Chapter 32

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(Readers POV)

After what feels like forever, I finally made it to Haven Academy. I perched on the roof of the academy and got rid of my wings. It's nighttime, but I saw Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Qrow, and a new kid walking towards the building.

(Y/N): Why are they here at this time of night?

I started to feel something. It's the same energy that Ozpin had. I looked at back down at the group. Did I miss Ozpin?

(Y/N): No, wait. That new kid has his staff.

Is that kid Ozpin? I was about to jump down and ask, but they walked inside the building.

(Y/N): Weird. Something about this isn't right.

I started to sense something else. It's another magic energy source. Is there a maiden inside?

(Y/N): Cinder.

I clenched my teeth. I jumped down and landed at the front door. I slowly opened the door and peaked inside. I saw a black haired woman slash at the air with a sword, making a red portal. A fireball came out and hit Ruby, knocking her down. I saw Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, a short haired woman walk out.

Cinder: Hello boys and girls.

I was about to walk to stop all this, I felt a big hand grab my shoulder.

Hazel: Why are you snooping around?

Before I could turn around, I got thrown inside Have Academy, and landed on my chest near Ruby.

Ruby: (Y/N)?!

Qrow: Bird brain?

Hazel: The White Fang is prepping demolition and securing the school grounds. No one's getting in, and no one's getting out.

The White Fang is here?! How did I miss them?! The big man wearing green stepped on me, keeping me on the floor. I grabbed his leg and tried to move it, but it didn't budge. I can't believe it, this man is way stronger than Ghira.

Qrow: Raven, tell me... How long have you been with them?

Cinder: Aww, don't take it personally, little bird. Your sister was a recent addition. The lion on the other hand... Entrance into the Vytal Festival was a real treat, Leonardo's been sending Salem all sorts of information for a very, very long time. Isn't that right, professor?

Lionheart: Stop it...

Qrow: It was you... You sit on the Mistral Council. You had information on every Huntsman and Huntress in the Kingdom, and you gave it all to her?

Lionheart: I-

Qrow: I couldn't find any of them, because you let her kill them!

Cinder: Now, don't beat yourself up about it, Lionheart, I'm sure Tyrian and Hazel would've found them on their own eventually.

Jaune readied his sword and shield.

Jaune: What is wrong with you? How can you be so broken inside... To take so many lives, and then come here and rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of?!

I can tell he's pissed about Cinder being here. Is he actually going to try to fight her? I need to stop him, or that idiot is going to get himself killed.


Tears came out of his eyes. Everyone else readied their weapons.

Qrow: Everybody, stay calm!

Jaune: I'm going to make you pay for what you did! Do you hear me?!

Qrow: Kid!

Jaune: Well?! Say something!

Everyone went quiet. Cinder just stared, like she can't even see Jaune.

Cinder: ...Who are you again?

Jaune stood there in shock. His shock quickly turned into anger. He rushed at Cinder, slashing at her. Cinder made a sword and blocked Jaune's attack.

(Y/N): Crap. I need to help.

Hazel: That won't be happening.

He stomped on my chest. I felt a rib pierce one of my lungs, causing me to cough up blood.

Hazel: You're a fragile one. I'm sorry for you, I never meant to do that much damage to you.

I need to get this guy off me. I made a third arm and quickly extended it towards the guy's face, punching him. He took a step back, getting his foot off me. I quickly ran over at Cinder and jumped into the air. Cinder looked up at me and shot a fireball at me. I punched it away and went down towards her. Jaune attacked at Cinder again, making her focus on him. I came down and kicked Cinder on the head as hard as I could.

Cinder: How... Dare you!

A flame came out of her eye. She blew me and Jaune back. That's the full power of the Fall Maiden. I looked down and felt something in my heart. Regret for Amber. I looked back up at Cinder and I saw yellow-orangish wispy ball appeared in front of her.

(Y/N): Not again...

I whispered to myself. The ball formed into Amber. She just looked at me. She walked up towards me and got in front of me.

(Y/N): I-I'm sorry. I couldn't save you...

Amber: Avenge me. Please.

I just looked at her. I wasn't expecting those words to come from her. I can't tell if this is real or if I'm going crazy. I gulped and got up into a fighting stance.

(Y/N): I will.

Amber smiled at me and faded away. I rushed at Cinder. She swung her sword at me and I caught it in my hand. Some blood from my hand dripped down to the floor.

(Y/N): I know another Maiden is here! Tell me who she is!

Cinder: Why would I?

(Y/N): Because I won't let another Maiden die by your hands!

Cinder: Bold words coming from a dead man walking!

She made another sword and slashed my arm off. I took a few steps back and held my arm.

Jaune: (Y/N)!

Cinder walked up to me, about to attack again. I smiled to myself and made the bone in my arm grow, stabbing it into Cinder.

(Y/N): There. We're even now.

Cinder slashed at the bone, breaking it. I jumped back. Cinder raised her hand at me and shot out a blast of fire at me. I put my arm up to block it as back as I could. I felt the fire slowly burning my other arm away. I started to shout in pain. Cinder stopped her attack. Black smoke coming off me, I looked at myself and I don't have my arms. Parts of my legs are gone as well,

Ruby: (Y-Y/N)? NOOOOO!!!

Her eyes started to glow. I felt a power coming from her, and it's the strongest power I've ever felt. A bright light came from her, covering a lot of the area. I saw Emerald run up behind Ruby and knock her out.

Yang: Ruby!

Yang dashed at Emerald and punched her away. I started to get flashbacks from Beacon. I'm missing my arms, I'm about to pass out, and someone I care is about to die. It all reminds me of my fight with Adam. I hate it, I despise it!

Cinder: Now it's time you fall, once and for all.

Cinder slowly started to walk up to me. My head started to get filled with random thoughts. Two Maidens being here and Ozpin, I can feel all their energy and it's messing with me. I can't move my body at all, no matter how hard I try.

(Y/N): N-No... It can't end here...

Cinder smiled at me wickedly. She raised her sword up.

Cinder: Good night.

She swung her sword down. Hitting my shoulder and going down through to my chest. I can feel my mind going blank. All the blood I'm losing, I can't stay conscious for much longer. All this pain I'm in, I can't stand much more of it. Tears started to fall from my eyes.

Cinder: Aww. Crying? I bet you want your mommy now, don't you?

I felt something in my head snap after she said that. I grew one of my arms back and grabbed the blade inside me, crushing it. Cinder jumped back in surprise.

Cinder: How? How are you still standing?! You should be dead by now!

I felt all my wounds close and heal. I felt a surge of energy course through my body. This energy, it feels... Chaotic. I love it. I want more of it!

Ozpin: Everyone! Get away from him! It's coming out!

Qrow: What's coming out?


Dark sparks of electricity came from my body. My skin turned a pure white color and so did my hair. My veins became a dark purple, being easily seeable through my pure white skin. I looked at Cinder. I can see a small amount of fear in her eyes. I want fear to be the only emotion she feels.

(Y/N): Are you ready for round two?

(Chapter 32 end)

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