Chapter 26

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(Blake's POV)

Me, (Y/N), mom, and dad walked outside to the backyard. I can't believe that (Y/N) wants to train with my dad and I can't believe dad agreed to it. Dad took off his purple coat and handed it to mom. Me and her stayed back as (Y/N) and dad continued to walk forward.

Ghira: I haven't really trained anyone in a long time, so don't expect too much from me.

(Y/N): If I get anything from it, then it's worth it.

Kali: I hope you father doesn't go overboard.

Blake: (Y/N) should be fine.

My mom gained a worried look on her face.

Kali: "Should be"?

(Y/N) and dad got ready to spar. (Y/N) jumped forward and went for a punch. My dad put his arm up to block the punch. (Y/N) jumped back before dad could go for a counter attack. (Y/N) stood there, probably thinking about what to do.

Ghira: Don't leave yourself wide open!

He rushed at (Y/N). Dad brought out some claws from the tips of his fingers and slashed at (Y/N). (Y/N) ducked down, barely dodging the hand swipe.

(Y/N): Nice trick. Mind if I try it?

(Y/N) kicked dad away and he also brought out claws from his finger tips. (Y/N) went on the offensive and rushed at dad, slashing the air. Dad grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and kneed him in the stomach, knocking the air out of (Y/N).

Ghira: Your semblance. You're able to copy things?

(Y/N) took a few deep breaths.

(Y/N): Kind of. I can adapt my body to any situation. If any creature on the planet can do something, I can do it too.

Ghira: Lesson one, don't tell your enemy your power.

Dad raised (Y/N) into the air and slammed him into the ground. (Y/N) bounced off the ground and landed face first a few feet from dad.

(Y/N): Got it. Don't tell people about my semblance.

(Y/N) got up. He rushed at dad. (Y/N) slid under my dad's legs and tried to punch his back. Dad turned around and tried to grab (Y/N). (Y/N) ducked under my dad's arms and he made two more arms on his right side. (Y/N) started to rapid punch my dad's stomach with his three right arms.

(Y/N): Take this!

(Y/N) brought his left arm back and made it have huge muscles. He punched dad, sending him back a few yards. My dad was able to stay on his feet. (Y/N) jumped up and went for a kick. My dad grabbed (Y/N) by the face, covering it fully with his hand. Dad slammed (Y/N) into the ground hard.

Ghira: Even with me out of practice, you lost. You really do need the extra training.

(Y/N) grabbed his arm, trying to move it out of the way.

Ghira: Still have some fight in you?

(Y/N): I have... To keep trying...

Ghira: Knowing your limits is a great lesson to learn. Sometimes you have to give up. I hope you learned something today.

My dad let go of (Y/N) and started to walk away. (Y/N) reached out and grabbed his leg, stopping dad in his tracks.

(Y/N): No... We're not done yet...

Ghira: Our fight is over.

(Y/N) let go and dad walked over to mom, grabbing his coat and putting it on.

Ghira: I have some business to attend to. I'll be in my office if you need me.

I walked up to (Y/N). I helped him up on his feet. My mom walked up to him.

Kali: Are you ok? Ghira doesn't really pull his punches when he fights.

(Y/N): I'm... Fine... Just tired.

Kali: Come inside. I'll make you some tea.

(Y/N): Thank you.

(Readers POV)

Kali walked into the house, with me and Blake following her. I sat down at the table, taking deep breaths.

Blake: Are you going to be fine?

I nodded my head.

(Y/N): You don't have to worry about me.

Blake: Ok. I'll be in my room if you need something.

Blake walked away. I saw Kali walk up with a kettle and poured some tea in a glass. She handed me the glass.

(Y/N): Thank you so much, Kali.

Kali: It's no problem.

I took some sips from the glass. The tea tastes great.

(Y/N): This tea is really good.

Kali: Thank you, I try.

Kali sat down across from me and poured herself some tea.

Kali: While I have you here, why don't you tell me stories about you and Blake.

(Y/N): Stories?

Kali: Since you two are dating, I want to know everything.

(Y/N): Oh... Well... At first, Blake didn't like me that much, but I was too stubborn to leave her alone. Eventually, she opened up to me. We hanged out in my dorm room, watching movies and stuff. Then at the night of the dance, we became a couple.

Kali: That's so nice to hear. I'm glad Blake is dating someone like you.

(Y/N): Yeah...

I looked down at my tea, seeing it ripple in the glass.

Kali: Still upset about your fight with Ghira?

(Y/N): It's just... I couldn't do much.

Kali: Don't say that. You two were just having a sparring match, it wasn't a match to the death.

(Y/N): That's the thing. When I fought Adam Taurus, my mind was filled with nothing but killing. The one thing I wanted most at that moment was his death. Now I can't fight straight. I'm scared those thoughts will fill my mind again and I'm sure you and Blake wouldn't like watching Ghira fighting a blood thirsty monster.

Kali put her hand on top of mine. I looked up at her.

Kali: Those thoughts are natural. I get mad at some people and wish they would die, but I don't truly want that. It's just some dumb thought in the moment and you shouldn't be scared by them.

I thought about what she said. I smiled at her and nodded.

(Y/N): You're right. I guess that's something I'll have to work on. Thank you.

Kali gave me a warm smile. She gave me this feeling, a feeling that tells me everything will be ok. Kali took her hand off mine and drank some of her tea.

(Y/N): Hey, Kali.

Kali: Yes? What is it?

(Y/N): I have something to show you, just promise you won't freak out.

Kali nodded her head. I used my semblance and got rid of my cat ears.

Kali: You're a human?

(Y/N): Yeah... I'm pretty sure at least.

Kali: You better get those ears back out. If anyone finds out, you'll be killed.

(Y/N): Killed?! Is there any alternative?

Kali: Those would be even worse.

She got super serious all of a sudden and it scares me. I quickly popped the cat ears back on my head. Kali giggled at me.

Kali: Don't worry. You're secret is safe with me.

(Y/N): Thanks again.

Kali: I'm flattered you trust me that much with you're secret. You better finish your tea, it's getting cold.

I quickly drank all the tea in my glass. I sighed in relief.

(Y/N): May I have some more?

Kali: Of course.

(Chapter 26 end)

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