Chapter 1: The Collaboration Between Campanies

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3rd person's POV:

VIXX's Dorm

VIXX are having their own world inside their dorm. Hongbin is playing with his video games, Hyuk's watching Naruto reruns, N is making scented candles while the rest are still sleeping in their own chambers.

"Hmm, it's finished" Hyuk pouted after finish watching his Naruto. He switch off the TV and start to roam around the dorm with boredom. He saw Hakyeon at the kitchen, making candles. The young man approached the elder to look what he is doing.

"N hyung, can I help?" The younger asked his hyung, putting on a grin, thinking of pulling a prank on him. N just looked at him with poker face on.

"No Hyuk, I know what you are planning by that grin on your face. Just go with Hongbin, you can bother him whenever you want." N said, making Hyuk frown with a pout and left N's sight. He went towards Hongbin's room. As he walk towards his hyung's room, he passed by the youngest's room. He decided to peek at the youngest room to see what is up to. He saw that the youngest is sleeping tightly, must have been tired from training last night.

"Ohhh~ uri Yeoreum is sleeping~" Hyuk put on a smirk on his face, thinking on how to pull a prank at the youngest. He slowly went in the room and close the door behind silently. He walk towards the sleeping body that is laying on the bed. He chuckle and remove the blanket that covers the Maknae's face. He laugh silently as he thought of a prank. He immediately went to the maknae's bathroom and get a shaving foam and put it on a plate where a pot is standing. He went out and search for a toy horn. He took the toy out of the drawer and went back at the sleeping body, holding a plate with shaving foam and a toy. He grin and point the horn at the Maknae's ear and press the button.


The horn starts to honk, making Yeoreum flinched from her sleep and immediately sit on the bed. As she sit on the bed, Hyuk point the plate with the shaving foam on her face.

"HAHAHAHA!~" Hyuk laughs hardly, seeing how hilarious Yeoreum's face is. Hyuk can't stop laughing that he got his stomach hurt. Yeoreum, the maknae on the other hand, who is a SHORT TEMPERED one, frown angrily and glare at Hyuk who is currently laying on the floor, laughing his ass out. She wipe off the foam out of her face and slap it on Hyuk's face. Hyuk stop from laughing. He gulped as he saw Yeoreum's murderous eyes that is glaring him . Her eyes are like digging holes out of him. He gulped and started to run.

"AHHHHHHH!~ JUNG YEOREUM'S GONNA KILL ME!! HELP!!" He started to run out of her room. Yeoreum get off from her bed and went in her room with angry looks.

"What a bad start in the morning..." she murmurs as she wash her face.

"I'll give Hyuk-Oppa is punishment later." She went out of her bathroom. Right after she open the door, she saw N standing in front of her bathroom door.

"What do you mean morning, it's basically the afternoon." N said as Yeoreum just groan before flopping back to her bed.

"Fine, do as what you want. Just don't call me to cook when you're hungry." N said as he left Yeoreum's room.

"I'm not gonna call you, you can't cook at all." She murmurs as she stare at the ceiling. She sigh and get off from her bed, walking towards to her room to go out. As soon she went out, she heard Hyuk squealed and run away from her. She glare at the older and start to chase him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! SHE'S GONNA KILL ME!" Hyuk screamed out his lungs while he is being chased my Yeoreum.

"YAH! HAN SANGHYUK, COME BACK HERE!!!!" Yeoreum chased him if it's like there's no tomorrow. Both end up chasing each other inside Leo's room. Leo, on the other hand, who is playing with his keyboard, with music sheets scattered around him, got flinched as he heard his door open loudly and saw the two maknaes running around.

"AAAAAAAAAH! TAEKWOON-HYUNG! SAVE MEEEEE!"  Hyul ran to Leo and hide behind his back.

"Hey! Come back here!" Yeoreum keep chasing Hyuk until she tripped on one of the papers that scattered on the floor. Leo immediately stood up to catch her. Yeoreum closed her eyes and waiting to feel the ground, but instead, she felt a pair of arm that wraps around her waist. She and Leo both end up falling onto the ground. Yeoreum opened her eyes as saw Leo's face was only an inch away from her. Her eyes widened as she couldn't do anything but to stare at him. On the other hand, Leo could feel his blood rushing to his head. He felt his cheeks are hot, so he assume that he is blushing. Hyuk take a peek on what happened. He witness on what had just happened and chuckle silently, taking a photo of it and send to someone he knows. He left them inside Leo's room.

