Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


A bit longer turned out to be a lot shorter than Yoongi had expected because the next morning Jungkook called again.

Yoongi had just been in the process of slipping into his ripped jeans when his phone lit up. Jungkook hardly called in the morning, especially not when they had talked for at least two hours the day before. So he picked up as quickly as he could.

"Jungkook? Everything okay?"

The boy on the other end sounded tired, his voice a bit rough. He must have just woken up, Yoongi realized. "Uhm no. Not really. I-" He hesitated, the line falling silent for a couple of seconds before Jungkook spoke again. "I think I might be going into rut?"

Yoongi found himself taking the train back to his parent's house.

Today had been the first day he'd ever even heard anything about Jungkook having something like a wolf's mating cycle.

"Rut? Like wolves have?" Jungkook hadn't told him about this.

"Yeah, a rut. I feel a bit feverish and your room is so empty without you and it's just... a feeling. Maybe I'm just getting a cold but I doubt it." Jungkook explained, his voice still sounding coarse. "I don't expect you to sleep with me... actually I really don't want that during my rut because I might hurt you accidentally, but.. could you please come? I-I feel really lonely right now."

Jungkook had been crying. Not that he would have admitted it, but Yoongi knew he'd been. It was plain obvious.

So now here he was, on the train, because who cared about uni when Jungkook was feeling this bad. All he wanted was to be there for his boyfriend.

The whole ride felt way longer than it usually did. He called Jungkook again just to make sure the boy was okay, but that only made him feel more on edge. His whole body was screaming at him to hurry up... get to Jungkook quicker, but there wasn't much he could do while just sitting there.

Only when he finally reached his parents' house it actually hit him, he was finally going to see Jungkook again. He hadn't even told his parents that he was coming. Not that they were going to complain. Yoongi was always welcome here.

Nevertheless, he ignored his parents' house for now and instead made his way over to the shed.

When he opened the door the first thing he noticed was that his room had barely changed compared to the last time he had been here. Which was a huge difference to the way it normally was because usually he'd have to prepare everything, like pulling the bed cover off his bed, but there was no need for that this time.

Jungkook was peacefully sleeping in his bed, blankets tightly wrapped around him. Yoongi carefully closed the door behind him, setting his stuff down on the floor before sitting down on the edge of the bed, taking a close look at Jungkook.

And there he was. The prettiest boy in the world in the same room with him again. Finally. If he wanted to reach out and touch him he could have... but he didn't want to wake the boy up, so instead, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, enjoying the room's silence.

He sent Hobi and Namjoon a short message about having spontaneously decided to visit his parents and that he'd hunt both of them down if they trashed the apartment, before also informing his parents that he was planning on visiting.

They didn't have to know he was here yet. First, he wanted to have some time alone with Jungkook.

After about ten minutes Jungkook started moving next to him, his nostrils twitching as he curled his body up even more into a ball. And then he opened his eyes and it really hit Yoongi just how much he had missed Jungkook.

Now that he saw those pretty brown eyes in front of him again, it really, really hit him. And then Jungkook was already sitting up and practically throwing himself at Yoongi, straddling his lap, almost crushing Yoongi with his weight, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that he could finally hold Jungkook again.

The boy let out something that almost sounded like a whimper as he buried his face in Yoongi's neck, shifting his weight constantly as if he was trying to find a way to get closer to him. Just like Jungkook had done back when he was a wolf. It felt all too familiar. The way he moved, not thinking about his weight and just trying to get closer and closer. It all was just like when he had come back to Jungkook last time. Just that this time it was human Jungkook who was waiting for him.

Jungkook let out another sound that sounded an awful lot like whimpering.

"You're here... you're really here." His voice almost sounded like he couldn't believe it.

Soothingly Yoongi ran his hand over Jungkook's back, pecking his neck. "I'm here... I'm really here."

Jungkook sniffed, but he still didn't move. Just buried his face even deeper in the juncture of Yoongi's neck. Not that Yoongi minded... aside from the fact that his legs hurt where Jungkook's knees were weighing down on them this felt right. Having Jungkook here on his lap felt so right...

A sudden wave of fondness overcame him. He had no clue how his relationship with Jungkook had gotten so deep in this short amount of time. Being back here only made him realize just how ridiculously much he had missed Jungkook.

It had been bad before, but now the thought of having to leave again soon almost made him tear up. Nevertheless, he had to pull himself together... for Jungkook's sake. "Shhhh... I'm here to take care of you now."

"It felt like forever... you were gone for so long." Jungkook sniffed, his hands grabbing onto Yoongi's shoulders, like he was trying to stop him from leaving again.

"I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry." Yoongi pressed another kiss to Jungkook's jaw. The worst part was that he still couldn't say he wouldn't leave again. Because he had to. Uni wasn't just going to stop being work just like that. He was here now, although theoretically he shouldn't be.

But what did it matter when Jungkook needed him?

For a few minutes, neither of them moved, aside from Jungkook constantly shifting in his lap, still nosing at his neck, and Yoongi soothingly running his hand over Jungkook's back. The boy almost seemed to melt against him, sighing softly every once in a while.

