Chapter 29

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(Blake's POV)

I walked out of my dad's study. Him and (Y/N) confronted Corsac and Fennec about what was found on Ilia's scroll, but that wasn't enough to lock them up. They aren't the happiest right now. I let out a deep sigh.

Ilia: You need better security.

I turned around and saw Ilia standing on the railing. I was about to get my weapon ready, but Ilia put her hands up.

Ilia: Please! I-I just need to talk.

I stopped myself, but still made sure to be cautious.

Blake: How could you take the fall for them, Ilia?

Ilia: Blake...

Blake: Corsac and Fennec blamed you. We confronted them tonight, and they deny knowing anything and everything found on your scroll. They talked about how disappointed they were to hear that you'd sided with Adam. But you and I both know they're guilty.

Ilia: You can't prove anything.

Blake: That scroll might not have been enough to lock them up, but it's enough to sway the Faunus here. When we go public tomorrow, they're not going to stand for any of it. And neither should you.

Ilia took of her mask and has a solemn look on her face.

Ilia: Your plan isn't gonna work, Blake. Please... Just leave Menagerie before it's too late.

I stared at Ilia for a few moments.

Blake: You're going to have to make me.

Ilia sighed and looked down at the floor.

Ilia: I know.

Ilia put her mask back on and jumped away. I got angry, causing my cat ears to fold back. I took a deep breath and my anger went away, being replaced with sadness. Why can't Ilia just help us? It frustrates me. I walked inside the house and went inside my room. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I heard my door open and felt someone get on the bed.

(Y/N): You didn't even say good night to me.

I took in a deep breath.

Blake: Good night.

I felt (Y/N) wrap his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

(Y/N): You're being mean.

Blake: I'm just tired.

(Y/N) put his hand on my cat ear, scratching it. I groaned in annoyance and swatted his hand away.

Blake: These are unauthorized snuggles.

(Y/N): Fine. I'll go to sleep.

He took his arms off me. I rolled around and hugged him tightly.

Blake: I didn't say stop.

I snuggled up into him and rested my head against his chest. I felt (Y/N)'s body start to warm up.

(Y/N): I figured out this trick last night. I can-

Blake: Don't care. Sleep time.

I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep, while holding onto (Y/N).

(The Next Morning)

My dad is standing at the front door. Looking at a piece of paper with a speech written on it. My mom put her hand on his shoulder.

Kali: Are you ready?

Ghira: Yes. It won't be easy for the people to hear, but the truth often isn't. I know they'll do the right thing.

I walked up to dad and put my hand on his arm and rested my head on it. I heard a pat on dad's back. We looked back and saw (Y/N) standing there, looking up at my dad.

(Y/N): Trust yourself.

Dad nodded and walked through the front door. Me, mom, and (Y/N) walked outside too. A lot of people are gathered here to hear my dad's speech. Dad walked up to a podium and raised his hand to quiet everyone down.

(Readers POV)

Ghira got ready to give his speech. I looked at the huge crowd of Faunus. I saw Corsac and Fennec in the crowd. I clenched my hands. With them being here, it's making me worry about if other dangers are here. I used my camouflage trick and started to sneak through the crowd. I started to smell someone familiar.

(Y/N): Ilia...?

I whispered to myself. I went through the crowd some more, following the scent. I was able to see Ilia, wearing her White Fang mask. I walked up to her, standing right behind her. I put my arm around her shoulder, making her jump in surprise. She turned around to look at me. I revealed my face to her. Ilia recognized me and was about to shout, but I put my hand over her mouth.

(Y/N): Shh. I just want to talk. Just don't make a scene, or things will get ugly.

I whispered to her, making sure no one else heard me. Ilia nodded her head. I took my mouth off her hand.

(Y/N): Why are you here?

Ilia: Am I not allowed to be?

(Y/N): That depends. Are you going to start trouble?

Ilia: I'm not going to hurt anyone.

(Y/N): Good. But that doesn't fully answer my question.

Ilia: I really don't have to tell you anything.

I looked back at Corsac and Fennec.

(Y/N): Are those two really your allies?

Ilia: What do you mean?

(Y/N): I would be thinking twice about working with those guys. They did blame you for what was found your scroll after all.

Ilia looked down. I can tell she's starting to have doubts.

(Y/N): Why are you still siding with them? Wearing that mask?

Ilia: Because I believe for the equality for the Faunus.

(Y/N): That's fair, but do you believe that the White Fang will reach that goal? I know Blake sure doesn't.

Ilia gasped and looked back at me. I just smiled at her. I looked back up at Ghira, and he was about done with his speech.

(Y/N): You don't have to listen to what I'm saying, but if I see you again trying to do some unnecessary damage... I won't be afraid to send you six feet under.

Ilia stood still and silent. I sighed to myself and took my arm off her.

(Y/N): If you want, I'll be willing to turn the other cheek if you side with me and Blake.

Ilia: Wha-

(Y/N): It's just a suggestion. Me and Blake would appreciate an extra pair of hands.

I used my camouflage again and disappeared into the crowd. I saw Ilia turn around and leave, most likely to go back home and think. I made it back to Blake and went back to normal colors. Blake elbowed my arm.

Blake: Where were you?

(Y/N): I have a plan. A plan to destroy the White Fang from the inside.

(Chapter 29 end)

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