"U-uhm... " Yeoreum slowly get off on Leo's top, but Leo's grasp were too strong that she can't escape. Leo slowly lean on her, closer to her face until there was no gap between them, until suddenly...

"N-HYUNG!!! LEO-HYUNG AND YEOREUM ARE MAKING OUT!!!" Hyuk shouted at the top of his lungs. That when both them heard the glass dropped,someone coughing and a loud thud outside. They both look up and saw the rest of the members looking at them with an eyebrow raised. Both of them gulped and they can't move as they were froze on their spots. They all glare at the twin, N holding a frying pan, Ken holding a baseball bat, Ravi and Hongbin just glare at them with arms crossed, while Hyuk just at the back, grinning. Ravi and Hongbin took action. They both went to Yeoreum and drag her side to side on her arms.

"Yah! Ravi oppa! Hongbin oppa! I CAN EXPLAIN!!! WAIT!!!!!! JUST DON'T DRAG ME!!!!" Yeoreum yelled as she is being drag by her 93'ner brothers.

"To late, we already drag you out." Ravi said while he and Hongbin drag her to the living room. As they reach the living room, they let her go and both of them sit down on the couch, leaving Yeoreum sitting down on the floor, inches away from the couch.

"Ohhhh~ You've gone so heavy Yeoreum." Hongbin said, teasing the maknae who is in total shock.

"Yeah, time to loosen up, piggy." Ravi tease the maknae as well. Yeoreum snapped and look at her 93'ner bother with a murderous glare.

"Me? Heavy? A piggy?" She asked then with stern yet heavy tone, which the 93'ner froze. They all know how scary when she got angry, specially since she is a short tempered one. Yeoreum stood up from sitting down on the floor. She turn to them as both of them gulped in fear, as they were about to make a run for it. But Yeoreum is fast, she grabbed the both of their hairs hardly while kicking them on their knees. As expected to an athlete.

"ME?! HEAVY?! PIGGY?!" She screamed to their ears as she pull their hair hardly.

"A-ahhhhh!~ Not my hair~ T_T" Hongbin said while trying to get out off her grasp, but he failed as Yeoreum's nails her long that his finger got wound.

"My hair just got died yesterday! Stop!" Ravi rant while trying to escape, "You piggy athlete! Let us go!" He continue to rant.

"SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!" She continue to scream at their ears.

"YOU PIGGY!!!!" 93'ner both yelled at her. Yeoreum got more angry and her grip on their hair got harder.

Both of them let out a girly scream, "you boys were saying?" She said as both of the 93'ner beg for mercy.

"Alright alright I think they have enough of your punishment for today." Yeoreum turned around to see N with Hyuk and Ken dragged Leo. Yeoreum blushed as she saw Leo. Yeoreum let go of the 93'ner. She look away with a blush on her cheeks.

"Let's get things straight." N said while sitting on the single person couch, the four other sit at the other side, Yeoreum and Leo remain to stand on the other side.

"You guys are gonna make out with the door was wide open?" N asked while Hyuk was grinning secretly.

"We were not going to make out! Hyuk oppa lied! I was chasing him until we enter Leo oppa's room by accident. I got tripped on the papers that were scattered on the floor, but luckily Leo oppa catch me. So don't get the wrong idea! You know Hyuk oppa, always a prankster." Yeoreum gave Hyuk another murderous glare, making Hyuk's soul left his body.

"Is this true Hyuk?" N glanced at him. Hyuk just sit at the edge, gulped hardly. Yeoreum gave him a deep glare as if she signaled him a "I'll-kill-you-if-you-lie" glare.

"Uhm..." Hyuk began to sweat, everyone inside the room gave a glance on him, except Yeoreum.

"W-well, the thing is.." He sweat like crazy.

"Just give us a straight answer Hyuk. Is it true or not?" N asked one more time. Hyuk straighten up himself.

"They were making out?" He said as both of them glance at Hyuk. Yeoreum took the baseball bat from Ken's hand while Leo took the kitchen knife from the kitchen. All of then flinched at as they saw what they are handing. Both Yeoreum and Leo take action and is about to attack him but N stopped them.

"STOP! THE BOTH OF YOU STOP!" N stopped the both of them. Yeoreum and Leo both stopped on their tracks and look at N.