"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked softly, wrapping his arms a bit more tightly around Jungkook. After all there was a reason he was here in the first place.

"Better, now that you're here... I was so lonely it even made me want to spend time with Jimin. With Jimin!" Jungkook groaned dramatically. Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle.

"I thought you and Jimin are friends now."

Jungkook pressed his nose against the juncture of Yoongi's neck again. "He's okay... but he doesn't compare to you and I'm still jealous he got to see you when you were little."

"But you get to cuddle with me and kiss me... which you haven't done yet, by the way." He reached up to pat Jungkook's hair. It felt soft and a bit messy under his touch. He had missed this way too much.

"I'm... a bit scared you'll leave if I let you go." Jungkook admitted, his grip around Yoongi tightening once again. Like he was worried simply saying it out loud might make it come to reality and Yoongi would actually leave.

"I won't, I promise. Now come on, let me collect my welcoming kiss." Yoongi chuckled, waiting patiently for Jungkook to move back just a bit. After a couple of seconds of contemplation he finally did, his hands never releasing the tight grip he had on Yoongi's arms.

"You're really here now, right? It's not a dream?" Jungkook frowned, reaching his hand out and rubbing over Yoongi's cheek as if to reassure himself that it really was Yoongi and not some kind of hallucination. His eyes were puffy and red, just like the tip of his nose. Yoongi had no idea how a grown man who was as handsome as Jungkook was could look this adorable at the same time, but he certainly did.

Slowly Yoongi brought his hand up to his face and covered Jungkook's hand with it. "I'm real, trust me. If I weren't my legs wouldn't be falling asleep right now because you're huge."

Jungkook chuckled, rubbing at his eyes before sniffing again. "It's... good to smell you again... god, I missed you so much." Another tear rolled down his cheeks and this time it was Yoongi who reached out to wipe it away.

"Stop crying, my big baby. You'll make me cry too and I'd really rather be kissing you right now." Yoongi put his hand on Jungkook's neck, soothingly rubbing it. "It's amazing to see you again. Only hearing your voice was really unsatisfying."

Jungkook nodded, quickly rubbing his eyes with his sleeves. "T'was really frustrating. I could hear you but couldn't see you, touch you or smell you. Made being alone even worse."

"I know... I'm sorry I had to leave. But I'm here now. To take care of you."

"Want you to hold me..." Jungkook declared, pressing his face closer to Yoongi's neck again, letting out a soft sigh. Another whine escaped his lips when he inhaled Yoongi's scent. "Please. Need you so bad..."

"Anything you need." Yoongi promised. He was here now. He'd make sure Jungkook wouldn't have to feel alone anymore.

"And kiss." Jungkook added, mouthing at Yoongi's neck. Yoongi was about to say that yes, that was the plan when Jungkook continued. "Wanna sleep with you too... while I'm still completely here."

That... Yoongi hadn't even considered this whole thing this far. Which was kind of stupid because Jungkook was going into rut. Of course he was going to want to have sex, but Yoongi had somewhat assumed that he was just going to be here to make the whole thing more endurable. Not to have sex.

He must have not answered fast enough because Jungkook quickly muttered a quiet. "You don't have to if you don't want to..." against his neck.

Yoongi wanted to. He really wanted to. Jungkook looked amazing with everything there was to him. His puppy like eyes, his soft but at the same time sharp features and then his body. Yoongi was really trying not to focus too much on Jungkook's body because the boy was built like someone had skulped him with the intention to create perfection.

There truly were no imperfections in the way Jungkook looked. And of course that affected Yoongi. Because at one hand he had the strongest urge to hug the boy and never let go, since he was just that cute, but on the other hand... sexual attraction was certainly there as well.

He just somewhat struggled with combining both cute Jungkook and that really hot Jungkook in his head. How could someone be both of those at the same time?

So yeah, he wanted to sleep with Jungkook. Really wanted to sleep with Jungkook. But part of him was scared that it might change something. Take away that innocence Jungkook seemed to carry around with him.

Nevertheless, this was something that was going to happen sooner or later either way. Jungkook's rut simply gave a reason to happen sooner rather than later.

"I want to. I really want to." Yoongi reassured, moving back to place his hands on Jungkook's cheeks. "Are you sure you're ready though?"

Yoongi had to try his best not to laugh at the way Jungkook's eyes grew wide before he started nodding enthusiastically.

"Really want to... Really, really want to." Jungkook murmured, his eyes flickering down to Yoongi's lips before returning his gaze again. Something about being this close while talking about something like that felt intimate. Maybe because it wasn't something anyone would ever just say out loudlike that.

"Good. Because I really, really want to, too." Yoongi chuckled, pressing a chaste kiss to Jungkook's lips and then moving back again. "Let me get changed first though. How are you feeling right now?"

It took Jungkook a few seconds to answer. "Alright for the most part. A bit dizzy... I think the rut will start in a couple of hours. Fuck, I still can't believe you're actually here to take care of me... I wish we could cuddle more, but I really don't know when the rut will begin messing with my head."

