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Before you read this story, we'll go back to what should of been a simpler time. Perhaps you'll understand them more once you see how they were brought up in the first place.

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Vei was at the age of ten. She had snuck out to the garden in her homes backyard and tended to the plants outside. Though her mother wasn't happy with it, she adored her plants. One was even in bloom, a beautiful red flower sprung out from the thorny and dark bushes.

Without Vei's help, the rose probably wouldn't of bloomed in the first place. That's what Vei told herself anyway. Vei took a sniff and was awed by the rose's sweet aroma. One could even say it felt sickly, but Vei didn't mind. 

She continued to play and care for the plants before a loud, booming voice shook the ground.


Vei froze. Her hands fell to her sides and her head slowly turned to face her mother, who adorned an irritated expression.

"What did I say about the flowers? They smell awful," Kyrothi didn't seem anything more than annoyed, but Vei shook terribly.

Vei looked up at her mother and frowned, "I'm sorry."

"Save it," Kyrothi crossed her arms and glared down at the tiny rose bush, "Go back inside."

Vei didn't waste a second and dashed into the house, peering through a window to watch whatever her mother would do.

Kyrothi abruptly stomped on the bush and grinding it down to the floor with her hoof. Vei watched in horror and tears began to bubble in her eyes. She dashed upstairs and crawled underneath her bed, her safe spot. Small tears escaped her eyes as she choked back her sobs.
She really liked that one. 

--- --- ---

Xilor was at the ripe young age of seven, sitting in his classroom. He was incredibly early since his father had to drop him of early for work. But before long, another kid walked in. He had ugly brown hair and pale skin, his eyes were brown. Xilor hated him. He made fun of Vei's horns yesterday.

Before thinking a single thing through, Xilor stood up from his seat and walked towards the kid, glaring at him with his bright yellow eyes.

He looked up and frowned, "Hm?"

Xilor lunged at him, punching the kid in the face countless times. He ripped at the kids skin and made it bleed. The child screamed and cried in shock and agony and Xilor started laughing at him.

The teacher, a lovely young lady, walked inside and dropped her books and papers. Her expression was frozen in shock and Xilor stood up to face her. His face and hands were sprayed with blood, and he grinned at his teacher, showing off his pointed teeth.


Xilor hated the principals office. As his teacher explained to the principal she seemed distraught by Xilor's behavior. That was until his mother walked in. Both the staff looked at her in fear.

Kyrothi turned to Xilor with a blank expression on her face, "What has he done this time?"

"He attacked another student. This student has had a rather serious blood loss, I hope you can teach Xilor to avoid using aggressive means of anger management." The principal glared at Xilor, and he simply smiled back.

"Of course," Kyrothi nodded, her eyes were stern and cold, "I will punish him rightfully."

As the two of them walked outside, Kyrothi finally cracked a smile, picking up her child, "What was it like?"

"Amazing!" Xilor grinned, holding onto his mother.

"Good," Kyrothi smirked at Xilor's progress, "How about we get something to eat on the way home?"

Xilor beamed with happiness, "Yay! Can we get something for Vei too?"

"... Sure. Only since you did so well."

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