"You both don't have to hide if the both of you have a relationship. Just for me, you don't have to be so exposed that you will open the door so wide while making out." N said as he stood up and left after with other members, leaving both Yeoreum and Leo speechless. Hyuk, on the other hand, sighs in relief as he escaped from a prank he had done. Yeoreum and Leo turn their gaze to Hyuk who is still sitting on the couch. The both of them give him a death glare, they were like saying 'I'll-hunt-you-in-your-dream' glare. Hyuk saw their glares towards him, making him froze and run to his room.

That's when Hongbin noticed something flew out from Hyuk's feet. "What's that?" He kneel down and picked up a photo. He looked at the photo and scan it, but he doesn't care. He turn around but Leo's already gone back to his room, leaving Yeoreum who is currently sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Yeo. I guess hyung dropped this, just give this to him." As he was about to give Yeoreum, he noticed a girl in the picture.

"Oh? Who is this woman?" Hongbin asked, taking back the photo. Yeoreum blink her eyes and look at the photo.

"Nuguji?" She also asked, making Hongbin confused.

"You're his gf yet you don't know?" He blinks as he asked. Yeoreum sent him another murderous glare.

"" Yeoreum gave him a deep glare, making Hongbin nervous and close her eyes,

"Okay, okay! Stop that, it's making me scared." Hongbin said while covering her eyes.

"Fine, fine. I won't." Yeoreum remove Hongbin's hand.

"Jeez, why is all the maknae so scary now a days?" He whispered. Yeoreum didn't pay him attention as she scan the photo carefully.

"Wait who is this person? Why did this person looks so familiar?" N said pointing at the girl.

"EOMMA!" Yeoreum flinched at N's sudden appearance at their back.

"Yah! Hakyeon oppa! You scared me!" Yeoreum argued. N does peace sign and put on an innocent look. Yeoreum continue to scan the photo, and someone pop in her mind.

"She reminds me of Leon from BTS." Yeoreum stated as Hongbin looked at her with a blink.

"Oh you're right, she does look like Leon of BTS. And shockingly, there's no difference between Leon and that girl on the photo." N added, and this time Hongbin get it and nod in agreement.

"Jaa~ Give this photo back to Leo, since you're his gf~" N said while chuckling.

"Stop! I'm not his gf! We don't have any deeper relationship!" Yeoreum rant while snatching the photo out of Hongbin's grasp. She stood up and walk towards Leo's room. She stood in front of his door and knock.

"Oppa it's me. Can I come in?" Yeoreum asked, waiting for Leo's respond. Then the door swing open and to see Leo in headphone looking at her with murdering eyes, but Yeoreum didn't bulge or anything as they have quite same attitude.

"What do you want?" He asked in cold tone, making Yeoreum chuckle.

"You're so cold in sudden." Yeoreum said glaring at Leo's glaring eyes.

"I'm just here to give you this photo. Hongbin oppa found this outside." Yeoreum said while handing him the photo.

Leo's eyes widened as he saw the photo. Instead of taking the photo, he pull Yeoreum's wrist, making her pull inside and pinned her on the wall. He closed the door and put his hands on the wall, on the side of her haid. He slowly lean on her.

"Why do you have this photo?" He asked in cold tone.

Yeoreum pushed him, but Leo went strong, " Answer my question! Why do you have this photo?!" Leo yelled at Yeoreum.

"Don't shout! I told you, Hongbin oppa found this at the living room! And so what if I had this photo? At least I'm bringing it back to you. Just be grateful!" Yeoreum fight back. For a second, Leo felt guilty and look down.

"Sorry, it just that....this photo is really precious to me. And it's the last one I have left with her." Leo said looking down at the photograph. Yeoreum looked at him with soft gaze and at Leo's surprise, Yeoreum caress his cheek and smile a bit. She hand him the photo and Leo took it. Leo stood up straightly while looking down at the picture.

"May I ask who is she?" Yeoreum look at him, waiting for respond. Leo look up to her and stay silent for a bit.

"It's okay if you don't tell me. I'll leave now then." Yeoreum turn around to him and open the door.

"Jung Leon." He said as Yeoreum turn back at him.


"Her name is Jung Leon. She's my little sister." Leo explained, making Yeoreum shocked a bit and close the door again.

"Little sister? How come you didn't tell us you have a little sister?" Yeoreum asked him. Leo sigh and sit on his bed while still looking at photo.

"I don't want her to get exposed to much. I want her to have a private life. It's been awhile I didn't see her. I hope she's doing so fine." Leo said as he lay down on his bed. Yeoreum join in and look at him.