Yoongi couldn't help but smile. "Don't worry about it too much. I can't imagine you stop being you just because of the rut. I bet my ass off you'll still want to cuddle during the rut."

Jungkook giggled, moving back a bit so Yoongi could get up and slip out of his thick clothes to change into something more comfortable. "Maybe... I'd love to cuddle more now though."

"Then we'll do just that. Don't overthink it." Yoongi quickly changed into sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. That way he could comfortable lie down next to Jungkook.

The was patiently waiting by the bed, although he was obviously checking him out while he was changing.

"Are we really going to do this?"

Yoongi sat back down on the bed. "If you want to, then yeah. I'd say we just see where this takes us. And now go get those cuddles you want." He pulled the blanket back to slip under it, opening his arms to invite Jungkook to join him.

The boy did, diving straight for Yoongi's neck again and burying his face in it as he tightly wrapped his arms around him. Jungkook really had no idea how heavy he actually was. Sometimes Yoongi felt like he was still that pup he had found behind his shed. Especially when he seemed to expect Yoongi to easily hold him.

"I missed this so much." Jungkook muttered, rubbing his cheek against Yoongi's neck.

"I missed you too. I know I'm not all on my own, unlike you, but the dorm felt so empty even when I knew my friends were just doors away. Not having you around me doesn't feel right." He pressed a soft kiss to Jungkook's head, soothingly running his hand over his back and neck.

"Will you stay this time?"

That question hurt. Especially because there was nothing Yoongi wanted to do more. But this town wasn't the place he lived in. There was no university around and he didn't know anyone but Jimin and a couple of older people his parents knew.

This simply wasn't his home. As much as Jungkook felt like home to him, this place wasn't.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook."

Jungkook let out a sigh, but he sounded oddly calm. "It's okay... I... expected that." Yoongi could feel his dejected tone sting at his heart.

"I'm glad you're here now." Jungkook added, still intensely nosing at his neck. Yoongi couldn't help but ask. He wanted to distract himself from the sad undertone of that little conversation. "What are you doing?"

Jungkook brushed his nose over the spot right under Yoongi's ear before nibbling on the skin. "It's a wolf thing."

Yoongi couldn't help but feel curious. "What kind?"

"Scenting. You pretty much mark someone as yours... you're mine so I scent you. It's calming." He rubbed his cheek against Yoongi's and in a very weird way Yoongi felt loved.

"How does it work?" Just like everything else about Jungkook made him curious he wanted to hear about this too. Wanted to know how it worked... what Jungkook was thinking. Because when it came down to it Jungkook was different from him. In the best way possible, but different.

"Just... I don't know how to describe it." Jungkook chuckled and Yoongi couldn't help but run his hand over Jungkook's cheek at the sweet sound. "It works kind of like this..." Jungkook moved down again, rubbing his cheek against Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi hesitated for a second, not sure if what he was about to ask was something he should ask, but then he realized that this was Jungkook he was talking about. Why would he be careful around Jungkook?

"Don't judge me, but could I try that?"

To his surprise Jungkook didn't laugh, instead he moved back, his eyes wide in surprise. But there was obvious happiness glinting in them. "You... wanna try?"

Yoongi nodded.

"Then... uhm..." Jungkook looked a bit embarrassed as he moved closer again, the softest hint of a blush visible on his cheeks. "...please do..."

Yoongi's heart started beating a bit faster in his chest. He still had a hard time believing that he had this much of an effect on Jungkook. That a simple question like that could make the boy blush. It wasn't even anything sexual... at least it didn't seem like it to him.

Maybe it was really sexual for wolves. He didn't know, but Jungkook was going to let him.

Hesitantly he pulled Jungkook down by his neck, mimicking Jungkook's movement by pressing his cheek against the boy's neck, teasingly biting at his skin. Jungkook shuddered and Yoongi could feel a familiar contentedness he only seemed to feel around Jungkook grow in his chest.

"Am I doing it right?"

"Yeah uhm..." He could hear Jungkook swallow. "You're doing it right."

Yoongi couldn't stop himself anymore. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook and pulled the boy back on top of himself. "You won't believe how fucking cute you are. This is not fair." He chuckled, pecking Jungkook's neck before pulling away so he could have a proper look at his face and slowly run his hand over his cheek.

"I hope you'll let me take good care of you during this rut."

Jungkook blinked at him, a big, adorable frown making its way onto his features.

"But I wanna take care of you."

Yoongi couldn't help but smile. Who had allowed Jungkook to be this cute?

"We'll take care of each other."


Ya'll... I finished writing this story... like of course it's not over yet, but I have read the end already~

I did like four chapters worth of writing and lots of words in a day and now it's actually done and I'm in that state of not being able to believe it, being happy it is done and so sad because Jungkook is my little baby and I won't ever see him completely grow up... but I know he's in good hands with Yoongi T^T

The suffering!

Anyways the next chapters are fluffy, cute and smutty, so look forward to that!

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