the discovery chapter 7

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Jeff p.o.v

I was walking back to the mansion after a good kill but I take a wrong turn I don't know how but it happend. As I was waking down the new trail I saw a cabin up a head so I went to see it so I can see if there's people to kill. I approach the cabin to see all the lights were on so I climed a tree and sat to see if the lights will turn off. About two hours later they were still on and it is like four in the morning. I got cunfused on why they were still on so i enter the cabin to see blood every were the walls were coverd in it and the floor don't even get me started it was that bad!. I look around the cabin to see a dead women no older the 30 years old she had blond hair,black dress,red lip stick,purple eye shadow,black heels,green eyes with a tint of gray. Her body was mangled the organs were every were. Her body was cut open from the chest down and then opened. The seen would make the most strongest of killing experts gag!. I looked around her body to see she was holding a wallet I toke it and looked inside there I see a driver's license. Her name was Sam Anderson a family of one. A child. I then see a picture in a frame on the wall I go look at it to see that the child was *Jane the kid BP brought back to the mansion. I look back at her body and notice she had some scars not from the kill no it was from a struggle like she was fighting the......thing or whatever killed her. I thought about like what would BP say if he saw this so I brought back the wallet so show him.

       ~time skip back at the mansion~

*still jeffs p.o.v*

When I got back to the mansion I walk up to BPs room and knock on the door and wait soon he answers I look at him "what do you want?" He asked I answerd "I need to show you something" he just nods and inside his room and I see *jane "umm *jane can you leave me and BP alone for a bit?" She just nods and walkes out of the room the BP talks "so what do you want to show me?" I just pull out the wallet and hand it to him "read the drivers license" he nods and reads it "oh so this is *Janes mom?" I nod and guster for him to follow me and I walk out to the front door. As we walk he ask were we are going I just said he has to wait and he just stayed silent after that. Soon we got to the cabin he looked cunfused I could tell from the way his mask moved. I walk to the front door of the cabin and enterd and stepped a side to he can come in and the moment he walked in he covers his nose and gaged at how strong the menetic smell was there well every were but still. As I walked to the body he followed and as soon he was the body he looked like he was going to puke but he held it in. He started to aproch the body and study it he soon nodes and looked at me "how did you find this place?" "I was walking back from a good kill but I toke a wrong turn and i know what you are thinking 'how did you take a wrong turn you have been down here so many times?' yeah but it could still happen but back on track I was walking and i saw this cabin and the lights were on so I climed a tree to see if the light would turn off but they never did in the past two hours I was sitting there so I walked in side to take a look and i fine this" *gestures to the walls,floor and body* "so I looked around and found the wallet and this" *walkes over to the picture* so then I conected the dots and i assumed this was *janes mom." He nods to every word I said so he can take it all in. "Okay so she is a orphen so we have to take care of her" "if slendy will let us" "true but we can't just let her rome  the woods and let her starve" I sign but i noded and we started to walk back to the mansion.

BPs p.o.v
So when I walk with jeff to what ever he wanted to show me and soon we ended up at a cabin I was cunfused but he just walked to the front door and opened it and walked in and i did the same but as soon i walked in i covered my nose because the menetic smell was really strong it was sickening but he didn't seem to mind and he walked over to a body of a women and i almost puked on how mangled he body was but I held it in and walked up for he body and studied it. After I was done with that I asked jeff how he found this place and he explained and well explaining he walked over to a picture of  the women and.....*jane I listened close to hear him and nod to it and then i said once he was done "so she's a orphen and we need to take care of her" "if slendy would let us" he said "true but we can't just let her rome the woods and starve" he signed but noded and walked to the front door and walked out and i did the same and we started to walk back to the mansion. As we walked back I started to think 'who or want did this? And what would happen if *jane finds this?'

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