"It's fine, I understand you. That was also my brother did." Yeoreum let out a bubbly chuckle, it's one of her rare attitude she show in front of others.

"Brother?" Leo asked her in confusion as he look at her direction.

Yeoreum nod and look back at him. "Ne, brother. Haven't I mention that?" Leo blink his eyes and shake his head. Yeoreum's lips form and "O" and chuckle.

"Mianhae~ So.. About my brother, His name is Min Yoongi, also known as Suga. He is currently a member of BTS, a year junior group to us." Yeoreum explained while thinking of her brother.

"Wait, if he is Min, then why is your last name Jung?" Leo asked suddenly in nowhere.

"Oh that... as from what I've known, My eomma got divorced from my oppa's father. Eomma took oppa after that. Years later eomma met my appa, they got married after a year they met and then, eomma got pregnant with me. After I was born, life turn out wrong," Yeoreum paused as she felt her eyes getting teary. Leo stay silent while watching her cry, feeling sorry towards her.

"They thought everything turn out as they expected, but no. Appa had so many debt for our expenses since he doesn't have stable job. When oppa was on his teenage years, they made him do jobs and when they found out he is making and composing songs, they get angry and threw and burn all his composing sheets." Yeoreum explained while looking down.

"What about your sister tho?" She changed the subject and look at him. Leo blink his eyes and clear his throat.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked as Yeoreum looked at him.

"Tell me a bit about your sister why did you stop talking and seeing her? All these years?" She asked as Leo look down at the picture.

"Ever since we became a group, I think i was too busy with you guys. That I lose track what she was up to." Leo said Yeoreum listened.

"Have you contact her once ever since?" She asked as Leo shook his head.

"No, I don't know why but I guess we've been so busy." Leo explained and Yeoreum nodded in agreement. A moment later, there was a silence between them. It's not an awkwards one, but a calm and soothing one.

"Do you want to try to call her?" Yeoreum asked to break the silence while handling the phone to him. Leo look at her then at the phone then at the photo. Leo thought for a moment, then he took the phone. He unlock his phone before speed dialling his sister.

"Sorry the number that you are calling is currently unavailable. Please try again." Leo look at his phone and let out sigh. Yeoreum look at him.

"What now?" She asked.

"She's unavailable." Leo sigh and tossed his phone on his bed. Yeoreum blink her eyes for a moment.

"Are you sure it's still her number? She might have change, just contact her through social media accounts." Yeoreum suggested but Leo just shrugged.

"Maybe not now, she might be busy also." He said while laying down on his bed.

"Well, maybe." She join him too. A few moments, there was another silence. Except for the sound of their breathing.

"I just wish I could give a proper apology." Leo sighed looking at the ceiling.

"Honestly, it's not hard you know?" As both of them shot up to see N leaning against the door.


"Hakyeon...How long have you been--"

"The part where Yeoreum say that Suga is her brother." N said, cutting Leo on his mid sentence. Yeoreum just stay silent while blinking her eyes innocently.

"Leo-yah. I know what's it is like. Losing something precious to you. You better meet her up, if we have free time. Now both of you get ready, we have practice. And you guys locked the room for heaven sake! The others are gossiping about what you guys are doing here!" N rolled his eyes as he left, leaving both Leo and Yeoreum blushing. Both of them look away from each other.

"I shall go now, let's get ready." Yeoreum said, getting off from Leo's bed. Yeoreum went out of Leo's room and clenched her chest.

"That was so embarrassing..." Yeoreum covered her blushing face with her palm. Yeoreum went in her room and start to take a bath. She start to think how was her life back then. She start to think of her brother, she also misses him a lot. It's been a while since they talk and meet each other.

'He might forget me and having fun with his group mates' Just a negative thought ran through her mind. She turn of the shower after taking a bath, she went out of her bathroom. In her surprise, she saw Hyuk laying on her bed.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?!" Yeoreum scream as she saw Hyuk. Hyuk grin and show her the photo that was taken earlier.... Yeoreum on top of Leo. Her eyes widened.

"HAN SANGHYUK!" She ran to Hyuk and tried to snatch the phone, but unluckily, Hyuk stood up and raise the phone high. She groan and jump so she could get the phone, but she's small and Hyuk's arms and leg are way too long for her.

