Chapter 5-Body parts

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You really wished you got some coffee today after all the work you have done lately, you have been restless for a while and when you do sleep you get these vivid nightmares... Plus the company has been rather demanding since your successful interaction with Huggy yesterday, maybe the stress is finally catching up to you? Who knows...

Today you get to meet a freshly made experiment... Your very heart hurts at the thought of what the child must feel. The others have been like this for a long time, no longer remembering being human or even what it was like. You have assumed they hurt a lot after the process and later when the surgical scars heal they don't feel as much pain... But being freshly experimented with new anatomy and bones twisted in ways that can't grow or move like a human should... Must be agonizingly painful for the poor babies...

You will help them. All of them. Even if it kills you.

You attempt to keep your mind off the depressive thoughts, as you sit alone inside the train. You wonder if Huggy is ok, that maybe he is doing slightly better by your influence, you certainly hope so... You passed the scratched up sentence on the wall again, seems management has not realized it is there just yet. You need to work on getting security access... You have a feeling that writing is something you need to see, like it was intended for you specifically to read. You are not exactly sure why.

The train wheels screech as they stop at the hall of chambers full of experiments. It's a whole lot more silent then normal, it practically makes your skin crawl more then when there was noise coming from the rooms. A unsettling feeling that any moment now... The doors might break down and many hands will try to drag you into the darkness... You need to snap out of it, that won't happen, you're just tired is all. The rooms remain silent as you walk down the corridor of locked metal doors, the sounds of your own footsteps and your heart beating keeping you company during the short walk.

However as you reached the door to the testing room and placed your hand on the doorknob you feel a chill up your own spine as you felt something is watching you... You try your very best to ignore it and turned the knob only for it to stop halfway... It is locked. This shouldn't be locked, there's no way this should be locked, you are supposed to come here and doctors should be inside. You looked through the round windows of the doors to see just blackness, no figures in the dark or a distant light of a monitor, just a endless black void that could easily be mistaken as a black hole in itself.

You reflexively whip your head around when you heard a loud and sudden slam, a metal door in the far end hall is on the ground, you can see very deep claw marks in the thick metal from the distance you are in with some bits of dust flying from it being forcibly ripped from its foundation. The doorway that no longer holds the door has cracks around its edges and inside is the same black void... This is a breach and you are in the dead center of it. You hold your breath and beads of sweat starts to run down your forehead, trying to keep yourself silent in hopes whatever broke out will not even notice your very presence.

Your heart gets caught in your throat when you saw a hand come out of the void to grip at the edge of the damaged doorframe and a figure walks out of the dark in a slight limp, it took no time to turn its head at your direction. You couldn't move, you have nowhere else to run but straight ahead and you can't run inside the testing room even if you could, the round windows are to far up for you to reach through to the other side to unlock the doorknob. Slowly.... The figure walks towards you, it walks with a limp like one leg is slightly shorter than the other and one of its feet is twisted the wrong way, its arms hang to its side and slightly sways on each step like they are broken from the shoulders down. When it gets even closer you can even notice the more subtle details...

The creature is more humanoid then the rest of the experiments, like a person was Frankensteined together. each part on its body right down to its fingers is a different shade of  body color, in different shapes, sizes, and length. Even the fingernails on each different colored finger has nails of different shapes and color, some long, some sharp, some cut down very short, and painted or not painted at all. The clothes are also a mix of men and womans clothes that doesn't match or even look pleasant to anyone who admires fashion, not even the shoes are the same and one foot has a sock poking out from one of the shoes. Finally the hair, it is covering up the monsters face but each strand shows a different colored piece of human hair even ones that are dyed wild colors making it a mess that could resemble vomit if far away, some strands have natural like curls and waves, and even some strands of it is short and some are long like a 4 year old tried to play Barbur and gave it a haircut. You can even swear you saw a bald patch in the mess somewhere.

As it gets close enough to you it begins to move the messy hair from its face....

Your heart almost stopped right then and there, as the monsters face... Is your own.

It is almost like looking directly at a mirror, the only difference is it has heterochromia with 2 different color eyes that is not at all close to your own eye color(s). It stares at you.... Then smiles so wide that it seems almost unnatural. "My eyes.... You have my eyes" it speaks, it's voice identical to your own but with a rasp to it like it has gargled nails. The eyes of the monster begins to dilate "You have my face... My hair... My clothes..." it continued, it's smile somehow growing a inch bigger and the eyes dilated so much that you could no longer see the color... "Give them back to me....! Give it!!! Give me back my parts!!!!" it screamed, lunging it's fingers to your eyes first.

You tried to duck, to scream for help, even tried to move around the monster to run, but you could only move so much that the monster pins you down after your struggle, it was with so much force that it knocked the wind out of you and even your spine hurts.... The last remaining thing you see was your own face smiling at you as 2 sharp different colored nails get plunged into both of your eyes.....

With a long gasp of air and cold sweat you opened your eyes, your heart beating out of your chest by the sudden adrenaline rush. You are not blinded like you thought but see the ceiling of the empty train, you even patted yourself to see of you had any sign of injury but no... You're alive and well for now. You sigh and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before the train jolts to a stop with the horn blaring, you must've fell asleep during the train ride here. So you got up, your back hurting by you assumed landing straight on your back while you slept.

Outside is the hall of chambers, you woke up just in time for your own stop. So you exited the train and as soon as you exited the train departs to its next stop, the rooms are not silent to your relief. It was the same screaming and slamming of angry experiments... You felt bad that you feel joy of the sounds... Maybe it's because you know you are actually awake...

You walked down the hall as normal and up to the testing rooms doors, this time light is inside with several figures quickly moving past. You took a deep breath to prepare yourself to what your assignment is today... And opened the door.

Only to be greeted by multiple doctors trying to capture a small toy that has somehow ran loose "Close the door!! Close the door!!!" a doctor shouted before a fast little creature runs to you and suddenly just hugs your legs "Help me! Please!!!" the toy shouted with tears in its eyes, it's voice giving a slight lisp. "Dr. (L/n) bring 1702 to the chamber, now!" a doctor shouted, gesturing to a now open airlock door that leads to the room behind the glass wall. You looked down at '1702'... it stares up at you with big eyes filled with tears... It's buck teeth hiding its lower quivering lip.

"Ok" you reluctantly agree as you picked up 1702 from underneath its arms and hold him up... And set him inside the chamber. The doctors pull you outside as the door shuts before 1702 escaped again.

This is a pretty decent start to todays experiment you guess.


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