as his eyes were located on you with a smirk.

"What the heck?!" Your eyes went wide. "No, I didn't do anything. Yaah! You're so dirty minded. Just quit it and serve the food already, I'm starving." You glanced away from him.

He was referring to that one time when he was sick and you helped him with something. I suppose you all remember properly what it is.

"Don't change the subject, noona." He laughed and sat down too.

The food was out in front of you, looking so delicious plus you were hungry, so this made your mouth water.

"Let's dig in." He said as you nodded.

It was really tasty and jungkook was happy that you liked it.

After the dinner, you decided to wash the dishes as he was the one who arranged everything.

"Noona, I can do it. You are supposed to stay back and enjoy today." He was stubborn and wanted to help you.

"I told you, I can do it. You take some rest. You have to drive us back home too." You refused to listen to him.

"Come on, I'm not that weak. I can manage it just fine. Let me do it." He insisted and tried to take the dish washing sponge from you. It was already covered with the dish washing liquid and foam .

"You're going to get your hands dirty, just stay put." You warned him but did he listen? Nope.

"Noona- why are you being stubborn?" He said with a click of tongue and again tried to take it from you in spite of you pushing him away. He grabbed your hands but it wasn't working for him as he didn't want to hurt you accidentally.

"You are the one who's stubborn here, not me, kook." In all this chaos, your hand accidentally brushed against his neck and jaw. In fact, it was all over his face at this point.

You stopped squirming, to take a look at him. You couldn't help but laugh. 

His eyes especially, they had such innocent glow in them as they pierced through your soul. His lips forming a pout naturally out of habit. He looks like a cute bunny sometimes.

"Why are you laughing? It's your fault, noona." He pouted even more. Now he is even sulking!

"Not my fault, at all." You were still laughing.

"Ouch!" He hissed, suddenly releasing your hands and clenching his eyes close.

"What happened?" You panicked and quickly washed your hands in clean water before going to him. He was still standing on the same place as before but he still hasn't opened his eyes.

"Let me see." You gestured him to bend down so you could check what's wrong.

"Noona, it's in my eyes." He said in a small voice.

You gently cupped his face into your hands, slicking his smooth hair back from his forehead by one hand and made him open his eyes by the other.

"Does it sting?" You asked and he nodded his head.

"Maybe it's because of the cleaning liquid. I'm so sorry, kook." You apologised and gently tried to blow into his eyes.

His face was still partially covered in the foam but his eyes seemed pretty clean. Strange! Before you could figure it out, you were swept up from the ground and were already on the kitchen counter.

"Gotcha!" He winked.

He didn't just.....

"What? You're playing with me? Yaah- you-" He held your hands behind your back so you couldn't even smack some senses into him.

"Let me go." You said, not believing that you were tricked.

"Now, Ms Kim, you have to stay here without speaking a single word or else..." His voice trailed off as well as his gaze that trailed off on your body.

"Or else what, huh?" You chalanged him.

"I'll kiss your mouth shut." His eyes were now back to focus on yours.

Where is the cute jungkook?

"As if that's gonna stop me." You scoffed, not meeting his gaze. That was a big mistake. Or maybe not.

"Oh, trust me it will. But, seems like my silly noona doesn't know." He clicked his tongue, his cocky attitude coming to surface.

"W-what do you mean silly?" Now your courage was vanishing little by little as his smirk widened while the gap between both of you got narrower.

"This is exactly what I mean, love." A last glance at your eyes and his lips was on yours. They fit perfectly.

His head tilted, hands securely holding yours behind your back, chest rubbing against yours as he kissed you.

There was no barrier between both of you anymore. He didn't hesitate at all.

"Kook- wait-" your words were a mere incoherent whispers as he didn't listen to you. Your heart was going wild inside your ribcage and he wasn't ready to stop anytime soon.

He gradually let go of your hands, now fixing them on your waist but they knew no boundaries today. You couldn't stop yourself from kissing him back and that only added fuel to the fire of his desires.

Your breath was getting heavier with each passing second. His kiss was something else.

As if getting stung by an intoxicant, you were losing your strength to think anything properly. All you could feel was his hands on your waist and thighs as well as his addictive lips that worked wonders on your skin.

"I.. didn't plan this in our date, noona." He looked up for a moment to catch his breath. "But, i believe we can make adjustments for this." He didn't care about the foam on his face anymore, it was long forgotten.

The same face that seemed funny to you just some minutes ago, now looked as hot as ever. Now a laughter isn't what will come out of your mouth. You're smart enough to guess what will.

He left butterfly kisses on your jaw and neck. His lips never stopped, so as his hands. You were so lost in the kiss that you weren't aware of his hands on your thighs at all.

He has never touched you like this; not with this intensity. Even after the jeans fabric covering your skin, you could feel his hands on your thighs as he gripped you tightly.

"No matter how pretty you look in this outfit, Y/N. Today, I wish you had worn a dress instead. I so desperately wanna feel your skin on my hands." He said, breathlessly but continued kissing along your jaw to neck without stopping.

His words made it harder for you to control your breathing as a moan escaped your lips without any warning. Not to mention the way he says your name; your name from his mouth is like pure seduction to your ears.

You gulped at the thought of his bare hands on your skin and closed your eyes. His hand was slowly getting closer to your core. It was frustrating and you just wanted him to touch you already.

You grabbed his hand, guiding it to your clothed folds. As he sensed your hand on his and the warmth radiating from your womanhood, he stopped.

For a moment you were disappointed. Who wouldn't be?

"I'm sorry, noona." He said and retreated his hand back, but kept it still on your thighs.

"What happened?" You asked, flustered and breathless.

"I.. I'm afraid I can't stop once I start and..." He trailed off, still panting.

"And?" You asked.

"And, I promised myself that I won't do anything to you until I graduate. I'm sorry." He confessed.

"Huh? But, why?" You were now calmed down a little after listening to his words.

"Do you think I could have stopped myself while being alone with you all this time?" He chuckled. "I can't help myself around you, so I needed something that will stop me from misbehaving, you know?" He scratched his nape, shyly.

"Oh my god! Kook, you're so silly." Now you were laughing too.

"I promise I'll make love to you once I'm graduated." He left a gentle, slow smooch on your lips that made you feel calm.

Hearing the word, 'making love' made you shy and you couldn't stop your lips from curling up in a flustered smile.

"Aye aye! Don't be shy." He teased you before pecking your lips again. "We gotta wait a little bit more for the main course, Ms Kim." He was back to flirting again.

"Aish! This boy! You'll be the death of me someday." You said loudly to hide your blush but he could see through you. His laughter filled the air which was previously occupied with hot tension.


Hello, thank you for reading till here. I hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT, lovelies.

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