"GIVE ME THE PHONE!!! DELETE THAT PHOTO!" Yeoreum scream at Hyuks ears. Yeoreum took a baseball bat. Yeoreum swing the baseball bat and hit Hyuk's leg, resulting Hyuk fall from the ground while his leg is in pain.

"AHHHHH!!!" He scream before noticing she was carrying a baseball bat with her. Yeoreum took the phone and delete the photo.

"Now, no one will see it." She said while looking at Hyuk. Hyuk chuckle and grin while looking back at her.

"What are you grinning there?" She asked and threaten him with the baseball bat.

"Are you sure no one will know about that?" Hyuk chuckle, making Yeoreum confuse.

"Sorry maknae, but I did sent the photo to your brother." Hyuk said while grinning widely, making Yeoreum mad.

"Oh why you little--"

"Nuh ah ah~ listen maknae, for sure your "oppa" will be mad if he found out your dating without HIS permission~" Hyuk teases the her, cutting her in mid sentence. Yeoreum stayed silent and gave him a murderous glare.

"Now don't be life that~ Just get your ears ready for the tons of scolding from your brother~" Hyuk said while laughing then left her room. Yeoreum's face turn red out of anger that she want to blown out.

"HYUK OPPA!!!" She screamed, loudly. She took her pillow and hit the bed multiple times.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! YOU EVIL CHILD!" Yeoreum continue to scream, on the other hand, the older members are done preparing and in the living room.

"What happened now?" N asked to Hyuk as all of them look at the maknae's bedroom door after they heard her shouting.

"Oh, that was nothing~" Hyuk chuckle and sit beside Hongbin. Minutes later, Yeoreum came out wearing a sweatshirt with a hoodie and an adidas shorts. All of them blink as they saw her.

"Isn't your shorts kinda...short?" Ken asked while being a bit disagreeing on what she dressed.

"This is what girl group members wear during practice, and it's not like you haven't see me wearing one." Yeoreum stated while putting her rubber shoes on.

"Come on, our manager's waiting outside. He might get impatient and leave us here." Leo said quietly then all of them went out one by one. N locked the door of their dorm and headed down to the parking lot.

"You guys came late as always." Their manage complain while leaning on the van in boredom.

"We are sorry manager, it's always that Yeoreum take so long to prepare." Ravi said while looking at the silent maknae. Yeoreum blinks and frown. Their manager just rolled his eyes and went in the van.

"What?" She asked.

"Don't deny, you are the always reason why are we getting late." Hongbin said.

"Well I'm sorry! You know woman always take long to prepare themselves! Woman always needs to be pretty and beautiful~" Yeoreum said while she flip her hair. All of them look at her in disguited expression. Hyuk messes her hair.

"Pretty and beautiful? You? You will be always ugly no matter what." Hyuk tease her while getting in the van.


"No need to fight, we are late~" N said and messes her hair and get in. All of them git in one by one after messing her hair.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD LATER!" Yeoreum scream and get in the front sit. Their manager start the van's engine and drive to Jellyfish Entertainment building.

BTS's Dorm

Jin and Rap Monster are in the kitchen, cooking lunch. J-Hope, V, Jimin and Jungkook are in the living room and they are dancing to random girl group songs. Suga is in his room, probably sleeping or composing while Leon is sitting at the Dining area typing away on her laptop with her earphones plug in.

"Namjoon, you're doing it wrongly. That's not how you cut onions." Jin said as he teach Rap Monster how to cut onions.

"I don't know what to do. I'm scared, what if I break the knife again?" Rap Monster said as Jin give him the 'really' look.

"Well, it's your fault. Why are you always breaking things?" Jin asked while pointing the knife at Rap Monster which make him tense up.

Rap Monster gulped and struggled. "I don't know!" He argued back as Jin stick his knife into the beef that he was chopping. He stare at him.

All the members stopped whatever they were doing. Leon remove her headphone and look at the kitchen while J-Hope walk towards both Jin and Rap Monster, "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"I'm just teaching NamJoon how to cut the onions." Jin gutted his teeth, he was ready to murder the leader.

"Yah yah.Okay guys stop." J-Hope said as he separate the two.But in the end he ended up getting slap on both cheeks.

As the maknae line look at each other, "Oh boy." Jungkook said as Jimin and V look down and trying not to laugh, but failed.

"Omo, mianhae J-Hope." Jin said and touch J-Hope's cheeks where he accidentally slapped.

Jungkook look at Leon who shook her heads before putting on her headphones. "Pabo." She whispered.

"WHO DISTRIBUTED ME!?" Suga yelled from his room. All of them flinched then they heard Rap Monster accidentally break the chop board. V hug Jimin while Jungkook just hide behind them.

Leon and Jin just continue whatever they were doing and wasn't affected by Suga's rage.

"Uh oh. We woke the grandpa!!" J-Hope said while clinging in Jin's arms. As they heard heavy footsteps coming out from the room. They all hide in possible places to hide, then they saw Suga walk out with black panda eyes forming beneath his eyes, glancing at them.

"I thought I told you all to keep your volume down when I'M SLEEPING !?" Suga shouted at the members.

"M-mi-mianhae hyung." V whispered and still holding Jimin. Jungkook was just staring at them. But then Rap Monster start to explain what happened.

"CAN YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP?!" Leon stood up with a deep and dangerous voice causing everyone to be silent. Leon glance at everyone before noticing Jungkook, V and Jimin were missing.

"Where did Jimin hyung, V hyung and Jungkook hyung went to?" Leon asked as everyone started to look around.

"They were here earlier." Jin said. At the very moment on Suga's rage, Jimin, V and Jungkook run for their lives to be spare. The three of them ended inside Leon's room. Unexpectedly, Jimin bump hardly on Leon's shelf, making books and papers to fall down and scatter around.

"Uh-oh..." Jungkook said as he look at the messy place. V and Jimin's eyes widened, the three of them gulped.

"Leon might get angry if she see the place is dirty. Let's clean up, ppalli!" Jimin said while standing up in pain, "I didn't see that coming, my arm hurts." Jimin added. He pouts in pain while caressing his arm.

"You should be careful next time." V argued while starting to pick up the scattered papers. Jungkook joined I and start to pick up the books. Even Jimin is in pain, he arrange the papers that are inside the books. While arranging, Jimin flip some pages where he could put the papers. But a photo suddenly fell out from the book. Jungkook saw it and pick up the photo.

"Hyung, something fell from the book." Jungkook said while giving the photo to Jimin. Jimin took it and scan the picture. It's a picture where a man and Leon were both smiling.

"Hey guys, look at this picture." Jimin said, gathering V and Jungkook's attention from putting things back on the shelf.

"What is it?" V asked as both him and Jungkook made their way towards Jimin.

"Have a look, do you guys have any idea who was the man standing beside Leon?" Jimin asked as he hand the picture to V. V took the picture and scan it along with Jungkook.

"I have no idea who is he.." Jungkook said while looking at Jungkook.

"Neither do I, but he looks like Leo sunbaenim." V added. Jimin blink his eyes many times and snatch the back photo and scan the man's face who was standing beside Leon in the photo.

"Oh, you're right. He really looks like VIXX Leon- sunbaenim!" Jungkook said as Jimin looked at him.

"What make you say it him?" Jimin asked as Jungkook give him a 'really to the duh' face.

"Chubby and bitch face, look like he want to kill you and don't look happy." V pointed out as the trio felt a chill down their spine.

Jimin took a step back from them to take a clear vision on the vision since he is small. But as he step back, his arm touched the music box and accidentally dropped it. They flinched as they heard a loud crash sound. The trio look down and gasp.

"Oh Shit." The trio said before hearing.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!!!!!" Leon's roar through the corridor. The three of them froze, especially Jungkook.

"But that wasn't me.." He murmured. A minute later, they heard footsteps outside the room.

"Oh shit shit! HIDE!!" V said as all three of them quickly squeezed themselves into Leon's cabinet. A moment later, they heard the door swing open and heard footsteps.

"Where are they?" Jin asked while looking around. Leon and NamJoon went to the shattered music box and try to fix it. NamJoon pick up one piece and scan it, but he accidentally broke into two pieces.

"Ooops~ Mianhae~" NamJoon chuckle and put back the broken pieces while Leon is putting the pieces back frustratedly.

"Where are those three hyung?" Leon asked frustratedly while trying to put the music box into pieces.

"I don't know." Suga replied before hearing a sneeze coming from the cabinet. They all stopped on the moment and all eyes are on the cabinet. On the other hand, the trio froze as V sneeze out of nowhere. Jimin and Jungkook looked at him and pinch him silently.

"Hey! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, it's just that this cabinet is dusty." V yelled whispered to them.

"Now we are doomed!" Jimin hugged Jungkook and Jungkook got squished by is hyung's hug.

"Hyung! Let go of me! Are you trying to kill me?" Jungkook argued.

Then the cabinet door swung open to see Leon with murdering eyes. The trio let out a girly scream and run for their lives, but failed as their hyungs stopped them.

"Where do you three think you are going?" Leon said while pointing at the three and glaring at them. The trio just look down as they know they are screwed.

"YOU THREE!" She pointed at them.They got a shock with that voice and kneel down while the hyung line stay silent and back away really quickly.

"YOU THREE HAVE CAUSED A HUGE MESS! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THAT MUSIC BOX IS?!" Leon screamed at the trio. The trio just stay silent and look down.

"We are sorry Leon," Jungkook looked up at her while looking at her. "We didn't mean to break your music box. We just hide here when Suga hyung got angry. I know he will freak out, so before he did, we ran away for our lives." Jungkook explained.

"Yeah, we unexpectedly ended up here. We just passed our time here and wait hyung to calm himself." Jimin said. Leon on the other hand, was still angry and out of nowhere, she took her pillow and hit the three of them.

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT YOU EGGHEADS THIS WAS A GIFT FROM MY BROTHER!!" Leon screamed, the other members went confused as she mention "brother". All of them stopped and look at her.

"Your brother?" J-Hope asked in confusion as he looked at Leon. Leon covered her mouth as everyone looked at her.

"I-I....." Her face started to turn red.A silence interrupt the noisy atmosphere inside the room. All eyes are at Leon, waiting for her explanations.

"Leon is there something that we don't know?" NamJoon asked. Leon looked down, having a battle in her mind if she's going to confess about it or tell an alibi.

"Leon, whatever it is, tell us now." Suga said. Leon looked at them and sigh.

"Okay...okay... So about my brother I just mentioned now... His name is Jung Taekwoon." Leon explained and sit on her bad. "He is my older brother, very since we debut, he and I barely contact each other. Until our schedules went tightly, I haven't talk to him since then." Leon said while looking down. Jungkook fished his pocket and took the photo of Leon and his brother.

"Is this him?" Jungkook asked while handing her the photo. Leon looked at the photo and take it out of Jungkook's hand.

"Yup, this him and I before we separate," The rest of the members sit beside her. "This photo is all I have after since we separate."Leon said while looking at the photo.

"Have you contacted him?" V asked curiously.

"I did every single day, but I couldn't reach him. He might changed his phone number." Leon replied sadly.

"How about social media accounts?" Suga asked while looking at the photo.

"No, I don't know his social media accounts. Also you know guys that I can't since we use only one account for the company's sake." Leon explained.

"You will meet him again soo, let fate do it between the both of you." Jimin said and hug Leon gently. The rest join in and make a group hug, comforting Leon. Leon smile and look at them.

"Thank you guys for comforting me." Leon said to them and all of them smile.

"We are always here for you, you are like are little sister. We are friends and family, always remember that." Rap Monster/Namjoon said as they pull out from the hug.

"And please forgive us, we really didn't mean to destroy your music box." Jimin interrupted.

"I'll consider your apology for now, I'll still think of a punishment for the three of you." Leon and the rest of 4 members laugh while looking at the pouting trio.

"Anyway, let us get ready! Our manager will be here any minute." Rap Monster said as he look for their schedule.

"Ne!~" All of them exit Leon's room and went to their own chambers. Leon, as some kind of a lazy person, went to the bathroom only to wash her face.

"Well, I took a bath last night. So why bother taking a shower or having a bath again?" She asked herself while washing her face with soap. She wipe her face with a towel gently and put a moisturizer on her face.

"Okay~ done." She went out of her bathroom and start to change her clothes. After changing into a t-shirt and black pants, she put on her jacket. She took all her important things and went downstairs.

"Wow, full black this time?" Jimin asked as Leon smiled.

"Duh," She replied. "Okay, I'm done. Shall we go now?" Leon asked and saw all of them gathered in the living room.

"We will go now, you're just in time. The manager just arrived in the parking lot, he is now waiting for us." Rap Monster said and on his way on the door. Rap Mon put on his shoes and went out first, They went out of the door one by one after putting their shoes on. Jin locked the door and put the key on his pocket. They walk on their way towards to the van in the parking lot and saw their manager.

"Just in time, now hope on guys. You have practice to do." Their manager said and get in the van. All of them went in without any arguments and drive safely towards BigHit Entertainment building. 

Collaboration with byeolbitjung

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